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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

It's an interesting one, very ambitious to aim for a new "workshop space" under the bridge, with no amenities such as food/public toilets nearby and the chance that an exempt vehicle could drive through at any moment.

Fingers crossed it's well looked after and loved by the community. I doubt the council will spend money on regularly maintaining it so it may come down to volunteers.
Think Van Gogh Walk is a good example how spaces can be used with low traffic & Shakespere Rd is even quiter as Van Gogh Walk still allows all vehicles through part of it.

what do you do with a space under a bridge. Nothings going to grow. a good place for a hire bike station?

there shouldn’t be many vehicles driving through. I’ve never seen a bin lorry using it. Biggest issue is the supposely large number of criminals driving on cloned plates. This was in private eye recently.
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That's if they don't just cover their plates as the skip lorries have been doing several times a day (until the road was closed for repairs).

I suppose that the space under the bridge could just be a space under a bridge.
I see motorbikes with covered up plates going through the UTH gate all the time. Sometimes a rag tied on, sometimes gaffataped cardboard, one time the rider had a specially made flap on a stick which he whipped out and held behind him as he rode through. Very enterprising.
Yep - no photographic evidence is taken if the plate cannot be read. Seems like a bit of an oversight.
Take photo evidence - like others do. If you have a branded skip truck driving through it is pretty easy to identify.
would be a lot more expensive to administer - but yeah that’s probably the only solution
What’s the alternative though?
Physical barrier that cannot be driven through. Locked bollard or gate for emergency service access.

No solution is perfect but if lawbreakers are causing danger then should be addressed. Perhaps if those who claim to be worried about emergency service and blue badge access hadn't spent so much time vandalising signs and encouraging people to drive through before the cameras were in place this would have been less of an issue.
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Physical barrier that cannot be driven through. Locked bollard or gate for emergency service access.

No solution is perfect but if lawbreakers are causing danger then should be addressed. Perhaps if those who claim to be worried about emergency service and blue badge access hadn't spent so much time vandalising signs and encouraging people to drive through before the cameras were in place this would have been less of an issue.
I think blue badge access would stop gates being added. Don’t forget taxis are exempt (not Uber) too. Cctv cameras as well as a anpr would probably make it easier to identify serial abusers.
There are meetings on 25 and 29 June
Interesting that they originally put two sets of barriers in on St Matthews Road with a pedestrian area in between opposite the tenants hall. Almost immediately they removed one of the gates because the pedestrian area was taking up too much parking space (according to the LTN team). Now that they are making it permanent, they are putting back the two gate scheme rather than the one they tested. From the drawing it looks like a much larger pedestrian area. Whichever proposal anyone "feels" is best - it looks like they are going with the one which they decided was a bad idea and did not test.
Physical barrier that cannot be driven through. Locked bollard or gate for emergency service access.

No solution is perfect but if lawbreakers are causing danger then should be addressed. Perhaps if those who claim to be worried about emergency service and blue badge access hadn't spent so much time vandalising signs and encouraging people to drive through before the cameras were in place this would have been less of an issue.
Blaming people driving through on someone who painted over a handful of signs is a hopeful distraction from reality. The fault is poor implementation and lack of enforcement. If you try to engage with Lambeth about it it the responses are at best unhelpful or at worst obstructive. (Surely?) we know there is always going to be a core of people who will try to get away with things simply because they know that consequences are extremely unlikely. Brixton has always been so. Shrugging shoulders at it or blaming it on a bogeyman undermines the whole scheme.
Interesting that they originally put two sets of barriers in on St Matthews Road with a pedestrian area in between opposite the tenants hall. Almost immediately they removed one of the gates because the pedestrian area was taking up too much parking space (according to the LTN team). Now that they are making it permanent, they are putting back the two gate scheme rather than the one they tested. From the drawing it looks like a much larger pedestrian area. Whichever proposal anyone "feels" is best - it looks like they are going with the one which they decided was a bad idea and did not test.
Not sure what you need to test. Think the church weren’t keen about the lack of parking outside, and was an easy change, but not really their call. Makes sense to pedestrianise outside the church and community centre in my view.
The fault is poor implementation and lack of enforcement.

