je suis teuchter
Agree with everything you say, although I think it's a fair improvement on what's there just now.It's a good start, but they have obviously been cowed by the botched previous scheme. They retain on-street parking, right next to the cycle lane with only a row of bollards between. Not safe.
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They even do this ridiculous thing where the cycle lane goes in front of the bus stop, which just invites collisions between peds and cycles. If there was no on-street parking, the road lanes could simply shift out of the way for a regular bus island.
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The road is more than wide enough. Compromises should not be neccesary. If that much parking is needed (which I'd argue it's not) then there's tons of space off-street. Obviously, the council can't make that happen so.... sigh.
The junction at fiveways pinches what should be a continuously protected route through the junction. Akerman Road is plenty wide enough, but again car parking must be protected. No idea why they're pinching the North end of Loughborough Road. Southbound cycles and vehicles are forced to share space, when there's plenty of room for both side by side. EDIT: I suppose this will become more pleasant once Akerman becomes part of an LTN. In that case, Northbound cycles will need their own green phase to avoid being hooked by through traffic turning left.
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The junction with Coldharbour Lane is notably absent.
Those floating parking bays at least appear to have a buffer zone alongside them that should give room for car doors opening without encroaching on the cycle lane.
Looks like there's still time to comment on the fiveways junction.
Road Improvements - HAVE YOUR SAY (26 Sep to 6 Nov)
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