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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Interesting article about opportunities for businesses in relation to reduced car use....

many less people commuting into the city and more working from home means more people spend money locally and spend more of their time locally.
There was also talk of standing anti LTN candidates at next local election. I think the Labour group reckon that is far away and by then the fuss would have died down.

It has worked before - Oxford street pedestrianisation was halted due to anti candidates winning local election seats. Put the shits up the ruling Cllrs. So scheme was scrapped. Well that is how local democracy works.

The Anti-pedestrianisationisation group candidates came behind the Tories and Labour in every ward they stood. The Tories lost 3 seats to Labour - and one of the those was in the West End., The candidate there did oppose the pedestrianisation plans but also fought more broadly against the gentrification of soho.
In Waltham Forest the Labour vote went up after installing LTNs.

I'd have thought the Antis would have better luck trying to persuade local councillors rather than jumping in bed with the Tories.
Pretty sure they exist on both sides.
The Anti-pedestrianisationisation group candidates came behind the Tories and Labour in every ward they stood. ...
In Waltham Forest the Labour vote went up after installing LTNs.
Donald Trump in 2017 said:
You also had some very fine people on both sides.

just sayin’. Though I do agree that the vast majority of anti-ltn campaigners are just worried local folk, there is basically nil occurrence of threats, gaslighting, and bigotry in the pro-ltn side and quite a lot on the anti- side. Its bad for the soul to make common cause with these cunts. Please prove me wrong.
I'm not a member of any pro-LTN groups but I'm surprised by the toxicity of the OneLambeth FB group.
I’m the same as you I joined one Lambeth (not a member of anywhere else) to see what was being said and it’s awful ☹️ So much hate
They were complaining of being banned from the Tulse Hill LTN WhatsApp group.
The Anti-pedestrianisationisation group candidates came behind the Tories and Labour in every ward they stood. The Tories lost 3 seats to Labour - and one of the those was in the West End., The candidate there did oppose the pedestrianisation plans but also fought more broadly against the gentrification of soho.
In Waltham Forest the Labour vote went up after installing LTNs.

I'd have thought the Antis would have better luck trying to persuade local councillors rather than jumping in bed with the Tories.

My mistake but the campaign against pedestrianisation was successful. Both Labour and Tory candidates locally ended up opposing the scheme at election time.


LABOUR candidates contesting the key West End marginal ward have defied London Mayor Sadiq Khan by opposing his plans to pedestrianise Oxford Street.

Pancho Lewis, Patrick Lilley and Caroline Saville said be they “could not support these proposals” until a long list of residents’ concerns are resolved. They were responding to a list of questions from the Soho Society ahead of the organisation’s hustings last night

It needs to be remembered that Councils are getting money from this Tory government to bring in these alterations to roads.

Its not simple issue of who which side is getting in bed with.
I can see why some people are getting really pissed off with this experiment. I'm all for reducing traffic and reducing car use, but this is how my road looks like every fucking evening. Who wants to cycle amongst all that pollution or walk past this?

After what happened to Rachel Heywood in Loughborough Junction I don't think any Labour Cllr is going to take up issues of LTNs on behalf of anti residents.
I know she got kicked out of the Labour Party - however, she then stood as an independent. But not many people voted for her.
After what happened to Rachel Heywood in Loughborough Junction I don't think any Labour Cllr is going to take up issues of LTNs on behalf of anti residents.
What happened to Rachel was terrible. Lambeth acted disgracefully when she was doing exactly what a councillor should do.

As I recall, she was so fearful that the party would do a hatchet job on her when she declared herself as an independent candidate, she held back announcing her decision until it was pretty much too late to make an impact in the election.

I've no idea who my current councillor is. Never seen or heard from them.
And they complain about LTN groups banning people who are anti LTN

They being residents who try to join community Whatsapp groups where they are told it's for 'open minded chat pro or negative' but then get booted out if they offer any criticism.

The Facebook group is very open in that its for those against the LTNs only.
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What happened to Rachel was terrible. Lambeth acted disgracefully when she was doing exactly what a councillor should do.