Implementation seems to make no difference - if you leave enough space for someone to squeeze a car through, then people on cloned plates, who cover their plates or who are just too stupid to understand the signage will drive through. In Dulwich Village with full road closures people drove over the pavement until additional blocks were put in. It's now been been altered 'for emergency services access' and now almost every time I go there I see someone driving through, despite the cameras. Came through Ferndale today and a driver covered their (rear) plate to drive through towards Brixton and then stopped under the bridge to remove the cover.

the other day it was a woman trying to squeeze her Discovery to the left of the planter in the middle. "can I not go through here now? I've not been this way for ages"
Are there really not enough clues there?

So the 'poor implementation', as far as I can see, appears to be having weakened the scheme by allowing any vehicles to physically drive through the filters.

Enforcement of this is much like speeding - how are you going to enforce it without it becoming prohibitively expensive to resource? Double the number of ANPR cameras? AND standard video? AND staff to review the video? The physical solution is far simpler - it's not exactly scientific but I've seen far more skip lorries drive through Shakespeare with covered plates than iv'e ever seen emergency services or bin trucks. If there is far more illegal use than legal I think the current solution is wrong.
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I see lots of vehicles doing U turns at the entrance to the Streatham Hill LTN and very few if any attempting to drive through anymore.

It probably depends how much of a saving it is to try to cheat the cameras vs driving around. Streatham Hill LTN is quite small and easy to circumvent.
Implementation seems to make no difference - if you leave enough space for someone to squeeze a car through, then people on cloned plates, who cover their plates or who are just too stupid to understand the signage will drive through. In Dulwich Village with full road closures people drove over the pavement until additional blocks were put in. It's now been been altered 'for emergency services access' and now almost every time I go there I see someone driving through, despite the cameras. Came through Ferndale today and a driver covered their (rear) plate to drive through towards Brixton and then stopped under the bridge to remove the cover.

the other day it was a woman trying to squeeze her Discovery to the left of the planter in the middle. "can I not go through here now? I've not been this way for ages"
Are there really not enough clues there?

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So the 'poor implementation', as far as I can see, appears to be having weakened the scheme by allowing any vehicles to physically drive through the filters.

Enforcement of this is much like speeding - how are you going to enforce it without it becoming prohibitively expensive to resource? Double the number of ANPR cameras? AND standard video? AND staff to review the video? The physical solution is far simpler - it's not exactly scientific but I've seen far more skip lorries drive through Shakespeare with covered plates than iv'e ever seen emergency services or bin trucks. If there is far more illegal use than legal I think the current solution is wrong.
Implementation is not limited to the physical gate design. Like you say - illegal use of the Shakespeare one is rife. People have sent in numerous photos and videos which clearly identify culprits including names on vehicles and number plates and photos of individuals. For months. Lambeth does not know what to do about it. So they obstruct enquiries and shrug. In the end they will probably park a CCTV car covered in warning signs by the gate and when no one drives through that day they'll say that there is no problem.

Motorbikes tearing through the park near the Herne Place gate is not just an unfortunate consequence which people should have to tolerate..
I see lots of vehicles doing U turns at the entrance to the Streatham Hill LTN and very few if any attempting to drive through anymore.

It probably depends how much of a saving it is to try to cheat the cameras vs driving around. Streatham Hill LTN is quite small and easy to circumvent.
I don't see people driving through the St Matthews one all that often anymore.
Implementation is not limited to the physical gate design. Like you say - illegal use of the Shakespeare one is rife. People have sent in numerous photos and videos which clearly identify culprits including names on vehicles and number plates and photos of individuals. For months. Lambeth does not know what to do about it. So they obstruct enquiries and shrug. In the end they will probably park a CCTV car covered in warning signs by the gate and when no one drives through that day they'll say that there is no problem.

Motorbikes tearing through the park near the Herne Place gate is not just an unfortunate consequence which people should have to tolerate..
isn't the issue likely to be that the motorbikes in the park (and the covered number plates) are a police matter so, like speeding, it comes down to police resources?

What do you think should be done about it - what do you want done to prevent it?
Someone has compared the activists to the Taliban now.

They are seriously fucking unhinged.
It is really crazy. I’m obviously a big supporter but if there is any valid arguments against LTNs it gets drowned out by the vast number of nutters and no one (including chowce5382) calls them out.
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