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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

It's great to see these people coming together with a common purpose to improve conditions for the vulnerable. There have been lots of OneLambeth complaints, and mention in the court, that not enough groups representing people with disabilities were consulted ahead of the implementation of the LTNs. I guess the reality will show over time - whether these individuals will now be volunteering with one or more of the existing groups, or forming a new local body to lobby the council for a range of improvements to the area to benefit people with disabilities. Or whether their only interest and concern is over LTNs and their freedom to drive everywhere by the shortest route. That the banners they're holding up seem unrelated to the case doesn't seem a good sign.

The original OneLambeth morphed into a general 'anti-council' / referendum on committee council campaign and seems to have dropped any concern about LTNs, traffic or pollution at all. Their new twitter account is languishing on just 122 followers and their petition seems to have barely moved in months - it's still under 700 when I think they need something like 15000. Maybe theres a big push coming over the 3 remaining months.

Are the remaining OneLambeth planning to run any candidates for the council elections? Putting up some single issue councillor candidates would seem a clear way of showing the degree of opposition to the current council Transport Strategy. The official Twitter account keeps posting 'vote them out in May' messages - so is anyone running? While Tim Briggs has done a lot to court attention he's in a ward that doesn't have an LTN (though of course he wants to deliver one there for his residents who are plagued by rat running to shortcut between the A205 and A3) and from what I've seen OneLambeths supporters largely claim to be Labour supporters so seems a big ask to get them to vote for a Conservative candidate (especially given the current performance the Government)
Para 1: it seems it's not enough to support this movement. You need to support others in the future for you to think the present cae is an acceptable criticism

Para 2: the original “anti cabinet” movement got the requested number of signatories. They were then told that e-signatories don’t count during covid. They were therefore told to get “ink” signatories during lockdown. Not sure why the cabinet would accept this I the first place. They reached the requested number but the council decided to ignore.

Para 3: i think that there are some people who would want to stand. They would do so to be able to represent their constituents. Having said that, unless you’re in the cabinet you don’t actually have a vote, so, whilst you can be elected, you’re not actually allowed to properly represent your community. Only the cabinet can vote. Other councillors can represent but without the ability to democratically vote for change.

Finally, a number of people who might stand feel that, as Labour voters all their life, the coucil doesn’t represent them. As you say, the tories don’t either. I completely get that. However, we all remember the racist LLC member who was was part of the group pushing LTNs. He lost his job for being racist, and , even after that, tried to get back on Twitter using his wife’s name. I’m sure we can agree that we don’t want these nasty little racsists around. In Lambeth, we then have a mayor how has resigned for the same issue. Lambeth seem to have a blind spot. I’m sure you don’t,and so could understand why, people would think twice about standing for a council position in which they are unable to democratically represent their ward and where there is this kind of issue.
. However, we all remember the racist LLC member who was was part of the group pushing LTNs. He lost his job for being racist, and , even after that, tried to get back on Twitter using his wife’s name. I’m sure we can agree that we don’t want these nasty little racsists around.

so you think we should vote for people supporting a group who has compared LTNs to the holocaust on their official twitter feed. You can fuck right off getting on your high horse about this whilst the organisation you are the treasurer of puts out all sorts of things on its twitter feed, the mentioned one which imo is anti-semitic as is basically holocaust denial.
Para 1. We will see. You clearly think none of them will hang around. LTNs are one part of making the city less car dominated - you won’t find many arguing for them who aren’t arguing for other stuff too. So it would be odd for all of these people who care deeply about disabled issues only to be concerned as far as they relate to getting LTNs removed.

Para 2 that’s odd - they were pushing the e-petition on twitter as recently as two days ago.

Para 3. So I’ll take that as a “no”. None of you actually have the balls to put yourself forward.

And then the usual desperate ad hom attacks that just make you look a dick.
so you think we should vote for people supporting a group who has compared LTNs to the holocaust on their official twitter feed. You can fuck right off getting on your high horse about this whilst the organisation you are the treasurer of puts out all sorts of things on its twitter feed, the mentioned one which imo is anti-semitic as is basically holocaust denial.
As I’ve always said, I don’t put anything out on Twitter and I’ve just explained why people are unwilling to stand so I’m not asking you to vote for anyone
Para 1. We will see. You clearly think none of them will hang around. LTNs are one part of making the city less car dominated - you won’t find many arguing for them who aren’t arguing for other stuff too. So it would be odd for all of these people who care deeply about disabled issues only to be concerned as far as they relate to getting LTNs removed.

Para 2 that’s odd - they were pushing the e-petition on twitter as recently as two days ago.

Para 3. So I’ll take that as a “no”. None of you actually have the balls to put yourself forward.

