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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

“So we can drive on all of our streets”

It’s almost as if all the talk of doing this for disabled people is complete bullshit :hmm:
Whether their motives are questionable or not, accessibility still needs to be challenged. As it's not the more palatable groups involved in LTNRs who have raised this issue, it has been left to other groups who oppose them. It would have been nice if all the so called caring groups had challenged the issues around disability in the system, but they haven't.
Whether their motives are questionable or not, accessibility still needs to be challenged. As it's not the more palatable groups involved in LTNRs who have raised this issue, it has been left to other groups who oppose them. It would have been nice if all the so called caring groups had challenged the issues around disability in the system, but they haven't.
But is there an issue, I guess we have to wait for the judgement but why haven't disability organisations pursued this or used grants to help fund it? Doesn't that suggest something.

I'm sure we can agree that it shouldn't be left up to a pro-motoring lobby group.
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But is there an issue, I guess we have to wait for the judgement but why haven't disability organisations pursued this or used grants to help fund it? Doesn't that suggest something.

I'm sure we can agree that it shouldn't be left up to a pro-motoring lobby group.
All these questions mean there's a need for a forum for them to be asked. Unfortunately only the motorists have called for this so it has been left to them.
Let's not forget that these were brought in during covid which disproportionately affected people with disabilities in so many ways. I'm guessing disability organisations have been swamped. It's not exactly a well funded area.
Unfortunately only the motorists have called for this so it has been left to them.

This looks like it will make a lot more meaningful progress than taking councils to court at vast espense - but then we know that's not really what those donating want.
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So the disabled lady taking the Council to court is taking the wrong action. She should not have done this is how I'm reading this.

I agree with nagapie
she is free to take them to court, the impression given by the group and herself is that they are challenging them all and should she win all LTN's will be immediately removed which is false.
I've seen this but the council have not responded to it with any consideration or change.
she is free to take them to court, the impression given by the group and herself is that they are challenging them all and should she win all LTN's will be immediately removed which is false.

So you're saying this disabled lady is taking the wrong kind of action.
This disabled lady and her legal team have had to prove before the case continued that their is a case to answer.

Imo she has every right to do this. I don't think a disabled person motives should be questioned in case like this.

I await to see what the judgement is.
This disabled lady and her legal team have had to prove before the case continued that their is a case to answer.

Imo she has every right to do this. I don't think a disabled person motives should be questioned in case like this.

I await to see what the judgement is.
You keep implying that people on here are saying she doesn't have the right to bring this case when no one has & in fact have said the exact opposite many times.

I have heard from councillors that the court case has stopped the council from making changes and tied up officer time. What action did OneLambeth take before launching legal action? did they try to engage with the council in a meaningful way? I can't see any mention of this on their fundraising page - but if they had engaged meaningfully that wouldn't mean the removal of the schemes though, which is afterall their true motivation.
You keep implying that people on here are saying she doesn't have the right to bring this case when no one has & in fact have said the exact opposite many times.

