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I haven’t made allegations but his pinned tweet if certainly questionable. Not sure how this forum can be anonymous is people choose to share who they are.
My pinned tweet is about balancing the rights of groups of people and that one set of rights starts where another finishes. If that’s questionable then we’ll need to start human rights law from scratch.
Twitter. No. Don’t know how many times I have to say it. I’ll do it again, just so you know. I have nothing to do with the Twitter account.
If that's the case, why is your current fundraiser on the front page?
The One Lambeth website links to your old fundraiser. Are you promoting the new one anywhere else? You can see surely how it really does look like you are part of One Lambeth Justice since that twitter feed is driving donors to you??!!
If that's the case, why is your current fundraiser on the front page?
The One Lambeth website links to your old fundraiser. Are you promoting the new one anywhere else? You can see surely how it really does look like you are part of One Lambeth Justice since that twitter feed is driving donors to you??!!
Ask the person who runs the Twitter account
It’s real attack dog stuff. Have the Twitter account stir up hatred (to help the fundraiser?) but distance yourself from it. You can’t even bring yourself to condemn it here.
It’s real attack dog stuff. Have the Twitter account stir up hatred (to help the fundraiser?) but distance yourself from it. You can’t even bring yourself to condemn it here.

I'm pretty sure chowce5382 has condemned that account here previously, and the twitter feed which is officially associated with the one lambeth org that he is the treasurer of has a pinned tweet condemning and disassociating themselves from that account (I believe that was over the holocaust comparisons).

I'm not sure if they can do anything about it even through complaining to twitter that this is basically passing off as their official account, would twitter take it down? force a name change? I doubt it.
anyway, it does more harm than good to the anti-LTN groups. I'm not the only person who might have been persuadable that the LTNs aren't producing overall good outcomes (even though in principle I'm well in favour of them) that is totally turned away from anti-LTN groups by these kinds of statements and comparisons. I'll never see or listen to reasonable arguments from them because I won't stay in those groups or conversations and I'm no longer open to rejoining them.

edit: to expand on the above, the two main facebook groups for the area I live in have both banned LTN discussions because of the heated nature of them and the bullshit lies and comparisons from anti-LTN people, so now there's an anti-LTN fb group which I'm not part of and will never join, so will never see any reasonable arguments against LTNs and neither will anyone else who doesn't like this kind of nonsense.

I mean who the fuck is against street parties??
No, it's condemning the campaign where he is the treasurer.

I think this is the case. I’m not sure chowce5382 has any thing to do with the other OneLambeth (https://onelambeth.co.uk/).

Good point BigTom - chowce5382 could report the Twitter account for impersonating his org but I suspect he knows who’s running it and doesn’t care.

ah, in which case, my mistake, as I though that onelambeth.co.uk was the org chowce5382 is treasurer of. Perhaps they can clarify exactly what their organisational relationship is to each of those feeds/organisations, because I'm thoroughly confused.
Gofundme, website, some posters (which keep on getting pulled down by pro people) not sure where else
which website. Can you post a link? The One Lambeth one has the link to your OLD go fund me. The only one I can find with a link to your present one is that OLJ twitter, so you can see why I'm thinking that you are linked to it???
So -

www.onerailton.co.uk is the website for One Lambeth Justice which is pursuing the court case.

https://twitter.com/OneLambeth_Just is the twitter account linked to on onerailton.co.uk and describes itself as "This is the official account of residents fighting the social injustice of LTNs in Lambeth whilst supporting the legal campaign."

However, "One Lambeth Justice" the legal campaign does not recognise "One Lambeth Justice" the twitter account as being connected and has no control over it.

Meanwhile the twitter account https://twitter.com/LambethOne (OneLambeth) is not connected with https://twitter.com/OneLambeth_Just (One Lambeth Justice) and says:

"The @OneLambeth_Just account is not affiliated with, and is run autonomously from, @LambethOne. It is not involved in the campaign to change Lambeth to a committee system. We condemn the inflammatory language repeatedly used by that account, and have reported it to @Twitter."
So -

www.onerailton.co.uk is the website for One Lambeth Justice which is pursuing the court case.

https://twitter.com/OneLambeth_Just is the twitter account linked to on onerailton.co.uk and describes itself as "This is the official account of residents fighting the social injustice of LTNs in Lambeth whilst supporting the legal campaign."

However, "One Lambeth Justice" the legal campaign does not recognise "One Lambeth Justice" the twitter account as being connected and has no control over it.