As I recall, she was so fearful that the party would do a hatchet job on her when she declared herself as an independent candidate, she held back announcing her decision until it was pretty much too late to make an impact in the election.

I've no idea who my current councillor is. Never seen or heard from them.

I remember her. It wasn't just the LTNs but a number of other things she went against party on because it just wasn't right. As someone said she was really doing her job as people wanted.
I don’t know who wrote that motion but clearly someone very angry not just about LTNs but Labour in general. When your audience is 67 Labour, 3 greens (who you also have a pop at) and 1 Tory, I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy. Just out of interest are all the labour councillors more moderate or do some support momentum?
I don’t know who wrote that motion but clearly someone very angry not just about LTNs but Labour in general. When your audience is 67 Labour, 3 greens (who you also have a pop at) and 1 Tory, I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy. Just out of interest are all the labour councillors more moderate or do some support momentum?

Still its one person who can force the other councillors to listen to people who have been impacted.....and can keep doing it. People don't really care that he is a conservative, he's picked a battle no one else would so....whats there to lose on his side and the people against these things?

Not all Labour councillors are for it. They are not going against it...but they are definately worried. One came by the protest I was at - the second one I think? - and gave some good advice to those protesting about moving forwards
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I don’t know who wrote that motion but clearly someone very angry not just about LTNs but Labour in general. When your audience is 67 Labour, 3 greens (who you also have a pop at) and 1 Tory, I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy. Just out of interest are all the labour councillors more moderate or do some support momentum?
It's written by the tory Councillor mentioned earlier, I assume.
I'm not a member of any pro-LTN groups but I'm surprised by the toxicity of the OneLambeth FB group.

I was invited in by a work colleague and i've never seen her so angry as when they shes posting on there. I can tell when she has been on there because she is so tense from looking at all the pictures and making ocmments.

I limit myself to a bit of browsing in the evening when my daughter has gone to bed!
I don’t know who wrote that motion but clearly someone very angry not just about LTNs but Labour in general. When your audience is 67 Labour, 3 greens (who you also have a pop at) and 1 Tory, I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy. Just out of interest are all the labour councillors more moderate or do some support momentum?

Lambeth Council is run by the Progress wing of the party. They have tight control over who gets to be a Cllr.

A few Cllrs may be more moderate but they are not going to go against the ruling clique of right wing Progress supporters.

No one professing support for Momentum has any chance of becoming a Cllr.

Last left Cllr Kingsley was levered out some time ago.

Progress get nasty with people who don't support them . They destroyed Rachel.
What happened to Rachel was terrible. Lambeth acted disgracefully when she was doing exactly what a councillor should do.

As I recall, she was so fearful that the party would do a hatchet job on her when she declared herself as an independent candidate, she held back announcing her decision until it was pretty much too late to make an impact in the election.

I've no idea who my current councillor is. Never seen or heard from them.

I and a group of locals went canvassing for her when she stood as independent. Against the Labour party machine. They went into overdrive to make sure she would not be elected.

Standing as Independent is difficult as on ballot paper you can only say Independent. Not Labour. Even though Lambeth Labour Cllrs don't stand for actual Labour in a real sense.
I can see why some people are getting really pissed off with this experiment. I'm all for reducing traffic and reducing car use, but this is how my road looks like every fucking evening. Who wants to cycle amongst all that pollution or walk past this?

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Yes, Coldharbour Lane is badly congested. But what evidence is there that this is the result of the LTNs? Please give examples of what point to point routes that previously used a road now closed by a LTN that have now diverted to Coldharbour Lane. I just can't think of any, apart from the trivial example of someone wanting to drive from one end of Shakespeare Road to the other end. I occasionally used Shakespeare Road and/or Railton Roads as a cut through but now I would divert to Milkwood Road, if heading towards Walworth or Camberwell, or Effra Road if heading to Brixton/Oval/Vauxhall. Why would I divert to the Brixton end of Coldharbour Lane?
Yes, Coldharbour Lane is badly congested. But what evidence is there that this is the result of the LTNs? Please give examples of what point to point routes that previously used a road now closed by a LTN that have now diverted to Coldharbour Lane. I just can't think of any, apart from the trivial example of someone wanting to drive from one end of Shakespeare Road to the other end. I occasionally used Shakespeare Road and/or Railton Roads as a cut through but now I would divert to Milkwood Road, if heading towards Walworth or Camberwell, or Effra Road if heading to Brixton/Oval/Vauxhall. Why would I divert to the Brixton end of Coldharbour Lane?