I have heard from councillors that the court case has stopped the council from making changes and tied up officer time. What action did OneLambeth take before launching legal action? did they try to engage with the council in a meaningful way? I can't see any mention of this on their fundraising page - but if they had engaged meaningfully that wouldn't mean the removal of the schemes though, which is afterall their true motivation.
Do you actually live in Lambeth? Does the council engage well with resident action? Look at Hondo, Cressingham etc. It seems this LEA only understand the same sort of aggressive response they afford their residents. Many people have raised the blue badge issue, the response was that it was unworkable which it isn't.
Do you actually live in Lambeth? Does the council engage well with resident action? Look at Hondo, Cressingham etc. It seems this LEA only understand the same sort of aggressive response they afford their residents. Many people have raised the blue badge issue, the response was that it was unworkable which it isn't.
they have actually stated in several question and answer sessions that this will be looked into at the next phase and information was being gathered
they have actually stated in several question and answer sessions that this will be looked into at the next phase and information was being gathered
When is the next phase? What are the details of that? How can we trust them when they have said blue badge access is unworkable? How can we trust them? Why don't they move on this thus removing the need for a judicial review?
Despite being pro LTN, I am nervous of the JR because with it being Lambeth, you sort of just know mistakes, oversights etc will have been made and that makes it more likely that one Lambeth may be successful. However, what that success looks like, I’m not sure.
Being an IT bod, I just can’t imagine why there can’t be a tech solution for the whole blue badge thing, e.g. I know it’s attached to a person not a vehicle but why does that need to be a physical badge? We don’t have tax discs displayed any more but the tech can know that you are taxed, why cannot it be a digital key that could be used in different vehicles albeit not all at the same time?
Being an IT bod, I just can’t imagine why there can’t be a tech solution for the whole blue badge thing, e.g. I know it’s attached to a person not a vehicle but why does that need to be a physical badge? We don’t have tax discs displayed any more but the tech can know that you are taxed, why cannot it be a digital key that could be used in different vehicles albeit not all at the same time?

Because that would cost money, money that would be spent on people with disabilities.
Because that would cost money, money that would be spent on people with disabilities.
Not necessarily, IT budgets in public services are separated from front line budgets, particularly if you are replacing a manual system with a digital one. Increasingly public bodies are adopting the same systems such as office 365. They offer a no cost/low cost software development capability as part of their standard offer. You could do something in this space really easily although I don’t know what IT Lambeth have
Not necessarily, IT budgets in public services are separated from front line budgets, particularly if you are replacing a manual system with a digital one. Increasingly public bodies are adopting the same systems such as office 365. They offer a no cost/low cost software development capability as part of their standard offer. You could do something in this space really easily although I don’t know what IT Lambeth have
Ok, just ableism then instead of ableism plus cost.
You keep implying that people on here are saying she doesn't have the right to bring this case when no one has & in fact have said the exact opposite many times.

I have heard from councillors that the court case has stopped the council from making changes and tied up officer time. What action did OneLambeth take before launching legal action? did they try to engage with the council in a meaningful way? I can't see any mention of this on their fundraising page - but if they had engaged meaningfully that wouldn't mean the removal of the schemes though, which is afterall their true motivation.

I'm implying that you are.

You present yourself as nice and liberal. Reading your posts it is clear to me you would rather this case was not happening.

But being nice and liberal you don't want to be seen criticising a disabled lady so you fixate on the kind of people you think are helping fund her case.

This case would not have happened if the disabled lady had said she didn't want to do it.
You keep implying that people on here are saying she doesn't have the right to bring this case when no one has & in fact have said the exact opposite many times.

I have heard from councillors that the court case has stopped the council from making changes and tied up officer time. What action did OneLambeth take before launching legal action? did they try to engage with the council in a meaningful way? I can't see any mention of this on their fundraising page - but if they had engaged meaningfully that wouldn't mean the removal of the schemes though, which is afterall their true motivation.

You believe what Labour Cllrs say? Take it at face value? This is Progress led Labour Lambeth.

I bet they said the same about Cressingham.

Just to add what you say you have heard from Labour Cllrs rings true to me from my long experience of them.

This is exactly the line they would take.
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you don't want to be seen criticising a disabled lady
Is that what you want? If you go on Sofia Sheakh's twitter feed you see her retweeting a whole bunch of appalling people, repeating bullshit about LTNs that there's little evidence for and lots of evidence against. I think this is Not A Good Thing™. Does that help?

At the same time, that doesn't mean she's lying about the problems she's had or doesn't have a specific point about a particular LTN.

I think that it's possible to believe that LTNs are in general a good thing, but also that people with specific needs should be listened to. I think it's possible to believe that someone has a right to bring a court case, and also that many of the people funding the court case don't really give a shit about the details, they just want the thing they don't like to go away.
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