Meanwhile the twitter account https://twitter.com/LambethOne (OneLambeth) is not connected with https://twitter.com/OneLambeth_Just (One Lambeth Justice) and says:

"The @OneLambeth_Just account is not affiliated with, and is run autonomously from, @LambethOne. It is not involved in the campaign to change Lambeth to a committee system. We condemn the inflammatory language repeatedly used by that account, and have reported it to @Twitter."
It’s connected, I’ve said that. I just don’t have any control over it. I pay the bills and focus on legal issues.
It’s connected, I’ve said that. I just don’t have any control over it. I pay the bills and focus on legal issues.
Such a lame position - you're actively choosing to be associated with the account & the person behind it. It says a lot about who you are.
It’s connected, I’ve said that. I just don’t have any control over it. I pay the bills and focus on legal issues.

right, so the twitter feed is part of the organisation you are part of. You have more collective responsibility for that twitter feed's output than LCC does for the personal feed of an employee, but you refuse to take any responsibility for it, despite attacking LCC for the personal tweets of an employee?

Yeah. There's plenty you could do but you choose not to. You have collective responsibility for what is being said. You could leave the organisation or remove that twitter feed from the website or do all sorts of things but you choose not to. Instead you decide to associate yourself with a feed that actively decides to compare LTNs to the holocaust, east berlin and more.
I find that absolutely disgusting. No wonder you are failing to raise money for an appeal, I know I would never donate to an organisation with such views, and yes I will judge senior members of that organisation by the views their official twitter feed puts out.
right, so the twitter feed is part of the organisation you are part of. You have more collective responsibility for that twitter feed's output than LCC does for the personal feed of an employee, but you refuse to take any responsibility for it, despite attacking LCC for the personal tweets of an employee?

Yeah. There's plenty you could do but you choose not to. You have collective responsibility for what is being said. You could leave the organisation or remove that twitter feed from the website or do all sorts of things but you choose not to. Instead you decide to associate yourself with a feed that actively decides to compare LTNs to the holocaust, east berlin and more.
I find that absolutely disgusting. No wonder you are failing to raise money for an appeal, I know I would never donate to an organisation with such views, and yes I will judge senior members of that organisation by the views their official twitter feed puts out.

You're really happy with this yeah? Quite content to be tied up with someone reckoning the LTNs are equivalent to the industrial murder of millions of Jews, Gypysies, LGBTQ, disabled people etc?
Fuck you then.
I thought you might be genuine in your concern for how this affects disabled people but clearly you are not. I guess your "middle class white cyclists" comment was the one that really shows how you feel about LTNs. Anything else is just a means to an end.

All this kind of stuff is why I'm closed to the anti-LTN arguments. I know I don't live where you do but I'm exactly the kind of person you need to win over - in theory pro-LTN but willing and open to being shown that they don't work. But with crap like this you lose me completely.
All your arguments about how the LTN has badly affected disabled people - gone. I have no interest in what you've said, I don't believe you on anything any more.
Great work. slow handclap.
You're really happy with this yeah? Quite content to be tied up with someone reckoning the LTNs are equivalent to the industrial murder of millions of Jews, Gypysies, LGBTQ, disabled people etc?
Fuck you then.
I thought you might be genuine in your concern for how this affects disabled people but clearly you are not. I guess your "middle class white cyclists" comment was the one that really shows how you feel about LTNs. Anything else is just a means to an end.

All this kind of stuff is why I'm closed to the anti-LTN arguments. I know I don't live where you do but I'm exactly the kind of person you need to win over - in theory pro-LTN but willing and open to being shown that they don't work. But with crap like this you lose me completely.
All your arguments about how the LTN has badly affected disabled people - gone. I have no interest in what you've said, I don't believe you on anything any more.
Great work. slow handclap.
I have said previously that I didn’t agree with those statements but that I didn’t have control over what was written. I did bring it up and mentioned that I didn’t think it correct or remotely analogous and that the focus should be on data and winning the argument rather than ill founded comparisons. No one has yet pointed out that I don’t actually follow the Twitter account
You're really happy with this yeah? Quite content to be tied up with someone reckoning the LTNs are equivalent to the industrial murder of millions of Jews, Gypysies, LGBTQ, disabled people etc?

