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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I'm not questioning whether the initial install is a good thing or not.

I'm just questioning whether tying the ongoing maintenance to a private volunteer is sustainable long term.

Isn't the whole point of local government to keep essential services like parks going and keeping the streets clean? How much of an additional overhead would it cost the council, there is only 1 per ward!
I get there could be an issue of volunteers move away etc but I guess the hope is there are enough community minded people that would want to take over.

It’s not an essential service but an extra so not the council shirking responsibility.

There was a demonstration of how this can work on Rattray Rd where someone had done this of their own accord but the lovely folks of OneLambeth were outraged and made sure it was removed.

I'm not questioning whether the initial install is a good thing or not.

I'm just questioning whether tying the ongoing maintenance to a private volunteer is sustainable long term.

Isn't the whole point of local government to keep essential services like parks going and keeping the streets clean? How much of an additional overhead would it cost the council, there is only 1 per ward!
Yes, that was the point of local government, but years of cuts to budgets (and ever increasing costs of social care, which for some reason fall locally rather than to the national NHS) means theres ever less money for that sort of stuff. The answer would be higher council tax but there would be screams of anguish and right wing press attacks on wasteful lefty councils if Lambeth did that (and in any case, national government limits how much they're even allowed to increase council tax by)

OneLambeth were (and the few remaining obsessives weirdos) always going on about 'community' - isn't a bit of local litter picking just that? Theres someone who's always posting images of bits of litter around one of the Railton filters - don't call yourself 'community minded' if you walk past litter without picking it up and putting it in a bin. It takes seconds. It's not like every house doesn't have a recycling bin outside it.

I just do that as a matter of course when I'm walking around the neighbourhood.
Never let logic or a need for coherence get in the way of a rant.

They're going to stop my road being a through road and that's going to make it busier and more polluted because they're going to make it a through road and the speed they drive down before the restrictions have gone in is so unacceptable and dangerous I nearly got 'taken out' so nothing needs to change.

Never let logic or a need for coherence get in the way of a rant.

They're going to stop my road being a through road and that's going to make it busier and more polluted because they're going to make it a through road and the speed they drive down before the restrictions have gone in is so unacceptable and dangerous I nearly got 'taken out' so nothing needs to change.

View attachment 389600

I’d wondered about this - Lyham road is a rat run.

It’s also the only place in the area with “no to ltn” signs, which I’ve never understood - the residents will benefit the most.

There are three filters on lyham road, so it won’t become a rat run.

The points in makes are so absurd and the opposite of reality you wonder if they understand the scheme at all or is this astroturf ?

I’d wondered about this - Lyham road is a rat run.

It’s also the only place in the area with “no to ltn” signs, which I’ve never understood - the residents will benefit the most.

There are three filters on lyham road, so it won’t become a rat run.

The points in makes are so absurd and the opposite of reality you wonder if they understand the scheme at all or is this astroturf ?

Lots of people living in LTNs are against them as they prioritise their driving convenience over quiet roads.

Antis always like to claim that LTNs are about people wanting to make their own road quiet but that fails to notice that people don’t just stick to their own street. Think it comes from a very car focussed view and only seeing roads as something you drive along. It’s been great seeing the roads change for the better throughout Lambeth & the rest of London!
Lots of people living in LTNs are against them as they prioritise their driving convenience over quiet roads.

Antis always like to claim that LTNs are about people wanting to make their own road quiet but that fails to notice that people don’t just stick to their own street. Think it comes from a very car focussed view and only seeing roads as something you drive along. It’s been great seeing the roads change for the better throughout Lambeth & the rest of London!

He even complains about the speed of traffic on lyham road !!

I want to say “he’s so close to getting it” but he really isn’t.

The Lambeth documentation say that 85-100% of traffic in the evening rush hour is not local traffic. This means that traffic on lyham will reduce more than 6x !

He even complains about the speed of traffic on lyham road !!

I want to say “he’s so close to getting it” but he really isn’t.

The Lambeth documentation say that 85-100% of traffic in the evening rush hour is not local traffic. This means that traffic on lyham will reduce more than 6x !

Lyham Road (Dumbarton Rd) will be soooo much better. Making in one way at Kings Avenue obv reduced traffic but reckon it just means the rat running traffic could go faster.

Noticeable that for the big houses in Clapham they went the whole hog and closed Clarence Lane completely.