Why would point to point examples matter? If other roads are choc sat nav will send ppl down other, indirect routes, like Coldharbour.........until Coldharbour becomes choc....and so the pattern repeats itself and spreads.

I think he/she said they live on Coldharbour, so that's a good personal yasdstick for knowing when traffic is bad. Same with my road - I can tell when its bad because it was never full of cars but now it is, almost the whole way at almost any time of the day.. What's the only change? The LTNs!

17 years living and working in the middle of Brixton and i've never seen anything like this traffic.
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Why would point to point examples matter? If other roads are choc sat nav will send ppl down other, indirect routes, like Coldharbour.........until Coldharbour becomes choc....and so the pattern repeats itself and spreads.

I think he/she said they live on Coldharbour, so that's a good personal yasdstick for knowing when traffic is bad. Same with my road - I can tell when its bad because it was never full of cars but now it is, almost the whole way at almost any time of the day.. What's the only change? The LTNs!

17 years living and working in the middle of Brixton and i've never seen anything like this traffic.
Effra Road northbound has also been really bad at times lately. Possibly related in part to Railton LTN? I don't think it is a result of the St Matthews Rd closure (runs parallel to Effra) in particular because there was never a huge volume of rat running there (and of those that used to rat run, a good proportion still seem to :rolleyes: ). I don't drive through the new gates but instead have sat in Effra Road for up to 20 minutes for the stretch from Sainsburys to the north end of Effra Road. Basically, instead of an uninterrupted 40s run down my own street past the front of our homes, I can spend 10-20 mins chugging away on the opposite side of the same homes. That was of course until I realised I could skip Effra Road and go home a much longer but quicker route using a network of residential roads between Effra and Railton. Instead of just driving the length of the road I live on. That said, Saltoun Road seemed pretty busy today so maybe that won't last for long.

Previously if I was approaching from Herne Hill direction, I would drive Dulwich Road and Brixton Water Lane. Since they closed St Matthews Road, I take any road through Poets corner onto Railton Road and then take any combination of roads to come out at St Matthews Church. It's not going to change the frequency of my driving as I'm already infrequent and only drive when it's necessary - e.g. moving big or heavy stuff, or buying a pint of milk obviously. But there are others on my road who need to drive daily for work and are doing similar things. Sitting in traffic queues on the one side of our homes instead of sailing past them on the other. Or rat running through several narrow residential streets instead of their their own.

I'd love to hear from someone who has been dissuaded from driving by the gates around our way. I'm not against well designed traffic controls but, just for starters, feel pretty confident that these gates would work more efficiently with limited exemptions for local residents who have no option but to use those roads to get home. I'd actually gladly have a 10mph HomeZone outside my house. That would actually improve my local environment and quality of life far more than the fiddly bollocks we have been delivered.

And of course - ban all Car Free Town Hall vehicles from parking in the street. :mad:
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Pretty rich for Pimlico Plumbers to claim to be the champion of “real working people”. This was the company that tried to avoid paying its workers holiday and sick pay by claiming they were self-employed when they weren’t. The case went to the Supreme Court and they lost:

LOL I have nearly started a thread a couple of times on here but too bloody lazy, it would have been "what's your shittest pimlico plumbers experience?" - seriously these guys are some of the blaggiest. overcharging wankers IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD! I'd forgotten about them recently but my sister recently rang them to get something done for my (very elderly, obviously vulnerable) Dad and jesus they have over-charged - £970 for a boiler service? That took 2 hours? (allegedly). Fucking piss takers. This was a £200 job at most, and just to put salt into the wound, the fucking boilers broken down in the last week, just 3 weeks later.

Honestly, never, ever ring Pimlico Plumbers for anything ever. They are arseholes on a stick.

If they are against it, I'm for it, don't really care what it is.
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