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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I thought it was going to be a road sign issue before I read the letter (that people might mistake this for an actual road sign). I also think it's a bad idea to stop people putting political placards up under advertising rules. Would be interesting to know if the council have had an outside complaint that they're required to act on.
I thought it was going to be a road sign issue before I read the letter (that people might mistake this for an actual road sign). I also think it's a bad idea to stop people putting political placards up under advertising rules. Would be interesting to know if the council have had an outside complaint that they're required to act on.

it looks like there is a very clear set of rules that allows estate agent signs (which are supposed to be taken down soon after sale), charity event adverts (for a limited period ) etc etc. even covers stuff like “beware of the dog“ signs.

political stuff seems to be covered by “Advertisements relating specifically to a pending Parliamentary, European Parliamentary, or local government election or a referendum. These advertisements must not be displayed more than 14 days after the close of the poll.”

these don’t fall into any of the allowed categories as far as I can see

it looks like there is a very clear set of rules that allows estate agent signs (which are supposed to be taken down soon after sale), charity event adverts (for a limited period ) etc etc. even covers stuff like “beware of the dog“ signs.

political stuff seems to be covered by “Advertisements relating specifically to a pending Parliamentary, European Parliamentary, or local government election or a referendum. These advertisements must not be displayed more than 14 days after the close of the poll.”

these don’t fall into any of the allowed categories as far as I can see
That’s true as it’s not an advertisement relating to an invitation to treat for specific services or to a formal political party and relating to a poll (which would have been implemented by legislation). It doesn’t fit into any of these categories because it isn’t an advertisement.

A number of these letters have gone out. Not a single letter has gone out to anyone showing an “I love my LTN” sign. Both of these signs are just statements of how people feel about their neighbourhood (esp given that people have been encouraged decorate their planters with pro LTN slogans). Both should be allowed and I’m really surprised that Lambeth is actually spending time and effort on this. It shows a myopic approach to local issues from the elected representatives
Any of our resident onesies care to comment on this:

I’d be interested to see how this person got hold of this evidence/data as we’ve been told u see FOIs that the council are not allowed to share this under any circumstance as it contains third party information which is protected. Does anyone know esp as I think this tweet was from someone outside Lambeth. Would be interesting to know
A number of these letters have gone out. Not a single letter has gone out to anyone showing an “I love my LTN” sign. Both of these signs are just statements of how people feel about their neighbourhood (esp given that people have been encouraged decorate their planters with pro LTN slogans). Both should be allowed and I’m really surprised that Lambeth is actually spending time and effort on this. It shows a myopic approach to local issues from the elected representatives
I don't recall seeing any 'I love my LTN' signs in the same 'estate agent' signboards (please correct me if I'm wrong) plus none advertising a website to donate money or protest against the LTNs.
Maybe this advertising is the difference??
Plus they've been up for ages so clearly not temporary
I don't recall seeing any 'I love my LTN' signs in the same 'estate agent' signboards (please correct me if I'm wrong) plus none advertising a website to donate money or protest against the LTNs.
Maybe this advertising is the difference??
It’s not the signboard idea that makes a difference under the legislation. The advertising point relates to an “invitation to treat” to supply services of buy something. If this is the granular level of the issue which the council is trying to address one could argue that a “I love my LTN” is a political advertisement as it’s directly supporting the published political policy of the current ruling party in Lambeth.

You just won’t agree in general as you’ll see it for one side and that’s fine. I’m just surprised and that the council is spending time and energy on this. Especially when they have spent more time directly interacting with people who have a sign up than disabled people they could actually help. Again, it’s just myopic and their time could be better spent elsewhere I suspect.
I’d be interested to see how this person got hold of this evidence/data as we’ve been told u see FOIs that the council are not allowed to share this under any circumstance as it contains third party information which is protected. Does anyone know esp as I think this tweet was from someone outside Lambeth. Would be interesting to know
If you’re referring to “One example of this saw the Railton consultation receive over 600 responses submitted one after another from 3am until 1pm on one day – around one a minute for ten hours straight, all with identical formatting in the free text box asking for the first line of their address and no email address provided.” that text is copied from the Lambeth Labour webpage linked above.
I don't recall seeing any 'I love my LTN' signs in the same 'estate agent' signboards (please correct me if I'm wrong) plus none advertising a website to donate money or protest against the LTNs.
Maybe this advertising is the difference??
Plus they've been up for ages so clearly not temporary
Yes - only seen signs in windows in support for LTNs which are obviously different.
If you’re referring to “One example of this saw the Railton consultation receive over 600 responses submitted one after another from 3am until 1pm on one day – around one a minute for ten hours straight, all with identical formatting in the free text box asking for the first line of their address and no email address provided.” that text is copied from the Lambeth Labour webpage linked above.
Thanks. I’ve asked for the data behind this and been told by the council that they were not able to to give any granular data behind the consultation results as it could result in third party data being given in breach of data protection. I then asked for how they were able to publish the data above, I’ve been told that they can’t tell me due to GDPR. Not sure how they can publish it but at the same time tell me that I can’t have the same (redacted) info due to gdpr.
I’d be interested to see how this person got hold of this evidence/data as we’ve been told u see FOIs that the council are not allowed to share this under any circumstance as it contains third party information which is protected. Does anyone know esp as I think this tweet was from someone outside Lambeth. Would be interesting to know
Are you commenting on the article by Danny Adilypour? What tweet are you referring to?