The LTNs really show their measure when it goes to super busy road like Lyham Rd, Valley Rd, Railton Rd & Upper Tulse Hill. We design main roads for traffic with no parking and red routes - absolutely no reason these roads without those interventions shld have constant traffic.
Lyham Road (Dumbarton Rd) will be soooo much better. Making in one way at Kings Avenue obv reduced traffic but reckon it just means the rat running traffic could go faster.

With the ltn there is no rat run, as the only lyham traffic in at kings ave is access.

It’s all people going south/east or. North/west doing lyham/dunbarton or east/west on dunbarton/Thornbury.

Also I strongly suspect the people speeding are non-residents.
NextDoor antis now banging on about parklets & e-scooters. They’ve given up even bothering how they’re simply just pro-car at all costs.

They’re a fantastic example of how not to influence policy (that and not actually having any worthwhile policies to promote).
In hindsight I think my advice to the antis would have been to join their local Labour parties en masses and then attempt to hijack their ward organisation
The LTNs really show their measure when it goes to super busy road like Lyham Rd, Valley Rd, Railton Rd & Upper Tulse Hill. We design main roads for traffic with no parking and red routes - absolutely no reason these roads without those interventions shld have constant traffic.
Leigham Court road :(

But in general I agree with you
Leigham Court road :(

But in general I agree with you
Leigham Court Rd definitely needs dealing with but difficult to see how. Hopefully stopping the SW roads being rat runs will help a bit but better to have most streets safer than just all being flooded with cars.
That and maybe at least try and be civil to councillors rather than going straight for talking about dictatorship etc.
Many of these people are mentally ill. I am currently visiting people in San Francisco (where berkley is an amazing example of much needed traffic interventions working!) and I see the same mental illness at work here. The cars are these people's way of not having to deal with other people as people.
Lyham Road (Dumbarton Rd) will be soooo much better. Making in one way at Kings Avenue obv reduced traffic but reckon it just means the rat running traffic could go faster.

Noticeable that for the big houses in Clapham they went the whole hog and closed Clarence Lane completely.

The LTNs really show their measure when it goes to super busy road like Lyham Rd, Valley Rd, Railton Rd & Upper Tulse Hill. We design main roads for traffic with no parking and red routes - absolutely no reason these roads without those interventions shld have constant traffic.
Having cycled through the new Brixton Hill LTN over the last few days, it's already much much nicer. On Strathleven Rd and Lyahm Rd, I would used to need my wits about me watching out for vehicles aggressively overtaking or passing at speed in the opposite direction. Now it's so much quieter, and a much more pleasant ride, exactly matching my experience on the other side of Brixton Hill. There are still some confused cars doing U-turns to navigate around, but otherwise a big improvement.

New Park Road remaining a one-way corner cut has had the predictable effect and traffic backs up along it. A nice concentration of vehicles and pollution outside the primary school :thumbs:

The transition between neighbouring LTNs still sucks btw. I'm heading from the general area of High Trees towards Chelsea so I have to cross Brixton Hill, Acre Lane and Clapham High Street. If I'm following the LTN cycle-only filters, the crossings of these roads are completely uncontrolled. I have to deal with 2 to 4 lanes of vehicular traffic that does not care for a bicycle trying to get from one side to the other. FIxing that would take more intervention than some planters and cameras though, so it's unlikely to happen :(
Having cycled through the new Brixton Hill LTN over the last few days, it's already much much nicer. On Strathleven Rd and Lyahm Rd, I would used to need my wits about me watching out for vehicles aggressively overtaking or passing at speed in the opposite direction. Now it's so much quieter, and a much more pleasant ride, exactly matching my experience on the other side of Brixton Hill. There are still some confused cars doing U-turns to navigate around, but otherwise a big improvement.

New Park Road remaining a one-way corner cut has had the predictable effect and traffic backs up along it. A nice concentration of vehicles and pollution outside the primary school :thumbs:

The transition between neighbouring LTNs still sucks btw. I'm heading from the general area of High Trees towards Chelsea so I have to cross Brixton Hill, Acre Lane and Clapham High Street. If I'm following the LTN cycle-only filters, the crossings of these roads are completely uncontrolled. I have to deal with 2 to 4 lanes of vehicular traffic that does not care for a bicycle trying to get from one side to the other. FIxing that would take more intervention than some planters and cameras though, so it's unlikely to happen :(
Yes - it’s so much better already & have seen tons of people cycling on a Lyham Rd.

