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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Inevitable - you say pollution is a minor part of it.

Cllr Adilypour added: “We believe the use of low traffic neighbourhoods can help reduce traffic, improve road safety and enable active travel such as walking or cycling.
“Less dependence on motor vehicle use means we can reduce air pollution and improve air quality.
“Low traffic neighbourhoods are an effective way to create safer, greener and less polluted streets that respond to the challenges of the climate emergency.”
So they, clearly, have a number of objectives.
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On the first - how? fixed cameras don't work - go look at the one on Acre Lane and see nearly every driver brake hard then accelerate when past it.
Traffic calming seems to have comprehensively failed - I'm pretty sure every street in the Ferndale and Railton areas is already lined with speedhumps and Railton Road had 'chicanes'. Where do you think traffic calming is missing and what sort would you install?

A bigger ULEZ or tighter regulations?

Last Census showed
130k households in Lambeth
View attachment 300763

"no more than two permits per household" really isn't going to have a noticeable impact - and still doesn't stop anyone with off street parking having on street as well.

by creating LTNs? Making a 1960s street grid fit for the 21st century
Sigh, not really looking for a huge keyboard war here. The most scientific way to test your hypothesis would be to remove all the calming/safety measures and see what happens. :)

The technology is there for more effective speed controls, we just live in a world where there are big warning signs and flags on the navigation apps.

By the way I've walked through Railton LTN a few times recently and the few motorbikes/cars/buses that there are absolutely bomb it through because it's so empty.

I'd be for a bigger ULEZ and tighter restrictions. The government (local & national) is just too concerned with appeasing car owners.

Big sigh at the people who say electric vehicles aren't the answer. What part of zero emissions is so difficult to understand?

Finally, it's handwave-y magical thinking to say that traffic will go down on boundary roads over time. That simply won't happen without measures to decrease and discourage car ownership over the whole of London.

As far as I'm concerned LTNs are just greenwashing for the council. They can say they are doing their bit for the climate. But in reality they are driving resentment and inequality, without actually discouraging car ownership or decreasing pollution in the main.
I think he is precisely arguing against your view. which seems succinctly stated to be "You chose not to be in an LTN - now sufffer"
Yes, exactly. So instead of road pricing we have the rich living on super quiet roads and the poor choking on fumes. But ok, I guess it's their "choice" to be poor.
Here are some road pricing threads, where people line up to explain all the problems with road pricing and how we should do something else instead, eg:

There's already a system in place that ensures people driving in congested areas and those with bigger cars pay more. It's called fuel tax. They're just getting upset because people are buying electric cars and dodging the tax. A simple solution would be to make the likes of Amazon pay their taxes, but, as usual, its the least well off who will suffer.

Why not just ask for the existing road pricing scheme called Fuel tax to divert more of its funds to alternatives to road travel such as better train routes and services/buses etc.

The road pricing scheme will cost substantialy more before it sees even a penny in revenue. It involves the manufacture of millions of tracking units (that manufacture will have a carbon footprint), it will need loads of servers to track and calculate everything (more carbon footprint) and tons more admin staff who will need to be paid before any profit is taken.

If it costs 1 million pound to claim 3 million in tax now it will cost 2.6 million pound to claim 3 million under the new system and so they'll charge 5.6 million to make up for the surplus cost.

not signing this nonsense by some Islington Living, Middle Class, Green crank

I live in a semi-rural area with no public transport to speak of, and no road congestion either. I just see this as another attempt to socially cleanse rural areas of working class people, to be repalced by those who can afford road pricing

I don't understand what point you're making. What has KCH got to do with the LTNs?
Was thinking that the families in social housing on CHL are unjustly suffering noise disturbance and POLLUTION due to snarled up traffic from KCH never-ending PFI projects
As Liza Minelli sang in "Cabaret" **** on being poor!
This is bad news - Changes to the Congestion Charge to support long term traffic reduction and a sustainable recovery
Without doubt will generate more trips on Lambeth's roads. Seems to be a truly deafening silence from the supposed 'clean air for all' groups opposing LTNs on this...
Some strange statements in there
'The removal of the evening charge will support the capital's culture, hospitality and night-time businesses which have struggled so much, as well as encouraging people to walk, cycle and use public transport. It's vital we do not encourage a car-led recovery and replace one public health crisis with another due to filthy air.'

I don't see how removing the evening charge will encourage people to walk, cycle and use PT :confused::confused:
The reduction in the evening charge wont benefit the culture or nighttime industries, where it still doesn't make much sense to drive, park etc. More likely to benefit those who drive in and out of Zone as part of work pattern, knowing that it lifts at 6pm. Completely counter-intuitive.
The reduction in the evening charge wont benefit the culture or nighttime industries, where it still doesn't make much sense to drive, park etc. More likely to benefit those who drive in and out of Zone as part of work pattern, knowing that it lifts at 6pm. Completely counter-intuitive.
I can’t work out the narrow subsection of the population who are wealthy enough to own a car, spend a night out in central London, and pay for parking but not quite wealthy enough just to get a taxi (or for whom the congestion charge would be the straw that breaks the camels back on the total cost of a night out).

Makes no sense.
Do you think it could be worries about covid? Seeing a few posts on my local FB group about 'where to park' in central London for a trip out with the kids/family?
And Khan under pressure from business to make sure their clients can get to them any which way?
I do think they haven’t communicated this very well. The increase to £15 & charging for evenings and weekends were bought in temporarily and so really they’re keeping the increase & weekend charging rather than dropping evenings.

I suspect they prefer to present it this way to make it seem better - anyway the congestion charge is much stronger than it was a few years ago.
Everything comes back to the evil LTNs for good old Tim.

Can’t see how his weird campaign is going to help him with the voters of Clapham Common - particularly as he seems to be in favour of stopping rat running there 🤦.

Everything comes back to the evil LTNs for good old Tim.

Can’t see how his weird campaign is going to help him with the voters of Clapham Common - particularly as he seems to be in favour of stopping rat running there 🤦.

Eh? He's always posting on the one Lambeth Twitter against LTNs but now is supporting the implementation of one? I'm very confused
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