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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Oh good. Can't wait to have local ward referendums on these.

Although since I don't live in one but next to three (well, one incoming), I guess I shall remain unconsulted.

Which ones weren’t you consulted on? If anything it’s been painfully slow process with each LTN taking several years.

Unsurprisingly the PM is very light on detail - seems to want to review them but what does that entail? Can’t see it removing any of the Lambeth ones as there’s been plenty on monitoring.

But hey - they’ve just announced new drilling on the North Sea to own the libs so alls going to be okay. 🤬
Which ones weren’t you consulted on? If anything it’s been painfully slow process with each LTN taking several years.

Unsurprisingly the PM is very light on detail - seems to want to review them but what does that entail? Can’t see it removing any of the Lambeth ones as there’s been plenty on monitoring.

But hey - they’ve just announced new drilling on the North Sea to own the libs so alls going to be okay. 🤬

Consulted by the PM.
In fairness there have been consultations i.e. "how could we make this optimal" rather than referendums "do you want this yes/no"

But Lambeth didn't exactly make it a secret about LTNs so the local elections result should be all the voting we need on this really

It was more just a point that whatever the PM is planning, if anything more than a review is going to be pretty silly in implementation.

The main issue with LTNs is that the organised antis have gone a bit crazy and in some cases made their local Tories go a little crazy too, so Sunak and other MPs hear about it all the time via the Telegraph and such
Not a lot more detail but does feel right that it would be as much just to stop councils doing them because it's too much effort.

Not a lot more detail but does feel right that it would be as much just to stop councils doing them because it's too much effort.

There’s no actual policy they’re coming up with merely trying to get votes. The idea that govt should be getting involved in local road issues is bizarre and no normal country would try and do that - it’s just so inefficient for a start.
EVs are also very far from zero CO2 emissions. Generating electricity is still extremely reliant on fossil fuels and the manufacture in the first place takes huge amounts of energy. To believe otherwise is really sticking your head in the sand.
EVs aren't zero emissions, or the answer. But they could be a stepping stone for weening.

The point is that the emission are produced away from the population.
EVs aren't zero emissions, or the answer. But they could be a stepping stone for weening.

The point is that the emission are produced away from the population.
And where does all the particles from the brake and tyre of these 'zero emission vehicles' go? Back to the factories that made them or into the air we breathe and all our water sources? The only benefit EV's bring is the motor manufacture-ring industry's. Don't be fooled that building new vehicles that are resource heavy is the solution.
And where does all the particles from the brake and tyre of these 'zero emission vehicles' go? Back to the factories that made them or into the air we breathe and all our water sources? The only benefit EV's bring is the motor manufacture-ring industry's. Don't be fooled that building new vehicles that are resource heavy is the solution.
Most EVs have regenerative braking, so should be much lower brake emissions. Tyre dust is a thing but it's the same with any type of transport unfortunately.

If everyone drove EV it would save thousands of lives in the UK alone.

The good news is that more affordable EVs are on the way.

When is this bloody nonsense going to be ready?

For the last month I have the beauty of P5 buses flying past my house in Coldharbour Lane completely empty every 15 minutes each way - because P5 passengers are not allowed to join or alight from the bus between Loughborpough Park and Vassall Road. Quote from Myatts Field Labour leaflet:
"Lambeth Council says The Healthy Routes project aims to “create a safe, accessible and pleasant route for people who are walking, cycling and using the bus.”

Well quite. Good job I'd changed from the Minet Green surgery at the Akerman Health Centre surgery years ago when the P5 only served it in one direction.
Currently the bus is not serving it at all.

I am sure we will all be breathing a lot more easily when this is over - though to me it looks rather like "Revenge of the Nerds" over the previous scheme which failed to gain acceptance in 2015

“Lambeth incurred the second biggest bill, paying out £310,000 to fix vandalised LTN equipment.”


“ London council has been accused of an "abuse of power" by campaigners after it issued almost £22m in low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) fines in a year.

OneLambeth criticised Lambeth Council, who issued 183,192 fixed penalty notices in 12 months.”

“ London council has been accused of an "abuse of power" by campaigners after it issued almost £22m in low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) fines in a year.

