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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Evening All,

I'm new here but thought I'd get involved. I've seen a number of comments about the legal case and the reasoning/rationale behind it including the type of people who are against LTNs. It's been an interesting read as I'm the person listed as the beneficiary on the Gofundme link and that has obviously caused some confusion and, on some areas of social media, has resulted in some interesting conspiracy theories. I wanted to introduce myself and say that I'm very open to answer any questions that you may have about why we are doing this (as long as they don't prejudice our case) and explain who we are as a group. From what I've seen, this seems like a place where the vast majority of people are keen to discuss, possibly disagree but generally treat each other with decency. From the start, I'll be completely open, honest and tell you the truth about what we're doing and why. All I'd ask is that we keep it polite as, frankly, most social media seems to be a hell hole at the moment. Having that this, this seems to be pretty respectful and decent.


Let's all take a moment to remember chowce5382's introductory post :thumbs:
Rather than the anti-Semitic Labour Party? Both are equally guilty on the charge you’ve raised

Tim Briggs raised the charge, not me, and I've nothing to do with the Labour party. If Tim Briggs wants to discount an organisation because one of their employees got sacked for some tweets on their personal feed then he should take the same level of responsibility for his own organisation, and be smeared by the same brush - more so since LCC took action whereas the tory party have let plenty of stuff pass. You are also smeared by that brush btw, with your organisations official anti-semitic communications which have not been retracted nor the person responsible for them removed from their position, which is far far far worse than what happened with the LCC. I'm sure Tim will be discounting your advice too right? right? cos he's a reasonable man and will hold all to the same standards, right? right? oh.

Sort your own house out before you go casting stones would be my advice.
But they didn’t learn from it did they as they have said since that you shouldn’t put something on social media that you wouldn’t say face to face. This undercuts the premise of what they are saying. I also wouldn’t say it a heavy price, it was probably right. Again, saying it was a heavy price, undercuts their protestations of contrition and so their apologies can’t be believed as a result
You dont think that having made a mistake someone might change their behaviour and attitudes? Given how little you’ve learned in the time you’ve been campaigning and the prejudices you continue to demonstrate in the face of clear evidence that you’re wrong I can see why that concept might be a challenge for you. You could even try to stop being an arsehole from this point forward and maybe even deal with the shitty behaviour from other members of your group.

I’d think the council might even have been a bit more likely to listen to your input if your official account didn’t refer to the council leader as a “vile dictator”
Are you again trying to claim that LCC is mostly white males in lycra and generally represents this group/type of cyclists?

Because we went through this before and there was a good mix of apparent genders and ethnicities from the names/photos of their employees and going through their website I don't remember a single picture of anyone wearing lycra on their website.
LCC and other local campaign groups, like Cycling UK, do not represent sports cyclists who are most likely to be wearing lycra. They represent ordinary people who want to cycle and wear normal clothes to do so, they represent people who don't want to cycle fast and probably couldn't if they did want to (like me) and ultimately they represent all the people who currently don't cycle because it's not safe but would like to.

Please go and show me anything - I mean literally anything at all - from LCC which presents people wearing lycra or doing sports cycling.

If you can't do that then it's just pure prejudice on your part isn't it.


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It is weird that this person @chowse5382 seems obsessed with made one stupid statement about three years ago, which didn’t seem representative of anything else they’d ever said or reflected in their behaviour in any way, and for which they had apologised and seemingly paid a fairly heavy price. Someone was an arsehole for the length of time it took to write a few tweets and presumably learnt from that and moved on. For OneLambeth to be still obsessed with them now they must have been amazingly influential and made a real difference. They seem terrified that person might continue to be using their skills and knowledge to make the case for a better Lambeth.

Yet he seems happy to associate with Sam, who despite being warned by the Police about her behaviour, appears to have carried on with the online abuse under another identity, as the official rep of his group, ever since. In the same way that despite having been warned about linking people to real life identities on here he continues to try to do so - there is no repentance nor growth.

Some people seem destined to always be arseholes. And arseholes on account of being full of shit, rather than cunts, which have warmth and depth. Qualities he and Sam seem to completely lack.
Some deeply misogynistic and sexist language here. Quite offensive. Before anyone says “oh but what about” remember, this guy is actually writing this stuff himself. It’s all his own thoughts, views and ideas.
I think that's a photo of the Dulwich Paragon cycling club, "dedicated to the serious and sporting cyclist". I guess there are only about sixteen clues to that in there, so a big ask for you.
Are you again trying to claim that LCC is mostly white males in lycra and generally represents this group/type of cyclists?

Because we went through this before and there was a good mix of apparent genders and ethnicities from the names/photos of their employees and going through their website I don't remember a single picture of anyone wearing lycra on their website.
LCC and other local campaign groups, like Cycling UK, do not represent sports cyclists who are most likely to be wearing lycra. They represent ordinary people who want to cycle and wear normal clothes to do so, they represent people who don't want to cycle fast and probably couldn't if they did want to (like me) and ultimately they represent all the people who currently don't cycle because it's not safe but would like to.

Please go and show me anything - I mean literally anything at all - from LCC which presents people wearing lycra or doing sports cycling.

If you can't do that then it's just pure prejudice on your part isn't it.


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Looking forward to the good reactions from anti-LTN campaigners to this which will reduce pollution on main roads…

I was shocked and surprised to find out they don't like these solutions either. Instead they want bus and bike lanes handed back to cars!

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If you're going to try and make out that's an especially misogynistic word in this country you're going to need to pedal pretty hard against that uphill struggle.
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