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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Just absolute crap to distract from the crap 13 years of Tory. And since Uxbridge they see this as a dividing line from Labour. No conviction behind just cover for the fact Sunak has no actual policies. The Tories hate this country.

Basically the desperate dying throws of this government. Absolute bastards.
It seems Rishi is coming out against Active travel measures. Do people really care about this apart from a few cranks?

Local cranks will but I think excepting maybe Streatham Wells or less so the new Brixton Hill, the LTNs are largely a dead issue in Lambeth.

Tories tried to base their 2022 council campaign on LTNs but that didn't seem to help.
Local cranks will but I think excepting maybe Streatham Wells or less so the new Brixton Hill, the LTNs are largely a dead issue in Lambeth.

Tories tried to base their 2022 council campaign on LTNs but that didn't seem to help.
I think “war on motorist” narrative works nationally even though most of the measures introduced won’t effect most. So many people are so tied to their cars and want to blame congestion on anything else apart from too many cars and just want to feel hard done by.

It’s the exact opposite of conviction politics and just looking for votes by doing nothing and opposing anything that might actually improve things.

The Tories just want to point at areas where Labour is in government eg. London & Wales and pretend they’re the opposition to distract from their 13 years of having done fuck all except run the country down.
I think “war on motorist” narrative works nationally even though most of the measures introduced won’t effect most. So many people are so tied to their cars and want to blame congestion on anything else apart from too many cars and just want to feel hard done by.

It’s the exact opposite of conviction politics and just looking for votes by doing nothing and opposing anything that might actually improve things.

The Tories just want to point at areas where Labour is in government eg. London & Wales and pretend they’re the opposition to distract from their 13 years of having done fuck all except run the country down.

Oh sure that seems likely to be the plan.

But I wonder how effective that will be. There's fuck all local media anywhere anymore and many people don't read the national papers or tabloids, or watch TV news so where are they going to get this message hammered home?
Oh sure that seems likely to be the plan.

But I wonder how effective that will be. There's fuck all local media anywhere anymore and many people don't read the national papers or tabloids, or watch TV news so where are they going to get this message hammered home?
Yeah, it’s probably not that effective electorally but can see Labour nationally getting scared and following along and setting back such measures. Depressing.
the Tory strategy is pretty clear. They want to try to absorb the reform UK vote. It’s their only chance of not being wiped out. It means they’re going to be even bigger cunts than they normally are for the next year, which will be quite an achievement. The one task that they may be qualified for.
I hope so. The traffic in there can't be healthy for the children/residents. And now it's worse than it was with a lot more stationary traffic.
Traffic still horrendous outside gd's school on New Park Road. I wish they'd hurry up and make it a street school already. There was beeping and stressed out drivers all along the queue. It was never like this before. (it had been quiet for a few days while there were some road works on Brixton Hill, but as soon as that was done traffic hell was unleashed)
Traffic still horrendous outside gd's school on New Park Road. I wish they'd hurry up and make it a street school already. There was beeping and stressed out drivers all along the queue. It was never like this before. (it had been quiet for a few days while there were some road works on Brixton Hill, but as soon as that was done traffic hell was unleashed)
I’m struggling to see how the LTN makes New Park Rd traffic worse but I might be missing something.

So annoying that TfL blocked the road being a proper part of the LTN. The Brixton Hill / Sth circular needs to be redesigned so it can take the traffic.
What a surprise. Anti LTNer (and fascist nutter) Laurence Fox lives in a cul-de-sac. St Martin’s Rd in Stockwell.

LTN opponents tried to gate crash a meeting Bell Ribeiro-Addy had arranged with Brixton Hill businesses last week and successfully disrupted an estate residents one last night. These people are just crazy not to realise these actions will do nothing to help their campaign.

Someone has taken some tools and cut through the lamppost supporting the camera at the junction between Amesbury and Faygate road
It's not anything to do with an LTN but near to me in Loughborough Junction there's a temporary pedestrian crossing with associated traffic lights - yesterday someone had turned one of the traffic lights around so it was not visible to drivers. So people could press the button at the crossing, get a green man and then be totally unprotected from traffic in one direction. But maybe someone was proud they'd avoided motorists having their human rights infringed by having to stop for 30 seconds .
Streatham Wells LTN started on Monday.

Slightly chaotic for the first few days as bits of Leigham Court Road were closed due to Thames Water fixing broken pipes, and Google Maps etc haven't fully updated yet.

But now on day 3 residents are reporting much quieter roads. One said they could hear birdsong instead of traffic noise for the first time in a long time.

Streatham Action has a meeting next week focussed solely on the LTN (they don’t seem to do much else). They’re led by Tory councillor candidate Neil Salt who based his failed election campaign on removing LTNs 🙄 They seem determined to whip up anti sentiment to them - can’t see why it’s helpful to have a meeting solely focused on it less than 2 weeks into the trial!
Streatham Wells LTN started on Monday.

Slightly chaotic for the first few days as bits of Leigham Court Road were closed due to Thames Water fixing broken pipes, and Google Maps etc haven't fully updated yet.

But now on day 3 residents are reporting much quieter roads. One said they could hear birdsong instead of traffic noise for the first time in a long time.

Slightly chaotic might be an understatement, the local WhatsApp groups were popping off.

It's early days though so hopefully things will smooth out and Streatham high road will not be so much of a parking lot long term.
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