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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Read the post - I didn't say you were. But that, ridiculous, line of attack is one that they use all the time - just the same as their claims that schemes went in where people shouted the loudest despite the council having published a strategy and explained how were going to prioritise LTNs some time before the pandemic started. And the idea that there was no (or poor) engagement when you're on a thread going back years that's picked up all the various stuff that's been done -
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood wants your feedback on how your streets could be improved

"They didn't do what I personally thought should be done" is not the same as "poor engagement". There has been a shit load of opportunities for comment and feedback over the whole course of this.

It almost seems like you are taking critique of the project ... a bit personally.
It almost seems like you are taking critique of the project ... a bit personally.
It almost seems like I attended some of those early, public, sessions and am tired of people insinuating things that clearly are not true, that onesie twat has repeatedly identified me on here so It’s hardly any secret. And I can confirm that that nothing was designed by enthusiastic amateurs (unless you think a public event at which people are invited to contribute ideas - you know the “public engagement” you’re saying didn’t happen despite it actually happening - shouldn’t have done)
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I'm talking about the numberplate issue really - if the Herne Place motorbike issue could be resolved through design changes then yes that should be for Lambeth to deal with.
Yes I agree.

However, the issue of covered/fake numberplates is a wider one that Lambeth have little power to do anything about directly, because it has to be enforced by the police
I don't entirely agree with this. The same offence is still being committed by going through the gate. The additional offence does not change that. Of course it's not as straightforward as someone driving through and having their number plate recorded on ANPR. But at the moment they produce no evidence at all even when there are multiple truck journeys a day, for instance. I'm generally thinking of covering of plates rather than fake ones.

I'd prefer LTNs implemented in the knowledge that there will be some contraventions that people get away with under the current regime, than that they are not implemented at all.

Of course the argument is that polar at the extremes where the loons reside, but it would be unfair to write off all critique as an existential threat as some seem inclined to do.
I don't entirely agree with this. The same offence is still being committed by going through the gate. The additional offence does not change that. Of course it's not as straightforward as someone driving through and having their number plate recorded on ANPR. But at the moment they produce no evidence at all even when there are multiple truck journeys a day, for instance. I'm generally thinking of covering of plates rather than fake ones.
Are you proposing that Lambeth set up cameras that can automatically record number plates being covered up, and then driven through, such that the evidence they provide is sufficient for a fine to be issued?

I don't have much idea of how technically/legally difficult that would be to implement but presumably it would require additional infrastructure compared to what's already there.
Are you proposing that Lambeth set up cameras that can automatically record number plates being covered up, and then driven through, such that the evidence they provide is sufficient for a fine to be issued?

I don't have much idea of how technically/legally difficult that would be to implement but presumably it would require additional infrastructure compared to what's already there.

From what I understand they certainly can't do anything with what they have there. I doubt there is only one solution and would have thought that the most practical might be some limited permanent infrastructure with mobile / temporary additions. I understand that the TCPR in LBKC have permanent cameras set up to deal with this - I don't know the details.
The traffic order to make Streatham Hill LTN has been posted which gives people an opportunity to object to it until 22nd July.

As far as I’m aware any objects to stop it would be over a technical or process kind rather than I don’t like it as the public consultation has already happened.

This hasn’t stopped Ian Armstrong from pushing OneLambeth’s handy objection form pre populated with all your concerns.

Interestingly Ian has shared the ‘results’ on Nextdoor but left off any for people with disabilities 🤔

One Lambeth are back in the telegraph after a FOI request revealed Lambeth has made almost £22 million in fines in the last year! A spokesman for One Lambeth said, "It's an awful lot of money and it's probably more than any other council has made.” Anonymous source again
Nice of all the knobheads to pay more than 5% of lambeths budget.
can't believe this non-story has been covered by the BBC.

"But anti-LTN group OneLambeth, which has been approached for comment by the BBC, told the Telegraph: "It's an awful lot of money.
"People are struggling to pay their bills, striking because of low wages, struggling with fuel costs, so to have these fines in this excessive climate is slightly grotesque.
"It's an abuse of power in a climate where people are struggling financially."
If your'e struggling to pay your bills you could, you know, drive legally and not pay fines. Should we suspend speeding cameras when people are hard up?

OneLambeth seems to have neither a website nor a twitter account anymore. Seems to be little more than Ian Armstrong and Dave McCall posting the same message day after day (whether under his own name or as Stella Sawyer).
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can't believe this non-story has been covered by the BBC.