And then the usual desperate ad hom attacks that just make you look a dick.
Para 1 the point is that none of these people are politicians and never had any intention of being so. They are fighting against this because it has made a demonstrable difference to their lives and the lives of family who are in that vulnerable category.

On the e-petition, I believe they are trying both routes now but are still being told that, on this subject, an e-petition is not enough.

So you think it’s about balls, it’s mainly about not being able to actually change anything as, even if you’re a councillor, your vote means nothing. It’s a very strange system in that respect.

Lastly, the racist thing does make a difference to people thinking that they might be able to change something. They look at the council and think it’s rotten, just like the government. I understand it a difficult point for you given that you’re one of the people mentioned. Good to see that the training hasn’t made a difference and you think that people bringing it up are just being dicks. Don’t know if you made an apology but I assume the above completely cuts across that…
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Para 1: it seems it's not enough to support this movement. You need to support others in the future for you to think the present cae is an acceptable criticism

Para 2: the original “anti cabinet” movement got the requested number of signatories. They were then told that e-signatories don’t count during covid. They were therefore told to get “ink” signatories during lockdown. Not sure why the cabinet would accept this I the first place. They reached the requested number but the council decided to ignore.

Para 3: i think that there are some people who would want to stand. They would do so to be able to represent their constituents. Having said that, unless you’re in the cabinet you don’t actually have a vote, so, whilst you can be elected, you’re not actually allowed to properly represent your community. Only the cabinet can vote. Other councillors can represent but without the ability to democratically vote for change.

Finally, a number of people who might stand feel that, as Labour voters all their life, the coucil doesn’t represent them. As you say, the tories don’t either. I completely get that. However, we all remember the racist LLC member who was was part of the group pushing LTNs. He lost his job for being racist, and , even after that, tried to get back on Twitter using his wife’s name. I’m sure we can agree that we don’t want these nasty little racsists around. In Lambeth, we then have a mayor how has resigned for the same issue. Lambeth seem to have a blind spot. I’m sure you don’t,and so could understand why, people would think twice about standing for a council position in which they are unable to democratically represent their ward and where there is this kind of issue.
OneLambeth member trying to take moral high ground!

You’re not standing any candidates because, sensibly, you know there actually aren’t any votes in it.
OneLambeth member trying to take moral high ground!

You’re not standing any candidates because, sensibly, you know there actually aren’t any votes in it.
Or even if they did win a seat, they don’t even have a vote. Love that you guys think this is a sensible way to govern. I suggest that we should take votes away from all PMs and just allow the cabinet to make decisions.
Or even if they did win a seat, they don’t even have a vote. Love that you guys think this is a sensible way to govern. I suggest that we should take votes away from all PMs and just allow the cabinet to make decisions.
You obviously know more about this then me but if OneLambeth won a majority of seats you could do whatever you wanted! £50k would have been quite a fighting fund.
But we aren’t a party or a political movement Ed. I think I’ve said this before.
Really not sure what you are Charlie - especially as you seem to distance yourself from your Twitter account & Facebook page.

What’s the end game if you’re not looking to do this via democratic means & you’ve said the court case won’t remove the LTNs?
As I’ve always said, I don’t put anything out on Twitter and I’ve just explained why people are unwilling to stand so I’m not asking you to vote for anyone
Fine you're not asking for votes but you still want people to support the organisation you are the treasurer of whose racist Twitter feed puts out racist tweets and you have the gall to have a go at Lambeth council because the employee of a completely different organisation had some racist tweets on their personal twitter feed.

Meanwhile your organisation is putting out racist tweets on its own official Twitter feed.

If you cared about racism you would have dissasociated yourself from the Twitter feed or removed the person who does run it from doing so.

You haven't so you are good with it. Good with anti semitism. Why would anyone want to support a racist organisation? Why are you an official of such a racist organisation?
Fine you're not asking for votes but you still want people to support the organisation you are the treasurer of whose racist Twitter feed puts out racist tweets and you have the gall to have a go at Lambeth council because the employee of a completely different organisation had some racist tweets on their personal twitter feed.

Meanwhile your organisation is putting out racist tweets on its own official Twitter feed.

If you cared about racism you would have dissasociated yourself from the Twitter feed or removed the person who does run it from doing so.

You haven't so you are good with it. Good with anti semitism. Why would anyone want to support a racist organisation? Why are you an official of such a racist organisation?
I have continuously disassociated myself from it and don’t even follow it. As far as I know, none of the tweets have been reported for racism yet two of the people who helped implement LTNs in Lambeth have both now resigned due to racist tweets.
I have continuously disassociated myself from it and don’t even follow it. As far as I know, none of the tweets have been reported for racism yet two of the people who helped implement LTNs in Lambeth have both now resigned due to racist tweets.
So you are no longer the treasurer for the organisation and fundraising campaign that Twitter feed represents?

