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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Is there a maximum size of shop you can visit then? It must be nearly 100 yards from the disabled parking spaces to the back of Tesco and presumably places like shopping malls are out of the question - somewhere like Westfield must be 500m from end to end?
Clearly yõu have no idea of reality whatsóever.

The disabled bays at Tesco's Acre Lane are âbout 20 yards from the store entřance.

And what the hell has WESTFIELD gót to dó with anything¿

Why not BŮTT OŮT of things that you have Naff All knowledğe of¿

Cyclists should have to pay towards costs of Cycle Lanes - and I don't wanna here grit about WE ALL PAY ALREADY!

Since you asked... taxpayers all pay towards the cost of cycle lanes, including cyclist taxpayers, of which I'm one.

And we all pay towards the cost of roads, and the much more significant wear and tear created to roads by cars, even those of us including me which don't own a car.

Those of us that don't own cars also pay through our taxes whenever a lunatic drives his or her car into street infrastructure, as has happened regularly along Coldharbour Lane, Dulwich Rd and Railton Rd in the past few months. Repair costs often run into the £ tens of thousands.

We also pay through our taxes for the health costs which are borne (by people obviously but also) by the NHS of pollution created by cars.

When someone chooses to smoke, mostly, these days, laws protect other people from their smoke (although not immediate members of their family, sadly), and the taxes on cigarettes outweigh the costs to society.

But when someone chooses to drive, the negative costs for everyone else are shared equally by the whole of society, not just the person choosing to drive.

Very unfair.
Why not BŮTT OŮT of things that you have Naff ll knowledğe of¿

Also, not sure if you've noticed, but there seems to be a problem with your keyboard. Looks like they're under a tenner on Amazon - we could have a whip round to get you one that works if you like?

Agree, that Lambeth did not/are not consulting before putting in the temporary schemes - there has not been time to do this - as we know consultations can take years...
I guess the way I read 'a more permanent LTN' is different. Some measures might actually work in reducing traffic without major knock on effects and these could be kept. What I find sad is this outright rejection of something which could improve residents lives - not even wanting to try something different for the sake of the future generations.
But I also agree that the way the 'PR' has been handled by Lambeth is terrible and has not helped the situation. But hey, after 25 years in the borough, I've sort of come to expect this.
I don’t think it was an outright rejection just a daunting realisation, that ppl on the outside of the LTN grid were experiencing disadvantages from day one and these unwelcome changes got ‘worse’ but voices ‘in side’ the LTN (who appeared to be way ahead of the game) brushed off these concerns as ‘some inconvenience’ so an obvious resentment grew which changed to incredulity as the examples of prior LTN success being quoted at residents were revealed to be so dreadful! Waltham Forest 1% reduction in traffic with a 53% reduction in business revenue! ( one examp) So who flogged this to local council & residents that they are so roundly impressed with such evidence and their neighbours are considered ungrateful or divisive for not going along with it?
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I dunno Brassed off , I see alot of these petitions and groups calling for LTNs to to stopped, which to me seems like a rejection.
Some of the language I find quite alarming... comparing it to like living in a dictatorship, Communist country, being 'kettled' etc.
It's such a shame that something that aims improve the quality of life for people has become so devisive by the way it's been implemented
No, it doesn't.

It also doesn't prove that there will be no problems with displaced traffic.

It's just a record of the actual situation at a certain time on a certain day.

When we're all in our 90s and arguing about whether a liveable neighbourhood scheme should be implemented somewhere around brixton and someone says but don't you remember back in 2020 when they tried the railton road one and there was constant traffic chaos for weeks I'll quote that post and say no, it was mainly just that the anti camp won the twitter propaganda battle and lambeth bottled it before we could see the real results.
It’s already displacing Traffic! Ask them on Milkwood, Coldharbour, Acre Land! And there is barely any Traffic in London at the moment many ppl still away.Although LTN are already causing chaos at many times of the day! Fiire Engine stuck OneFerndale LTN,yesterday & a local GP on camera calling out poor LTN planning and extreme difficulty for her and her district nurses. You are determined to leave any criticism of LTN unaddressed! The concerns they raise are not going away however much you wish they would.
It's such a shame that something that aims improve the quality of life for people has become so devisive by the way it's been implemented
It's not just the implementation, these schemes are intended to be divisive. The explicit aim is to frustrate local drivers out of their cars. The health & wellbeing benefits are mostly for insiders, though not spread evenly, as insiders with disabilities or mobility restrictions are particularly aggrieved about the effect on them. Anticipated financial gains are reserved for insider homeowners and landlords. Additional pressure on the surrounding arteries means those who live or work there are likely to see their quality of life fall.

That is all divisive and is all by design.

