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Odd that Google reverse image search doesn't find it anywhere on the web either with or without the top banner. I suspect he got it from the guy on the WhatsApp who knows everything
I found it, it’s a webpage specifically for affiliated cycling club members to join:

But you’d only get that if you were a member of a cycling club to begin with. A bit pathetic, isn’t it.
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If you're going to try and make out that's an especially misogynistic word in this country you're going to need to pedal pretty hard against that uphill struggle.
It's not the word itself but the sentence it was contained in. Certainly not something I'd feel comfortable writing, and I didn't feel comfortable reading it.
I found it, it’s a webpage specifically for affiliated cycling club members to join:

But you’d only get that if you were a member of a cycling club to begin with. A bit pathetic, isn’t it.
On a page where the call to action is "join LCC to help everyone" ie: we know what we do isn't really what you do but you can help other cyclists when you join us.
On a page where the call to action is "join LCC to help everyone" ie: we know what we do isn't really what you do but you can help other cyclists when you join us.

As the page says:

The more of us there are, the more we can campaign, lobby and educate decision makers - so the right decisions are made, so more people are able to cycle, and so cycling becomes safer for everyone - for those who commute by bike, for those who love riding bikes for sport and exercise, and for those too nervous to ride at all.
So one on a page appealing to sports cyclists to join to help everyone ie non sports cyclists and one which is an offer from another company which is not LCC to LCC members.

How long did it take you to find those? How many pages and pictures did you trawl through?

Because the first one is not supporting the idea that LCC is for lycra clad cyclists, quite the opposite actually. The second is not LCC i think but you don't provide links for some reason so i can't check it out myself.

But even if they are LCC do you think two photos tucked away shows they are mostly lycra clad white men, when the vast majority do not and their board and employees are not?
It's also a photo from nearly a decade ago, from a "go dutch" ride calling for better cycling provision, part of which was so that cycling could be... more diverse.

If you don't want cycling to be more diverse, a good way to do that would be to campaign against changes that make it more accessible, maybe even go to court in an attempt to maintain the status quo.

But i thought that onelambeth was just about the needs of disabled people and ensuring those needs are properly accounted for?


And really fucking stupid as well, pure denialism. Are they even talking about solar panels? It's a heating system in that tweet that has been quoted.
It's replying to this thread. Looks like they have put in solar panels and a heat pump system.

Someone really has a deep seated hatred of cyclists. Bizarre.
They've lost the argument based on evidence, they've lost the argument on public opinion (according to repeated representative polls), they've been caught trying to game the consultation (when it wasn't a referendum in the first place). They know they'd lose at the ballot box if they put up any candidates. They might still win some small legal victory on a technicality, but that's not going to lead to LTNs being removed as their fundraising and even the posters outside the court suggest. So all they have left is their ongoing vitriolic bullying attacks (much of which are based on lies or just nonsense) , on politicians, organisations and individuals they identify as publicly supporting a change in the status quo. And even the family and friends of people on their mad conspiracy chart.

But this, in the middle of a stream of abusive tweets is pure Alanis.
(image removed as in post above)
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So one on a page appealing to sports cyclists to join to help everyone ie non sports cyclists and one which is an offer from another company which is not LCC to LCC members.

How long did it take you to find those? How many pages and pictures did you trawl through?

Because the first one is not supporting the idea that LCC is for lycra clad cyclists, quite the opposite actually. The second is not LCC i think but you don't provide links for some reason so i can't check it out myself.

But even if they are LCC do you think two photos tucked away shows they are mostly lycra clad white men, when the vast majority do not and their board and employees are not?
The board looks pretty white and male dominated to me….I understand that’s this isn’t entirely representative of the current board as the guy circled had to leave because of his racist views. I don’t know if they replaced him with another white male or not.


  • EDAF19B6-7F8A-4A41-ADFE-942E4AE36873.jpeg
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The board looks pretty white and male dominated to me….I understand that’s this isn’t entirely representative of the current board as the guy circled had to leave because of his racist views. I don’t know if they replaced him with another white male or not.
It isn’t representative of their board at any time. Where are you getting these from? Is there a Onesie’s shared folder of LCC conspiracy theory images somewhere?

