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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

The council is proposing to make Oval & Railton LTNs permanent!

And they're popular:

“After careful consideration of feedback, trip patterns and impacts the proposals include exceptions for Blue Badge holders who rely on driving, being driven or on visitors who arrive by car. Exceptions are also proposed for taxis and fully accessible private hire vehicles, and rapid response healthcare providers.”
Am I right in thinking that making this permanent means a new traffic order, which then means anyone challenging this through judicial review needs to essentially start again?
The line the antis seem to be taken is that submissions were excluded to sway the result. There were excluded and this is the reason.

They getting into full QAnon territory now.


"We have never seen such corruption and evil before our eyes." I'd like a top 5 of corruption and evil, just to see what's at spots 2-5, below some modal filters.

“Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's personal gain.”

I don’t get it - is BigBike paying them off ?
Appreciate there is a certain QAnon quality to OneLambeth etc - but here is the voice of a veteran Lambeth public transport campaigner.
You may have him to thank for the Clapham High Street overground station.
He's wrong, though. He says that the benefits are just theoretical when there's evidence from a whole bunch of boroughs that these schemes work. I guess the argument that we need widespread buy-in from people... so let's go for road pricing is at least funny.
Interesting responses to his tweet. But his main hypothesis just repeats a few statements that have shown not to stand up to scrutiny (without even attempting to evidence them).

Also on Lambeth
If that's the problem why not pitch an article to the Local Government Chronicle on how to make people feel less "abandoned" rather than this nonsense in the Telegraph?
He's wrong, though. He says that the benefits are just theoretical when there's evidence from a whole bunch of boroughs that these schemes work. I guess the argument that we need widespread buy-in from people... so let's go for road pricing is at least funny.

The other thing is that if he's saying "we need data", then that's what we're going to get in a much wider fashion from the current LTNs. Surely his stance should be "wait and see"?
He's wrong, though. He says that the benefits are just theoretical when there's evidence from a whole bunch of boroughs that these schemes work. I guess the argument that we need widespread buy-in from people... so let's go for road pricing is at least funny.

In a sense they’ve done both - driving through an LTN now costs 80 quid a go.
I’ve read his Twitter feed and he is clearly a long-term campaigner for sustainable transport.

His supporting evidence for boundary road traffic increase seems to be one LTN/road in Dulwich. I’m not a data expert but seems to me it’s probably a bit early for either side to set too much store by any single example. There is data which points the other way.

His answer to traffic reduction is road-user pricing which I would like to see and may happen at some point but at the moment is politically unlikely. His anti-LTN stance is a classic case therefore of the perfect being the enemy of the good.
Here’s what this guy is enabling by using any reputation he has:

Prominent OneWandsworth member campaigning against Lambeth’s LTNs.

Seems he’s happy to do this and further the Sunday Telegraph pro car agenda. Hope he got paid a decent amount.
Appreciate there is a certain QAnon quality to OneLambeth etc - but here is the voice of a veteran Lambeth public transport campaigner.
You may have him to thank for the Clapham High Street overground station.

Here John Burke responds to the opinions given in the piece with evidence
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Here John Burke takes the opinions given in the piece with evidence

De Beauvoir Town is obviously a singularity
In 1907, the Fifth Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party held at the Brotherhood Church on the east side of Southgate Road. Attendees included Lenin, Stalin, Maxim Gorky, Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Trotsky. The congress debated strategy for a communist revolution in Russia and strengthened the position of Lenin's Bolsheviks and debated strategy for a communist revolution in Russia.[9]
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