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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Thanks for making up some rules.
I take back what I said about you before about you probably being well intentioned. You are a sad troll. And judging by your incessant trolling and selective lack Of accountability, like as not the actual source of those tweets.as had been previously speculated on here.

[edited to remove the obscenity cause it ain’t worth it]
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I take back what I said about you before about you probably being well intentioned. You are a wanker. And judging by your incessant trolling and selective lack Of accountability, like as not the actual source of those tweets.as had been previously speculated on here.
As you rightly say, speculation. All I can see if people speculating about my intentions and about an account I have no control over rather than looking at what is actually being done. That of trying to protect the rights of an individual and a protected group in general. People always seem keen to speculate rather than look at the actual issues.
are you ok with the above post which equates LTNs with the Holocaust ?

bearing in mind you raise funds for onelambeth and the posts above are from onelambeth - can you outline how you avoid any responsibility for what your org says ?
It’s not a defined organisation. Is a group of peope trying to raise some money for a disabled woman. I also don’t think that LTNs are in any way analogous to the Holocaust
So that we increase pollution on those roads?
We disagree on the extent to which pollution is displaced. Quite happy to have that discussion with you, and you'd be able to present the case that it is being ignored or underestimated. But if you just want to continue to imply that there's actually a deliberate intention to move pollution to specific locations, then I don't see any point trying to engage.
We disagree on the extent to which pollution is displaced. Quite happy to have that discussion with you, and you'd be able to present the case that it is being ignored or underestimated. But if you just want to continue to imply that there's actually a deliberate intention to move pollution to specific locations, then I don't see any point trying to engage.
Surely it must be deliberate given that the intention is to move traffic to specific roads and therefore pollution and that the council is very clear exactly which roads will take this extra traffic/pollution
So who is accepting the funds? Someone must be responsible. Would you agree that it would be morally wrong to accept funding from such an offensive organisation, and if so, what steps have you made to block their further involvement?
It’s not an organisation, it’s one person. I’m not in charge of accepting funds and don’t actually know how that works. I look at the legal bills and then pay them as they fall due
It’s not an organisation, it’s one person. I’m not in charge of accepting funds and don’t actually know how that works. I look at the legal bills and then pay them as they fall due
We’ll drop the OneLambeth tag then and just raise donations for the individual - although she has backed the Holocaust comparison so….
Not sure whether the person tweeting has donated or not matters m, their tweeting on your behalf, if you cared you’d drop all associations if you can’t stop them representing you.

...but how?! Its a twitter handle which he already said he doesnt have any dealings with isnt it? Take out a full page letter in the papers every time someone says something offenesive?
I take back what I said about you before about you probably being well intentioned. You are a sad troll. And judging by your incessant trolling and selective lack Of accountability, like as not the actual source of those tweets.as had been previously speculated on here.

[edited to remove the obscenity cause it ain’t worth it]

I've found him to be very open and interesting. People have constantly nit picked at him for things he is responsbile for and constantly attacked him for things that have nothing to do with him.

Hey everyone, here is someone who admitted they have something to do with the campaign, lets make him answer for everything.
...but how?! Its a twitter handle which he already said he doesnt have any dealings with isnt it? Take out a full page letter in the papers every time someone says something offenesive?
Let's put it another way. If I was running a campaign and someone was posting up offensive shit like this and associating themselves with this cause I would immediately make it very VERY clear that I don't agree with his comments and I don't want him to have anything to do with the campaign, ever, in any capacity.

No full page letter needed, just a clear and unequivocal response to any crap he posts.

Has OneLambeth done any of these things? And if not, why not?
Let's put it another way. If I was running a campaign and someone was posting up offensive shit like this and associating themselves with this cause I would immediately make it very VERY clear that I don't agree with his comments and I don't want him to have anything to do with the campaign, ever, in any capacity.

No full page letter needed, just a clear and unequivocal response to any crap he posts.

Has OneLambeth done any of these things? And if not, why not?
maybe those comments appeal to potential donors?
Can't say I'm too bothered whether the one Lambeth justice fundraising operation wants to dissociate itself with the one Lambeth justice Twitter account. I'd be bothered if something that i supported was associating itself with the comments but it doesn't even look like the fundraising efforts are going to lead to anything happening. Don't see much point in haranguing chowce5382 further about it.
Not sure whether the person tweeting has donated or not matters m, their tweeting on your behalf, if you cared you’d drop all associations if you can’t stop them representing you.
Especially given they claim to be the “official account” of the campaign and seems very plugged in to everything. Seems inconceivable he doesn’t know exactly who’s posting on that account. It’s not like OneLambeth have many active residents at all.
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Surely it must be deliberate given that the intention is to move traffic to specific roads and therefore pollution and that the council is very clear exactly which roads will take this extra traffic/pollution
The council has clearly said there will be extra traffic and pollution?. Where?
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