This obsession is truly bizarre for someone solely focussed on the legal aspects! It explains your rant at Windrush Sq though.
The board looks pretty white and male dominated to me….I understand that’s this isn’t entirely representative of the current board as the guy circled had to leave because of his racist views. I don’t know if they replaced him with another white male or not.

So instead of going to LCC and seeing who is actually on their board of trustees, you've decided to repost a random blog... and provide no link becuase you are ashamed of your sources and don't understand google reverse images searches I would assume. No other reason to not provide a link that I can think of.

Here is the actual board as it is today:

Chair: Eilidh Murray

Vice Chair: Christian Wolmar

Treasurer: Simon Clark

HR Committee Chair: Christian Wolmar

Business Committee Chair: James Heath

Policy Forum Chair, Campaigns and Active Membership Co-Chair: Sylvia Gauthereau

Campaigns and Active Membership Co-Chair: Aidan Chisholm

Diversity and Inclusion Working Group Chair: Kris Sangani

Sarah Strong

Pearl Ahrens

There aren't photos but based on names and making assumptions about gender/race from that:
chair - woman, white but Celtic clearly so wouldn't have been white just a few decades ago. Shows how dodgy ideas of race are really.
Vice - Male, white
Treasurer -male, white
HR - male, white
BCC - male, white
Polciy forum - female not white
Campaigns - male, again celtic
Diversity - male not white
other two - female, Sarah probably white, pearl is a very common afro-carribean name (In Birmingham anyway) so no assumptions there.

10 positions, 9 people. Of those 9 people, 5 are male and 4 are female. If we go position it's 60/40. This is definitely an acceptable ratio, especially given that there are only 9 or 10 places here depending on how you want to count them. It's not exactly 50/50 but there's no way you can say it's mostly men.

Ethnicity we've got 2 or 3 who are not white, so that's 20% - 30%, which is well below the overall London population ratio quoted in your article but as they've clearly lied about who is on the board of trustees for LCC I wouldn't be trusting their figure of 40%. Perhaps if I lived in London I would have a feel as to whether that is reasonable or not. if it's 30% omn the board to 40% in London then really that's not far off. All they need to do is have one more BAME person on their board and they will be matching the general population.

So no, this is not evidence in support of LCC being mostly white males, and there's no suggestion of lycra here.

Now lets have a look at their employees.

With a wide range of experience and expertise our staff team are dedicated to making London a world-class cycling city.

Supporting our activists and members with campaigning tools and resources, advice and assistance is a key part of their role. But they also work with organisations to support cyclists in the workplace and in the wider community.

You’ll see the team out and about at events, campaigning on-street or in the press, but they can also be contacted at the office. We look forward to hearing from you.

Chief Executive
Chief Executive: Dr Ashok Sinha

Cycling Services
Partnerships Manager: Lucy Cooper
Cycling Projects Manager: Stewart Dring
West London Student Champion: Max Mills
Project Officer, Cycle Buddies: Toby Hopkins

Senior Policy and Development Officer: Tom Bogdanowicz
Campaigns Manager: Simon Munk
Campaigns Officer: Jakub Mamczek
Campaigns Assistant: Jessica Pike
Healthy Streets Campaigner: Clare Rogers
Network Coordinator: Katy Rodda
Climate Streets Campaign Officer: Suami Rocha

Marketing & Membership
Editor, London Cyclist: John Kitchiner
Business Development Manager, London Cyclist: Allie Gill
Senior Membership Officer: Matthew Dunton
Head of Marketing and Membership: Robert Eves
Membership Assistant: Richard Hawkins
Digital Communications Officer: Calum Rogers
Marketing Officer: Toby Zeidler

Support Services
Office Administrator: Cathy Alexander
Finance Officer: Dave Sellers
Finance Assistant: Jim Bush

22 positions. 6 Women, not good but still ~30%, would need 5 more women to be equal. ethnicity is more difficult, depends where eastern european names fall, 3-6 ethnic minorities may be also ~30% and not that far off (2 more I think). Note that the chief exec is not white which does not suggest a white dominated organisation, usually you find lots of BAME/women at the bottom and then you look at the top and it's all white men - not the case here. Again no evidence of lycra here.
I would not call a 70/30 split mostly men (majority yes but mostly would suggest somewhere closer to 90% to me, almost no women, which is not the case at all) and the ethnic mix is really quite close to the general population being only two people on the "wrong" side of the line.