Someone obviously tried to send in a lot of fake consultation responses and the council are pointing this out.
Thanks. I’ve asked for the data behind this and been told by the council that they were not able to to give any granular data behind the consultation results as it could result in third party data being given in breach of data protection. I then asked for how they were able to publish the data above, I’ve been told that they can’t tell me due to GDPR. Not sure how they can publish it but at the same time tell me that I can’t have the same (redacted) info due to gdpr.
You're submitting FOIs about the fake responses? What do you think you'll find out?
Are you commenting on the article by Danny Adilypour? What tweet are you referring to?

Someone obviously tried to send in a lot of fake consultation responses and the council are pointing this out.
No, a tweet that came out from Enfield? at the same time/slightly beige this was published on the Lambeth website. I looked at how various responses could be filtered out and realised that if a husband and wife put exactly the same response in from the same IP address then both would be discounted as “suspicious” as they would have used the “other” box in the consultation. I noted that very similar/exactly the same responses from the same IP address which were plposiyive were not discounted as being “suspicious”. I there wanted to find out exactly how many of the Al responses in the “other” were discounted but was told that this information was not allowed to be released under GDPR (even in a redacted form). The information on the wedsitw is exactly the kind of thing I was asking for but was told the council can’t release it. I’m therefor trying to figure out why the information they are releasing is not covered by the same GDPR rules that they are relying on.
You're submitting FOIs about the fake responses? What do you think you'll find out?
Read below. The process of getting out responses includes anything in the other box from the same IP address. Therefore two people in a house who put the same response in the “other” category both had their responses discarded. I was asking how many times this happened.

You say fake responses as anything in the”other” box from the same IP address was instantly treated as being “suspicious”. I’m just asking for the background data. Councils will normally make this available as a matter of course so that the process is transparent to all. Especially when there isn’t an ability to register a negative response without using a catch all “other” response.
Seems rather like going down a rabbit hole tbh. After all it's been stated many times that the consultations aren't referendums but rather an opportunity to raise issues concerns and then up to the council to see what merit these have. Writing "REMOVE ALL LTNS" as seems to have been the copied script of ones from multiple IP addresses isn't really very helpful for a consultation.

Anyway, elections in May will give people the opportunity to show if they disagree with the councils approach.
You say fake responses as anything in the”other” box from the same IP address was instantly treated as being “suspicious”. I’m just asking for the background data. Councils will normally make this available as a matter of course so that the process is transparent to all. Especially when there isn’t an ability to register a negative response without using a catch all “other” response.
I'm saying fake responses in relation to the 600 responses submitted one after another from 3am until 1pm on one day - that was what the original post you replied to was asking for comment on. Do you have a view on that?
I'm saying fake responses in relation to the 600 responses submitted one after another from 3am until 1pm on one day - that was what the original post you replied to was asking for comment on. Do you have a view on that?
I can’t have a view on that as I’ve asked for the underlying data to show the responses but I’ve been told that the council is not allowed under the law to release this data. I’m therefore asking how they are now releasing this data showing that one IP address was submitting a reply once every minute for 10 hours straight. Furthermore, when they first released the consultation data they said they knocked out way more than 600 suspicious responses (all of which were “other” responses) and I’ve for this bit it’s ilegal to publish it.
It’s not the signboard idea that makes a difference under the legislation. The advertising point relates to an “invitation to treat” to supply services of buy something. If this is the granular level of the issue which the council is trying to address one could argue that a “I love my LTN” is a political advertisement as it’s directly supporting the published political policy of the current ruling party in Lambeth.
Estate agent style boards come within the scope of planning rules relating to adverts & signage, and things displayed inside windows generally don't.
I can’t have a view on that as I’ve asked for the underlying data to show the responses but I’ve been told that the council is not allowed under the law to release this data. I’m therefore asking how they are now releasing this data showing that one IP address was submitting a reply once every minute for 10 hours straight. Furthermore, when they first released the consultation data they said they knocked out way more than 600 suspicious responses (all of which were “other” responses) and I’ve for this bit it’s ilegal to publish it.
Well of course they couldn't release underlying data as that would need to have IP addresses and presumably names & address. They haven't released anything like that - they're just stating what happened. Presumably you just don't believe them - which okay, but sounds quite conspiratorial and along with accusations of acting like North Korea/Nazis/East Germany and ethnic cleansing all has got very very tiresome indeed.
Well of course they couldn't release underlying data as that would need to have IP addresses and presumably names & address. They're have released anything like that - they're just stating what happened. Presumably you just don't believe them - which okay, but sounds quite conspiratorial and along with accusations of acting like North Korea/Nazis/East Germany and ethnic cleansing all has got very very tiresome indeed.
You haven’t quite understood. The information they have published in the post to which we refer…I was told that it was unlawful to publish that information. On that basis I need to understand why they can’t publish all the information but redact to be in line with GDPR as they have with this esp given that only similar responses in the “other” box were discounted.
You haven’t quite understood. The information they have published in the post to which we refer…I was told that it was unlawful to publish that information. On that basis I need to understand why they can’t publish all the information but redact to be in line with GDPR as they have with this esp given that only similar responses in the “other” box were discounted.
You're referring to this - yes?