Was on New Park Road this morning and cars & vans were taking the chicanes at speed with no oncoming traffic - think that’s going to need to be looked after.

Correct about the crossing of main roads being awful - think Holmewood Rds - Morrish Rd is due to get some treatment with the cycle lane going in there to Streatham Hill.
Actually, thinking back, crossing Clapham High St. is ok-ish heading North, as the traffic lights are in your favour. Heading South you've got a few options to take, none of which are pleasant.
Yes - it’s so much better already & have seen tons of people cycling on a Lyham Rd.

Was on New Park Road this morning and cars & vans were taking the chicanes at speed with no oncoming traffic - think that’s going to need to be looked after.

Correct about the crossing of main roads being awful - think Holmewood Rds - Morrish Rd is due to get some treatment with the cycle lane going in there to Streatham Hill.
I don't know if that's happening any more, what with the squeeze on TfL finances. The consulation report came back in 2021, but it no longer appears in TfL's list of projects.

Old documents available here:

The transition between neighbouring LTNs still sucks btw. I'm heading from the general area of High Trees towards Chelsea so I have to cross Brixton Hill, Acre Lane and Clapham High Street. If I'm following the LTN cycle-only filters, the crossings of these roads are completely uncontrolled. I have to deal with 2 to 4 lanes of vehicular traffic that does not care for a bicycle trying to get from one side to the other. FIxing that would take more intervention than some planters and cameras though, so it's unlikely to happen :(
The issue there is that generally you're crossing a TfL road so it needs them, rather than Lambeth Council, to produce and build crossings. Long term there is supposed to be a proper protected cycleway along the A23 all the way to Oval (ie the Streatham Hill bit that's been consulted, designed and approved is just the first stage). That would mean that any junction changes to link Lambeth LTNS (Atlantic Road - Ferndale Road or Lambert-Josephine or Upper Tulse Hill-Dumbarton) are unlikely to happen until either that scheme gets designed (if not built)
The issue there is that generally you're crossing a TfL road so it needs them, rather than Lambeth Council, to produce and build crossings. Long term there is supposed to be a proper protected cycleway along the A23 all the way to Oval (ie the Streatham Hill bit that's been consulted, designed and approved is just the first stage). That would mean that any junction changes to link Lambeth LTNS (Atlantic Road - Ferndale Road or Lambert-Josephine or Upper Tulse Hill-Dumbarton) are unlikely to happen until either that scheme gets designed (if not built)
Yep, it's a great example of the silly way local government is divided in London.

A protected lane all the way to Oval eh? I'd love to see how they plan to handle Brixton high street!
Yep, it's a great example of the silly way local government is divided in London.

A protected lane all the way to Oval eh? I'd love to see how they plan to handle Brixton high street!
🤷‍♂️. When Andrew Gilligan left when Sadiq was elected it was in his (public) “handover report” as what he saw as the next priority. There’s been various mentions over the years.

We got continuous 24/7 bus lanes - I guess that’s all there was the political will for in the short term.
The interesting thing is that now the satnav routes don’t send cars through Brixton hill ltn - despite people cutting wires on cameras ( which look to be cut every time I walk past ), the positive effects of the ltn are in effect.
The interesting thing is that now the satnav routes don’t send cars through Brixton hill ltn - despite people cutting wires on cameras ( which look to be cut every time I walk past ), the positive effects of the ltn are in effect.

I don't recall wire cutting being a big thing on the Tulse Hill ones, more paint throwing
The interesting thing is that now the satnav routes don’t send cars through Brixton hill ltn - despite people cutting wires on cameras ( which look to be cut every time I walk past ), the positive effects of the ltn are in effect.
have you reported these? When we had the paint throwing in Tulse Hill reports were generally followed up pretty quickly
Haven’t seen any vandalism in Brixton Hill LTN but will keep a look out and report of I do.

Great that Google Maps seems to have got them now and Dumbarton Rd is now no vehicles from Brixton Hill the bollard won’t take a hammering and traffic in the hill can move more freely!
Haven’t seen any vandalism in Brixton Hill LTN but will keep a look out and report of I do.

Great that Google Maps seems to have got them now and Dumbarton Rd is now no vehicles from Brixton Hill the bollard won’t take a hammering and traffic in the hill can move more freely!

I’ve not reported it, but the camera behind Harris on lyham road always looks like it’s been done.
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