And bringing up the fact that LCC took action against the person making dodgy tweets on their personal twitter feed makes you look terrible again because your organisation's twitter feed is actively anti-semitic and apparently climate change denying as well. Why are you the treasurer of an anti-semitic climate change denying organisation and don't you think that either the person running the twitter feed should resign or you should leave the organisation? Otherwise you are supporting these things and saying your organisation is all good with anti-semitism and climate change denial. LCC did not support their person and took action over it - what would you want them to have done, and why won't you take even an ounce of the amount of action they did? You continue to support the person running your twitter feed and refuse to take action against them. Who comes out looking worse about this kind of thing?
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So instead of going to LCC and seeing who is actually on their board of trustees, you've decided to repost a random blog... and provide no link becuase you are ashamed of your sources and don't understand google reverse images searches I would assume. No other reason to not provide a link that I can think of.

Here is the actual board as it is today:

There aren't photos but based on names and making assumptions about gender/race from that:
chair - woman, white but Celtic clearly so wouldn't have been white just a few decades ago. Shows how dodgy ideas of race are really.
Vice - Male, white
Treasurer -male, white
HR - male, white
BCC - male, white
Polciy forum - female not white
Campaigns - male, again celtic
Diversity - male not white
other two - female, Sarah probably white, pearl is a very common afro-carribean name (In Birmingham anyway) so no assumptions there.

10 positions, 9 people. Of those 9 people, 5 are male and 4 are female. If we go position it's 60/40. This is definitely an acceptable ratio, especially given that there are only 9 or 10 places here depending on how you want to count them. It's not exactly 50/50 but there's no way you can say it's mostly men.

Ethnicity we've got 2 or 3 who are not white, so that's 20% - 30%, which is well below the overall London population ratio quoted in your article but as they've clearly lied about who is on the board of trustees for LCC I wouldn't be trusting their figure of 40%. Perhaps if I lived in London I would have a feel as to whether that is reasonable or not. if it's 30% omn the board to 40% in London then really that's not far off. All they need to do is have one more BAME person on their board and they will be matching the general population.

So no, this is not evidence in support of LCC being mostly white males, and there's no suggestion of lycra here.

Now lets have a look at their employees.

22 positions. 6 Women, not good but still ~30%, would need 5 more women to be equal. 6 ethnic minorities also ~30% and not that far off (2 more I think). Note that the chief exec is not white which does not suggest a white dominated organisation, usually you find lots of BAME/women at the bottom and then you look at the top and it's all white men - not the case here. Again no evidence of lycra here.
I would not call a 70/30 split mostly men (majority yes but mostly would suggest somewhere closer to 90% to me, almost no women, which is not the case at all) and the ethnic mix is really quite close to the general population being only two people on the "wrong" side of the line.

And bringing up the fact that LCC took action against the person making dodgy tweets on their personal twitter feed makes you look terrible again because your organisation's twitter feed is actively anti-semitic and apparently climate change denying as well. Why are you the treasurer of an anti-semitic climate change denying organisation and don't you think that either the person running the twitter feed should resign or you should leave the organisation? Otherwise you are supporting these things and saying your organisation is all good with anti-semitism and climate change denial. LCC did not support their person and took action over it - what would you want them to have done, and why won't you take even an ounce of the amount of action they did? You continue to support the person running your twitter feed and refuse to take action against them. Who comes out looking worse about this kind of thing?
Careful now, don’t go muddying the waters here with facts :hmm: ;)
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