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As I’ve said again and again Ed, this is nothing do with me. If you called me a Blairite, I’d be very happy and comfortable with that.

You still associate with this and have never condemned it - just said nothing to do with you despite you saying you’re their treasurer.

As snowy_again says you’re a charlatan. Weird you haven’t responded to their posts. You seem very happy to enable very nasty elements of our community.
You still associate with this and have never condemned it - just said nothing to do with you despite you saying you’re their treasurer.

As snowy_again says you’re a charlatan. Weird you haven’t responded to their posts. You seem very happy to enable very nasty elements of our community.
CH never condemned the racist cycling tweeter Simon Still. So the head of Lambeth therefore supports racists.
CH never condemned the racist cycling tweeter Simon Still. So the head of Lambeth therefore supports racists.
She did. You’re happy for your organisation to call your neighbours racist for having a street party.

Get a fucking grip & grow the fuck up - this isn’t a game.
I wouldn't really care about the twitter history of campaigners but someone keeps bringing it up and insisting it's important, and that entire campaigns should be defined by the twitter feeds of those involved.
Apparently he’s OneLambeth’s treasurer but also has nothing to do with them?!

I wouldn't really care about the twitter history of campaigners but someone keeps bringing it up and insisting it's important, and that entire campaigns should be defined by the twitter feeds of those involved.

dont think youre meant to use real names on these boards, specially when your slinging round unfounded allegations guys !
mebbe editor can clarify ?
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I wouldn't really care about the twitter history of campaigners but someone keeps bringing it up and insisting it's important, and that entire campaigns should be defined by the twitter feeds of those involved.

Agree, but the main account of a campaign is a different thing. Can’t see how you can be associated with the campaign if you don’t agree with what they say.
I haven’t made allegations but his pinned tweet if certainly questionable. Not sure how this forum can be anonymous is people choose to share who they are.
I haven’t made allegations but his pinned tweet if certainly questionable. Not sure how this forum can be anonymous is people choose to share who they are.
Ok well I quoted your post when I shouldn’t have then I guess, so apologies for that.
as for anonymity I have understood that to be the case here since time....I missed the naming post, I’ll take your word for it...
Someone with absolutely nothing to do with One Lambeth Justice beyond taking the money, paying the bills, speaking at their events, posting on forums in support, that sort of thing.

yes, it’s completely unfair for anyone to assume that he/she/they/them is anything to do with one two three Lambeth.
Will you condemn transphobic tweeter Charlie
dont think your meant to use real names on these boards, specially when your slinging round unfounded allegations guys !
mebbe editor can clarify ?
That’s the rule but ed probably won’t.
The weird little stalker has already pointed out that it’s easy to find out where I live and said it’s my own fault for being targeted. Charming people
I haven’t made allegations but his pinned tweet if certainly questionable. Not sure how this forum can be anonymous is people choose to share who they are.
Pinned tweet? I’d you’re talking about mine then it’s all about where there rights of one group starts then there others end. That’s just law. Happy to debate this with you and see your basis for how this isn’t true
who the f*** is Charlie Jenkins ?
It’s a really difficult set of rules. I said who I was when I joined so everyone knows who I am, mainly to discuss and so that people would realise I wasn’t hiding. Its the opposite to, for example, thebackrow, who didn’t say who he was but most people on here knows it’s [name removed: editor], the guy who wrote the racist tweets and got asked/compelled to leave his job as a result of his racist views. Those are the rules. Its an example of how anonymity works on boards like these.
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It’s a really difficult set of rules. I said who I was when I joined so everyone knows who I am, mainly to discuss and so that people would realise I wasn’t hiding. Its the opposite to, for example, theBackrow, who didn’t say who he was but most people on here knows it’s =======, the guy who wrote the racist tweets and got asked/compelled to leave his job. Those are the rules. Its an example of how anonymity works on boards like these.

OK well I don’t think anyone knows or cares who I am .....im gonna edit the post you quoted, apologies for naming you at the time I posted I thought that name belonged to some random off twitter not on these boards....
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OK well I don’t think anyone knows or cares who I am .....im gonna edit the post you quoted, apologies for naming you at the time I posted I thought that name belonged to some random off twitter not on these boards....
To be fair. You don’t have to. People know who I am. I was just making the point that, whilst everyone knows who I am because I was open about it, there are other people like (thebackrow) or ===========l (he of previous racist fame) where people don’t know who he is. It’s just an example of how things work in general. You can be a racist as you like in your tweets but also be completely anonymous on here. I hope that helps to explain things
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That’s the rule but ed probably won’t.
The weird little stalker has already pointed out that it’s easy to find out where I live and said it’s my own fault for being targeted. Charming people

🙄 grow up.

All a joke to you including horrific targeting of our neighbours.
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It’s a really difficult set of rules. I said who I was when I joined so everyone knows who I am, mainly to discuss and so that people would realise I wasn’t hiding. Its the opposite to, for example, thebackrow, who didn’t say who he was but most people on here knows it’s [name removed: editor], the guy who wrote the racist tweets and got asked/compelled to leave his job as a result of his racist views. Those are the rules. Its an example of how anonymity works on boards like these.
No, it's not OK to name people like this. Don't do it again, please.
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