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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Looks like someone has purchased one of those roller paintbrushes and some brown paint. Or at least that's what it looks like having walked past some of the LTN planters/signs in Tulse Hill today
Consultations on Oval & Railton LTNs will start on 6th Sept - there’s links to pre-register for both on this page.

Consultations on Oval & Railton LTNs will start on 6th Sept - there’s links to pre-register for both on this page.

Any news on Brixton hill ltn?
Any news on Brixton hill ltn?
I haven't seen anything. I imagine a lot of council officers' time will be taken up with the consultaions and I guess the court cases have also taken time.

Presumably if the ones already implementent have positive consultations that will also spur the council on.
Five new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are going in in Stoke Newington in Hackney in September.

Looks like someone has purchased one of those roller paintbrushes and some brown paint. Or at least that's what it looks like having walked past some of the LTN planters/signs in Tulse Hill today
Yeah, all the ones in Streatham Hill have been painted over and the cameras have been vandalised as well.

To their credit a lot of people still turn around and don't drive through.
Consultations on Oval & Railton LTNs will start on 6th Sept - there’s links to pre-register for both on this page.

Interesting that they started with the LTNs that worked in reducing traffic first, not the Streatham Hill one that didn't work.

Reminds me of their strategy for estate regeneration, always targeting the softer ones with less opposition first.
Well, it's best not to believe everything you see on the internet these days. But also at the end of the day it's just one cardboard sign, vs vandalising the LTN signs, cameras and planters which actually costs the council i.e. us, the taxpayers, money to fix.

the end state of this will be concrete bollards.

minimum maintainance - maximum impact.
Interesting that they started with the LTNs that worked in reducing traffic first, not the Streatham Hill one that didn't work.

Reminds me of their strategy for estate regeneration, always targeting the softer ones with less opposition first.
Isn't it that the consultations are starting on the LTNs that have been in longest, and it's the ones that have been in longest where traffic reduction is clearest to see, and it's generally expected that traffic reductions take a little while to become apparent?
Five new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are going in in Stoke Newington in Hackney in September.

Lee Hurst’s not a fan…

Isn't it that the consultations are starting on the LTNs that have been in longest, and it's the ones that have been in longest where traffic reduction is clearest to see, and it's generally expected that traffic reductions take a little while to become apparent?
On the contrary, enforcement started on the Streatham Hill one earlier. You can see the dates in the reports here.

I'm not against LTNs, but neither do I trust the council not to be sneaky and selective in the order they consult on things.

On the contrary, enforcement started on the Streatham Hill one earlier. You can see the dates in the reports here.

I'm not against LTNs, but neither do I trust the council not to be sneaky and selective in the order they consult on things.

Streatham Hill has had 2 new filters added recently on Mount Nod & Rosedene Ave and has had consistent vandalism - those might be reasons why the consultation isn’t happening there yet.
On the contrary, enforcement started on the Streatham Hill one earlier. You can see the dates in the reports here.

I'm not against LTNs, but neither do I trust the council not to be sneaky and selective in the order they consult on things.

Implementation dates:

Oval - June 2020
Railton - June 2020
Streatham Hill - August 2020
Five new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are going in in Stoke Newington in Hackney in September.

And the councillor behind it is now getting vile abuse.

Yes, but enforcement date was the other way around.
I would imagine that pre-enforcement, 75% of drivers obey the signs and post-enforcement 95%. Or something like that. The day the scheme is put in place and driver behaviour starts changing seems the more significant.
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