Because as long as you remain part of it you are associating yourself with it freely and gladly.
So you are no longer the treasurer for the organisation and fundraising campaign that Twitter feed represents?

Because as long as you remain part of it you are associating yourself with it freely and gladly.
He personally knows the person running the account so just doesn’t care.

Happy to sling mud at people that have resigned when done wrong but taking no responsibility for his own organisation. Philip Normal raised £500k for an aids charity not £50k to maintain dangerous rat running.
He personally knows the person running the account so just doesn’t care.

Happy to sling mud at people that have resigned when done wrong but taking no responsibility for his own organisation. Philip Normal raised £500k for an aids charity not £50k to maintain dangerous rat running.
Yup, because this case is all about “rat running” isn’t it 🙄
I have continuously disassociated myself from it and don’t even follow it.
But are happy for it to be the official mouthpiece of the group of which you're part. Or at least not bothered enough to insist that maybe the group you're a part of has an official account that isn't a constant mine of hate, abuse, nutty conspiracy theories and bad taste takes.

basically - that’s you that is.

By implication, happy with the
  • stalking, threats and misogynistic abuse (which have involved Police on a number of occasions, including the person who runs the social media)
  • abuse of peoples partners and friends
  • £100k+of criminal damage
  • dumping of engine oil on the street, sorry “art project”
  • plant poisoning and vandalism of community gardening projects

all of which the group has either condoned or excused over the last 18 months.

Very keen on collective guilt and responsibility for others , however far in the past. But ongoing shittiness from your friends? Just fine.
By way of comparison to the £50k raised to stop rat running the local Tulse Hill group in support of the LTN spent about £300 to print leaflets on 2 occasions that were designed by volunteers & distributed by volunteers to every household in the ward.
Yes I believe they had to call the police
The anger and hatred is pretty much one way. And when senior figures in organisations don’t condemn it, it only encourages it. (Cue examples of someone removing one of those signs or apparently having nails put under their tyres).

tbh I kind of understand it - people have spent significant amounts of their income on buying/financing a car whilst it’s bloody cheap to use it, so any restriction means they get angry but they need to realise how their convenience affects others.
But are happy for it to be the official mouthpiece of the group of which you're part. Or at least not bothered enough to insist that maybe the group you're a part of has an official account that isn't a constant mine of hate, abuse, nutty conspiracy theories and bad taste takes.

basically - that’s you that is.

By implication, happy with the
  • stalking, threats and misogynistic abuse (which have involved Police on a number of occasions, including the person who runs the social media)
  • abuse of peoples partners and friends
  • £100k+of criminal damage
  • dumping of engine oil on the street, sorry “art project”
  • plant poisoning and vandalism of community gardening projects

all of which the group has either condoned or excused over the last 18 months.

Very keen on collective guilt and responsibility for others , however far in the past. But ongoing shittiness from your friends? Just fine.

Great post - the guy funds anti semites.
Yes I believe they had to call the police
The police confirm officers spoke to one person after pictures were taken outside the homes of members of a local residents’ association, which supports the Oval scheme. The photos were later shared from a now deleted Twitter account that also referred to: “ignorant ivory tower wealthy finger pointing arseholes”

View attachment 306080View attachment 306081

whoever does run the account seems to live either on the edge of the Oval to Stockwell triangle or just outside.
Looks like the person who runs the account is probably “Sam Cooray, who lives on the border of the scheme” in that piece.

Still talking about “ivory towers” and posting pics of that couple too.

“Good people on both sides” I think the phrase is.


Looks like the person who runs the account is probably “Sam Cooray, who lives on the border of the scheme” in that piece.

Still talking about “ivory towers” and posting pics of that couple too.

“Good people on both sides” I think the phrase is.

View attachment 306116
This “ivory towers” & “private roads” narrative is just crazy. Car ownership in our areas is so low and the most well off are far more likely to own cars and so are the ones polluting us all.

So many people just can’t believe that the majority of Lambeth households don’t have cars - which just shows what a bubble they’re living in.
Seriously chowce5382 - what’s the plan if the court case won’t remove the LTNs, they’re made permanent (as 2 have already) with blue badge exemptions and you’re not interested in the local elections?

Is there a plan?
Seriously chowce5382 - what’s the plan if the court case won’t remove the LTNs, they’re made permanent (as 2 have already) with blue badge exemptions and you’re not interested in the local elections?

Is there a plan?
As I’ve said at the very beginning, this is all about the legal position for me which is why I’m supporting and advocating and raising for a legal challenge which is now with the court of appeal.

People will have to decide what they want to do next and whether the single gate exemption is enough. I’m not standing for local elections, I don’t have time therefore it wouldn’t be appropriate.
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