He isn’t “tied up with” he’s paying their bills.
I have said previously that I didn’t agree with those statements but that I didn’t have control over what was written. I did bring it up and mentioned that I didn’t think it correct or remotely analogous and that the focus should be on data and winning the argument rather than ill founded comparisons. No one has yet pointed out that I don’t actually follow the Twitter account

You don't follow the twitter account? Oh no, how crumbled my view is now.
You are the treasurer of the organisation that account is officially associated with. It doesn't matter that you don't have control over exactly what is written. You are in one of the two most senior positions in that organisation. The twitter feed IS your public face. You are intrinsically and deeply linked together. Far more so that the personal account of an LCC employee and the LCC.
This IS your responsibility. You are the treasurer of the organisation. You know who runs the account and makes those statements. Have you made any moves to have them removed from controlling your social media feed? Have you made any moves to take that feed off your website and dispute it with twitter? Have you left the organisation?

You answer no to those questions (and you must answer no to two of them) and you are accepting your part in what those tweets say. You are content with them, or you would take action against them and to dissacociate yourself from them and the organisation that supports them.
You are morally bankrupt. I do not believe you, you are ok with those statements if not fully on board with them and your actions tell me this.
You don't follow the twitter account? Oh no, how crumbled my view is now.
You are the treasurer of the organisation that account is officially associated with. It doesn't matter that you don't have control over exactly what is written. You are in one of the two most senior positions in that organisation. The twitter feed IS your public face. You are intrinsically and deeply linked together. Far more so that the personal account of an LCC employee and the LCC.
This IS your responsibility. You are the treasurer of the organisation. You know who runs the account and makes those statements. Have you made any moves to have them removed from controlling your social media feed? Have you made any moves to take that feed off your website and dispute it with twitter? Have you left the organisation?

You answer no to those questions (and you must answer no to two of them) and you are accepting your part in what those tweets say. You are content with them, or you would take action against them and to dissacociate yourself from them and the organisation that supports them.
You are morally bankrupt. I do not believe you, you are ok with those statements if not fully on board with them and your actions tell me this.
My actions are that I will continue to support my friend through the legal process and ensure that she has whatever she needs in terms of support during what is a nightmarish time for her. Once the legal process comes to an end, any formal role I have in this will be over as the legal avenues will have been exhausted.
My actions are that I will continue to support my friend through the legal process and ensure that she has whatever she needs in terms of support during what is a nightmarish time for her. Once the legal process comes to an end, any formal role I have in this will be over as the legal avenues will have been exhausted.

Your friend is the client, not onelambethjustice or railtonjustice or whatever the organisation is called. You don't need to stay part of the organisation for the court case to proceed, nor does the organisation need to tolerate the twitter feed to maintain the court case. You could disconnect and try to raise money without associating yourself with the view that the LTN is equivalent to the industrial murder of millions of people but you choose not to. That speaks volumes about you and your character, and about the organisation you are part of and its character.
You don't follow the twitter account? Oh no, how crumbled my view is now.
You are the treasurer of the organisation that account is officially associated with. It doesn't matter that you don't have control over exactly what is written. You are in one of the two most senior positions in that organisation. The twitter feed IS your public face. You are intrinsically and deeply linked together. Far more so that the personal account of an LCC employee and the LCC.
This IS your responsibility. You are the treasurer of the organisation. You know who runs the account and makes those statements. Have you made any moves to have them removed from controlling your social media feed? Have you made any moves to take that feed off your website and dispute it with twitter? Have you left the organisation?

You answer no to those questions (and you must answer no to two of them) and you are accepting your part in what those tweets say. You are content with them, or you would take action against them and to dissacociate yourself from them and the organisation that supports them.
You are morally bankrupt. I do not believe you, you are ok with those statements if not fully on board with them and your actions tell me this.
I think the reality is that there is no "organisation" as such. There is a gofundme fund raiser, via which an individual is collecting funds for a court case where another individual is the "client".

There is then a jumble of informal organisations, interests, anonymous social media accounts and individuals who encourage donations to that fundraiser.
It’s connected, I’ve said that. I just don’t have any control over it. I pay the bills and focus on legal issues.
That's fucking bullshit and you know it is. I've been involved in campaigning and fundraising for decades and there is NO WAY I would allow anyone to post up shit like this regardless of how much money they were funnelling my way. Or at the VERY least, Id make a clear and empathic statement condemking the comments and distancing myself from the dodgy fundraiser.
I think the reality is that there is no "organisation" as such. There is a gofundme fund raiser, via which an individual is collecting funds for a court case where another individual is the "client".

There is then a jumble of informal organisations, interests, anonymous social media accounts and individuals who encourage donations to that fundraiser.
There's a One UK group apparently - that just includes groups from London 🙄.

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