Sadly though, the consultations also saw concerted attempts at manipulation with blatant efforts to stop the council from really hearing people’s views by swamping the consultations with over 1,800 fake responses. This is something that has been seen repeatedly in consultations for active travel schemes across the country, as Newcastle City Council for one can testify.

One example of this saw the Railton consultation receive over 600 responses submitted one after another from 3am until 1pm on one day – around one a minute for ten hours straight, all with identical formatting in the free text box asking for the first line of their address and no email address provided.

To make matters worse, those responsible were apparently intent on distorting and misrepresenting the opinions of under-represented non-white and LGBTQ+ Lambeth residents, as they had recorded these fake responses as being almost entirely from people whose ethnicity was not white and who identified as LGBTQ+.

But your FOI was asking for underlying data - yes?
Thanks. I’ve asked for the data behind this and been told by the council that they were not able to to give any granular data behind the consultation results as it could result in third party data being given in breach of data protection. I then asked for how they were able to publish the data above, I’ve been told that they can’t tell me due to GDPR. Not sure how they can publish it but at the same time tell me that I can’t have the same (redacted) info due to gdpr.
They can publish a summary because it includes no personally identifiable information. You've asked to see the underlying data - for that to be any use it would have to include IP addresses, and IP addresses are considered personally identifiable information under the GDPR regulations. Thats why you're not getting anywhere. If they released it sufficiently redacted to comply it wouldn't show you anything.
No, a tweet that came out from Enfield? at the same time/slightly beige this was published on the Lambeth website.
So your conspiracy is that someone posted something soon after it was published on a website (that doesn't seem to have a time of posting on it). Even if it was prior to the website it is possible there may have been an email to party members beforehand.
Therefore two people in a house who put the same response in the “other” category both had their responses discarded. I was asking how many times this happened.
I can't find the link upthread to the council document but weren't there a load of other signs of fake responses being looked for - not filling in the whole survey, not submitting an email address, not completing the equalities section (or filling it in with contradictory responses that made no sense)? So basically people who were not participating in in good faith. Not surprising when OneLambeth were both telling people to fill in the consultation wherever they were and in the same sentence calling it a fake / sham.
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You're referring to this - yes?

But your FOI was asking for underlying data - yes?
Yes, redacted. So without ip numbers, names or addresses to show the number of responses in each box.

So, if you had two responses in a box which was a positive responses in the consultation from the same IP address, how many of those were discounted compared to those which were instantly treated as being “suspicious” (councils word not mine) which were from the same same IP address. No actual names, addresses or IP number required just number of responses. I was told that even this would breach GDPR. I made it very clear that no names, addresses or IP adressess/number were being requested and also clarified this subsequently.
Estate agent style boards come within the scope of planning rules relating to adverts & signage, and things displayed inside windows generally don't.

I don't know - looking at that doc it seems pretty much nothing visible externally is allowed. Most election posters are just stuck in windows in London (though in the country you see estate agent type signs stuck in gardens).

I'd guess the reason letters have been sent is that maybe complaints have been made. It's one thing to have a piece of paper stuck in a window but I could imagine neighbours getting sick of looking down the street or out of their window and seeing a load of those estate agents boards. Particularly given the consultations have ended and the schemes made permanent.

Yes, redacted. So without ip numbers, names or addresses to show the number of responses in each box.

So, if you had two responses in a box which was a positive responses in the consultation from the same IP address, how many of those were discounted compared to those which were instantly treated as being “suspicious” (councils word not mine) which were from the same same IP address. No actual names, addresses or IP number required just number of responses. I was told that even this would breach GDPR. I made it very clear that no names, addresses or IP adressess/number were being requested and also clarified this subsequently.
If there weren’t any IP addresses how would you know they were the same?!

Think you’re on a wind up again like your “art installation”.

Frankly depressing how much effort some will put into opposing some frankly minor road changes. We’re completely fucked when it comes to climate change.
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