If your'e struggling to pay your bills you could, you know, drive legally and not pay fines. Should we suspend speeding cameras when people are hard up?

OneLambeth seems to have neither a website nor a twitter account anymore. Seems to be little more than Ian Armstrong and Dave McCall posting the same message day after day (whether under his own name or as Stella Sawyer).
Plus if you're actually poor (and I know that's subjective) you probably can't afford a car in the first place. Car owning households in Lambeth have fallen and now 60% have no car. Car free are the majority.
They’ve been active on Facebook as Lambeth posted a couple of times about the have your say on the permanent design which triggered them

Presumably unless all pavements were removed and all front gardens were zoned for parking the car-liban weren’t happy ?
I went on a protest march in Bow in Tower Hamlets against the immediate removal of a much needed traffic filter on a local road (Antill Road) which was one of the main rat runs with traffic coming off the A12. The debate about LTNs in Tower Hamlets where Luftur Rahman has vowed to open all roads to cars is a toxic hornet's nest with personal abuse being thrown around.

Have suffered some pretty upsetting abuse and harrassment on 'Living in Bow' Facebook group this afternoon. Including one poster bring my five year old son's name into the argument (child stalking don't know how they found out the name) for not being working class enough.

Have screengrabbed and reported the posts. Might delete this post later.
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I went on a protest march in Bow in Tower Hamlets against the immediate removal of a much needed traffic filter on a local road (Antill Road) which was one of the main rat runs with traffic coming off the A12. The debate about LTNs in Tower Hamlets where Luftur Rahman has vowed to open all roads to cars is a toxic hornet's nest with personal abuse being thrown around.

Have suffered some pretty upsetting abuse and harrassment on 'Living in Bow' Facebook group this afternoon. Including one poster bring my five year old son's name into the argument (child stalking don't know how they found out the name) for not being working class enough.

Have screengrabbed and reported the posts. Might delete this post later.
Sorry to hear that & unfortunately not surprising. Think they tend to be harmless but really not nice.

Crazy to see on a day like today so many driving in ridiculous SUVs and tons of idling engines.
Sorry to hear that & unfortunately not surprising. Think they tend to be harmless but really not nice.

Crazy to see on a day like today so many driving in ridiculous SUVs and tons of idling engines.

AC doesn’t work on batteries Ed !
I went on a protest march in Bow in Tower Hamlets against the immediate removal of a much needed traffic filter on a local road (Antill Road) which was one of the main rat runs with traffic coming off the A12. The debate about LTNs in Tower Hamlets where Luftur Rahman has vowed to open all roads to cars is a toxic hornet's nest with personal abuse being thrown around.
Good on you for going to the protest though.

I was wondering if any of these reopenings could actually provide a good demonstration of the purpose of the restrictions. People will notice if currently quiet streets suddenly become refilled with traffic, and it's unlikely there's going to be a magic reduction in congestion elsewhere.
He’s a one isn’t he?

“Poor housing and services, high tax and low social mobility”
after 12 years of Conservative government
Railton and Oval were made permanent back in December and the engagement on the final designs has ended. Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill decision was made on June 8 22. I suppose the Ferndale decision is still due (they've not published a consultation report yet) but what's the significance of this Friday?

[edit - I see it's the end of the Tulse Hill and Streatham Hill permanent traffic order statutory consultation]

Given that there has been a public consultation and they're just submitting the same objections again, which the council has already responded to in the consultation report and had visibility of when making the decision to make permanent this seems a total waste of effort. They're starting to look like those Japanese soldiers still out in the jungle fighting the Second World War decades after it had ended. 60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle
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Railton and Oval were made permanent back in December and the engagement on the final designs has ended. Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill decision was made on June 8 22. I suppose the Ferndale decision is still due (they've not published a consultation report yet) but what's the significance of this Friday?

[edit - I see it's the end of the Tulse Hill and Streatham Hill permanent traffic order statutory consultation]

Given that there has been a public consultation and they're just submitting the same objections again, which the council has already responded to in the consultation report and had visibility of when making the decision to make permanent this seems a total waste of effort. They're starting to look like those Japanese soldiers still out in the jungle fighting the Second World War decades after it had ended. 60 years after the war ends, two soldiers emerge from the jungle
Yep - Ian’s very confused. It’s that people have until 22nd July to the Streatham Hill traffic order. Presumably this is about procedure rather than just not liking it.

Given the rampant fraud of antis filling out the actual consultations one can only image you hat their own skewed survey results will be like.
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