OneLambeth criticised Lambeth Council, who issued 183,192 fixed penalty notices in 12 months.”
Yep - the investment on stopping the vandalism - replacing signs quickly, cctv cameras on the filters etc has been worth it. Can’t let vandals win!
Councilor Chowdhury has announced Streatham Wells LTN is proceeding.

Now we await No.10's response
I have sent a few emails with no genuine answer from Lambeth. 3 different times now. Around Mount Nod Road LTNs plus some others there have been unworkable roadworks diversions forcing people though a LTN whether they like it or not. Lambeth seem to imply they lasted a few hours each time but 2 of these occasions the diversion signs sending people through an LTN lasted over 24 hours and 1 over 12 hours.
What I have never had an answer to is did they stop any fines because Lambeth fraudulently charged them or did people have to appeal. If they did fine people by entrapment they should be refunded now without needs of appeals many will not know this was so unprofessional by Lambeth and uncaring.
I would love an answer. If they cannot control this LTN what chance have they got when it gets widely expanded. So Lambeth please give a precise answers not a vague one. Is charging in these circumstances legal.
I have sent a few emails with no genuine answer from Lambeth. 3 different times now. Around Mount Nod Road LTNs plus some others there have been unworkable roadworks diversions forcing people though a LTN whether they like it or not. Lambeth seem to imply they lasted a few hours each time but 2 of these occasions the diversion signs sending people through an LTN lasted over 24 hours and 1 over 12 hours.
What I have never had an answer to is did they stop any fines because Lambeth fraudulently charged them or did people have to appeal. If they did fine people by entrapment they should be refunded now without needs of appeals many will not know this was so unprofessional by Lambeth and uncaring.
I would love an answer. If they cannot control this LTN what chance have they got when it gets widely expanded. So Lambeth please give a precise answers not a vague one. Is charging in these circumstances legal.
Good luck getting an answer, they won't want to set a written precedent.

But if you have been fined for reasons outside of your control then you should be able to appeal.
Mr Wilson said that business had also suffered as a result of the council removing parking spaces, previously used by customers visiting his restaurant, in order to create the parklets.

It seems that the objection has two components: one the issue of maintenance and the other the removal of parking spaces - I wonder which one is the driving issue.
Seems the Railton Road Lounge parklet is not universally loved Council accused of dodging duties after residents forced to clean parklets
These local democracy reporters do tend to be rather crap - the whole point is that people apply for them that WANT to maintain them. It’s a community thing - weirdly some people actual like looking after their neighbourhood rather than just worry about where they’ll park their car!

So the council claim that their staff litter pick them twice per week, but is that true? I do feel like it's a big ask to get a local resident to effectively do volunteer work for the council on a permanent basis. And what happens if they go on holiday, move away or become ill?
So the council claim that their staff litter pick them twice per week, but is that true? I do feel like it's a big ask to get a local resident to effectively do volunteer work for the council on a permanent basis. And what happens if they go on holiday, move away or become ill?
If people don’t want to do it then they won’t be installed. But plenty of people do want to especially if they don’t have gardens. On our estate we’ve a very active community gardening scheme that’s been great to bring people together.

Personally think it’s great that the council are providing money and space to support those that want to do this.
If people don’t want to do it then they won’t be installed. But plenty of people do want to especially if they don’t have gardens. On our estate we’ve a very active community gardening scheme that’s been great to bring people together.

Personally think it’s great that the council are providing money and space to support those that want to do this.
I'm not questioning whether the initial install is a good thing or not.

I'm just questioning whether tying the ongoing maintenance to a private volunteer is sustainable long term.

Isn't the whole point of local government to keep essential services like parks going and keeping the streets clean? How much of an additional overhead would it cost the council, there is only 1 per ward!
I'm not questioning whether the initial install is a good thing or not.

I'm just questioning whether tying the ongoing maintenance to a private volunteer is sustainable long term.

Isn't the whole point of local government to keep essential services like parks going and keeping the streets clean? How much of an additional overhead would it cost the council, there is only 1 per ward!
Quite. Even municioal show pieces like Windrush Square suffer from lack of cleaning/litter picking etc. Friends of Wiundrush Sq used to organise occasional clean-ups, though this was reactive. Who has voluntary resources to permanently fill in for depleted services?
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