Just noticed that SEND transport providers have exemptions - from the Tulse Hill stage 1 report:
It also says exemptions are being considered so really not sure where they’ve said they are unworkable.
Early feedback gathered since the temporary scheme was launched indicated some individuals have had to change their routes to access essential services and support.
On the back of the data we have granted an exemption for all Special Educations Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transport providers across all LTNs.
It also says exemptions are being considered so really not sure where they’ve said they are unworkable.
The EqIA for each trial LTNs is reviewed and updated as we gather data and feedback from stakeholders. To date we have received 28 emails regarding disability in Tulse Hill low traffic neighbourhood.
Impacts on disabled people will remain a key focus and the data we gather will be used to develop our exemption policy and other mitigation.
Equalities impact assessment
In October 2020, we published an equalities impact assessment. This assessed the impact of the Tulse Hill low traffic Neighbourhood on different demographic groups including the protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and...