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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Neighbourhood whatsapp news:

"I received 7 penalty notices from the new camera. I made representations but they refused and now I'm going to court. Please give your valuabnle advice and suggestions"

I have not said "if you don't want 7 fines, don't drive through a closed road 7 times" because I don't think it would go down well.

So, what's this?

It's some of the data you can get from here:

Which I have posted about before on this thread. Here's the graph OneLambeth_Justice have posted on twitter:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 23.03.32.jpg

They are saying that this somehow shows that LTNs have made air pollution worse on this site, for this particular measure. Well, I can replicate their graph, for March 2020 - April 2021, as per my link above, and it looks like this:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 22.57.19.jpg

Slightly different formatting but essentially the same graph. They seem to be pointing at the peak in November 2020. Sure, that was after the LTNs around Brixton were mostly in. And it was sort of between lockdowns.

So shall we see what the same period, for the previous years look like?

First, March 2019 - April 2020:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 23.10.13.jpg

Then, March 2018 - April 2019 (unfortunately a chunk of data missing):

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 23.00.28.jpg

Finally, March 2017- April 2018:

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 23.01.07.jpg

What are they on about? There are significantly worse levels measured during all of these previous years.

And what if we look at the bit they've conveniently missed off their graph - which is what's happened since spring/summer 2021, as restrictions have been lifted, with LTNs pretty much fully implemented? Do we see the graph line rising and rising? No!

Screenshot 2021-09-30 at 22.58.33.jpg

In fact we see levels between June-September 2021 dropping to generally lower than are seen in all of the previous years for the same months ... with the possible exception of 2020, when the LTNs were already in.

So, what's this?

It's some of the data you can get from here:

Which I have posted about before on this thread. Here's the graph OneLambeth_Justice have posted on twitter:

View attachment 290773

They are saying that this somehow shows that LTNs have made air pollution worse on this site, for this particular measure. Well, I can replicate their graph, for March 2020 - April 2021, as per my link above, and it looks like this:

View attachment 290774

Slightly different formatting but essentially the same graph. They seem to be pointing at the peak in November 2020. Sure, that was after the LTNs around Brixton were mostly in. And it was sort of between lockdowns.

So shall we see what the same period, for the previous years look like?

First, March 2019 - April 2020:

View attachment 290778

Then, March 2018 - April 2019 (unfortunately a chunk of data missing):

View attachment 290776

Finally, March 2017- April 2018:

View attachment 290777

What are they on about? There are significantly worse levels measured during all of these previous years.

And what if we look at the bit they've conveniently missed off their graph - which is what's happened since spring/summer 2021, as restrictions have been lifted, with LTNs pretty much fully implemented? Do we see the graph line rising and rising? No!

View attachment 290779

In fact we see levels between June-September 2021 dropping to generally lower than are seen in all of the previous years for the same months ... with the possible exception of 2020, when the LTNs were already in.

Its just taken as an article of faith by so many that LTNs increase pollution with no evidence. I get that they’re slightly counterintuitive but has anyone seen noticeable increases in traffic.

Meanwhile, we’ve actually seen actual choas on streets around petrol stations, obviously caused by vehicles, and no one seems to give a shit.
Anyone heard any update on the court case?

The fundraising page says “Our appeal is likely to be heard in the Appeal Court early Autumn with a judgement by October/November time.”

They are only 1/3rd of the way to their funding target. Did they even raise enough to appeal the case before the deadline in July?
Its just taken as an article of faith by so many that LTNs increase pollution with no evidence. I get that they’re slightly counterintuitive but has anyone seen noticeable increases in traffic.
No, and i challenge anyone to stand around on ferndale, for example, and tell me in good conscience its worse than in years past.

But try suggesting that to any of them online and you will be attacked in the most vicious, personal, and slanderous terms.

Bunch of c*nts.
No, and i challenge anyone to stand around on ferndale, for example, and tell me in good conscience its worse than in years past.

But try suggesting that to any of them online and you will be attacked in the most vicious, personal, and slanderous terms.

Bunch of c*nts.

I knew these schemes were controversial but really wasn’t prepared for the nastiness of opposition and frankly it’s amazing how some seemingly sensible & moderate people (eg. chowce5382 & Cllr Briggs) are happy to ignore this and even play up to it.

I’m sure some will try and “both sides” it but seems v rare for LTN supporters to be aggressive etc. and certainly not on the level of those opposed. So many opposed seem fine with Holocaust comparisons for example.
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If anyone here’s in the OneLambeth Facebook group and wouldn’t mind letting me know if they’re talking about something can you drop me a PM. Thanks 🙏

Lambeth Overview and Scrutiny Committee discussing the LTNs yesterday.

Sad to hear the owner of Atlantic Bakery went to kill himself over the loss of business. ALso sounds like Lambeth are looking into SCOOT data.
Good to hear Cllr Briggs going full conspironut with regards to Prof Aldred and misrepresenting the report because of a typo on the survey (the report says The total number of motor vehicles within the LTN decreased by 63% and when including the boundary roads decreased by 18%.)
Weird that so many people were apparently driving to a bakery there
I feel bad for the guy, but I don't know how you separate the effects of the LTN from the effects of everything else in the last year. The cafe where I would get my Friday treat, an almond croissant, is now gone because people like me haven't been near it for over a year simply because patterns of living have changed. I can't say how many people were driving there but there has been a bunch of studies that show that retailers way overestimate the number of people who visit by car. This is one but it refers to others. https://bristolcyclingcampaign.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/shoppersandhowtheytravel.pdf
Wait until people remember the extension to the ULEZ zone kicks in in 11 days. That'll get blood pressure rising
Wait until people remember the extension to the ULEZ zone kicks in in 11 days. That'll get blood pressure rising
Will they remember, or realise? Or will they fail to realise until they get seven letters through the door and take to Nextdoor to share their outrage?
lol, for anyone wondering, yes "common law courts" are a FOTLer thing. see eg: this FoI: UK Common Law Courts - a Freedom of Information request to Ministry of Justice

Your answer referred exclusively to a Court system established under Parliamentary Legislation. Those Courts act as commercial courts, since all Legislation is Commercial Law subject (since the 1930 Geneva Convention), to Uniform Commercial Code. Hence my secondary question about the current Court system, operating as commercial “Companies”, since they operate as Courts de Facto under Maritime Law, with Boards of Directors, impose fees which often inhibit access to justice and operate in direct opposition to the principles of Magna Carta.

maritime law, check... magna carta, check... someone without a clue about actual legal processes.... oh yes that's a massive check.
Does it start from some kind of default where everyone has free access to the land? Because I'd be tempted to attend and explain how my freedoms as a Free Pedestrian have been controlled by the imposition of roads and all their attendant rules and restrictions.
I’d pay to see this.
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