It's also by design that they are being imposed at a time when division is least appropriate. We've witnessed extraordinary cohesive mutuality in the face of the virus and no-one knows what will be required in the future. To deliberately stir up communities at this time is pretty much the opposite of what's needed, particularly when so many people are frightened of public transport and, with so many working from home, commuting is way down anyway.
There’s one worker for a local hospital / NHS trust who is very against it. Turns out they’re the local physical activity champion tasked with delivery a community health programme where one of its main delivery methods is promoting active travel (walking and cycling as part of an social prescription programme).
Yes! And?? That’s exactly what that nurse does and she and many other health care professionals are very concerned about a scheme that pushes more pollution on to already polluted residential main roads! She is doing her job she alone pointed out Lambeth had not produced an EIA and the one they subsequently then cobbled together is inadequate and is being looked into by disabilities charities currently. A GP on Ferndale LTN yesterday, just like our nurse resident, was on camera yesterday calling out how the LTN’s disadvantage disabled, sick & dying neighbours in her community. Stop brushing ppls concerns under the carpet they are genuine.
Of course, before any of these schemes were started, there was no division. Harmony on the roads, and an extensive consensus about which road users should have priority where. Sure, a bit of congestion and air pollution and a few cars smashed into bus stops and so on, but the status quo was working just fine and the community was agreed on that.
The explicit aim is to frustrate local drivers out of their cars.

I didn't quote all your post as this is the bit I want to respond to. Absolutely this is the aim - for those who have the option to use an alternative such as walking, cycling, scooting - YES. Then there will be more space/less congestion on the roads for those who have to use their cars. Example - a good friend of mine who lives 10 minutes walk from me always drives to visit me. Why? - no other reason than he can. He has two good legs and even a bike! I would never drive to his house. If we can encourage people like him to walk, then this means less cars. I'm working on him....:thumbs:, thinking of not letting him in unless he's left his car behind!

I know it's not this simple, but we have to try and do something to cut unnecessary car journeys. People just won't do it unless they are made to
I've been browsing Eno's twitter posts. Non-stop stream of insane, racist, misogynistic, anti-Scottish bile.



I recommend you APOLOGISE for calling me a RACIST.

Your comments are libellous .

You are also in breach, inter alia, of the Terms of Use of this platform.
I've been browsing Eno's twitter posts. Non-stop stream of insane, racist, misogynistic, anti-Scottish bile.

Self-important and presumptuous to think anyone cares enough about what you think to act on this. If you have something to report or something you want to share, go ahead, otherwise it's just smearing someone you disagree with.
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Self-important and presumptuous to think anyone cares enough about what you think to act on this. If you have something to report or something you want to share, go ahead, otherwise it's just smearing someone you disagree with.

Unfortunately wurlycurly is so typical of the sôrt of unbalanced bigøt whose prejudices are so deeply ingrained he regularly resorts to personal abuse in place of reasoned argument.

This forum needs to rid itself of such maliģn influences.
I dunno Brassed off , I see alot of these petitions and groups calling for LTNs to to stopped, which to me seems like a rejection.
Some of the language I find quite alarming... comparing it to like living in a dictatorship, Communist country, being 'kettled' etc.
It's such a shame that something that aims improve the quality of life for people has become so devisive by the way it's been implemented
Well sparkybird your community has 1000’s of voices and they may not all dovetail into ‘perfect’ measured presentation, but none the less they all want clean green schemes to walk cycle and live with clean air, but when communities know they are repeatedly being handed the ‘shitty end’ of the stick they are not fools. What so frustrating is Lambeths slow peeved inabilities to acknowledge this! Many of Those deeply committed to the scheme have gone out of their way to belittle and marginalise those who have concerns. Still no one knows the metrics for success we are repeatedly linked Waltham Forest report which talks of overall improvement to car journeys as 1% is that what Lambeth have bought into? Schools streets/timed bollards/ play streets/ electric cars & busses/ Speed cams everywhere at 20mph. and not schemes where councillors & MPs trash their neighbours& constituents.
Well sparkybird your community has 1000’s of voices and they may not all dovetail into ‘perfect’ measured presentation, but none the less they all want clean green schemes to walk cycle and live with clean air, but when communities know they are repeatedly being handed the ‘shitty end’ of the stick they are not fools. What so frustrating is Lambeths slow peeved inabilities to acknowledge this! Many of Those deeply committed to the scheme have gone out of their way to belittle and marginalise those who have concerns. Still no one knows the metrics for success we are repeatedly linked Waltham Forest report which talks of overall improvement to car journeys as 1% is that what Lambeth have bought into? Schools streets/timed bollards/ play streets/ electric cars & busses/ Speed cams everywhere at 20mph. and not schemes where councillors & MPs trash their neighbours& constituents.
Excellent stuff!


Yesterday's protest looks like it was a bit underwhelming.

So some guy from Islington, the ex UKIP indie mayoral candidate, some aggro Taxi driver from Hackney who turns up to protest pretty much anything (and always wears the same outfit). It's looking like most of these people aren't even from south of the river, let alone local.

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