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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I've been a member of the OL Facebook group since it started. Not once has a DPO or other charity posted support on it, nor have i seen them ask their clients or supporters to do so. The bit in bold is them telling you politely to go away.
Ok, that’s your read of it. Having been involved with charitable fundraising for a long tim I know its pretty standard.
I admitted that I was wrong and corrected/clarified my position. I then said it was payment in kind, you gave me a definition of what that was and I told you how it fitted into that definition. That is happened I know as there are Zoom recordings of that person in the transport group advising at the time. They were then let go from that position at a later date
That doesn’t make any sense. You’re claiming that this policy and design stuff was all done ages ago, pre pandemic - no-one was using zoom then (certainly not councils for decision making committees). And if they did it would be public on the council site so you could link to it?

And your definition of “Payment in kind” would apply to anyone that responded to a consultation
For context, here’s lambeth’s 2019 transport strategy https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl_Lambeth_Transport_Strategy_2019.pdf

And the baseline data: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Lambeth_LTS_Future_Baseline_Report
Im no legal expert. Sophia legal team have good track record. But just as suggestion they could look at consultation on Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and the Transport policy.

Looks to me that LCC had input on transport policy. Which is being used to justify LTNs now.

The other policy was Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood. This covered Ferndale, Railton and Tulse Hill.

This consultation was halted due to pandemic.

Then Council pushed through LTNs due to pandemic.

It looks like they had pretty advanced plans to put in place quickly. Despite saying re BLN that nothing
Im no legal expert. Sophia legal team have good track record. But just as suggestion they could look at consultation on Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and the Transport policy.

Looks to me that LCC had input on transport policy. Which is being used to justify LTNs now.

The other policy was Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood. This covered Ferndale, Railton and Tulse Hill.

This consultation was halted due to pandemic.

Then Council pushed through LTNs due to pandemic.

It looks like they had pretty advanced plans to put in place quickly. Despite saying re BLN that nothing had been decided yet.

So their are two policies/projects

Transport policy

Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood.
The critical issue here is that these sone pre-Covid. And to be put in place pre-Covid. Once COVID happens, everyone changes their habitual travel arrangements. That is another part of issue. I got these through and FOI but they aren’t EQIAs are they?
So you’re not Charles are you? Are you speaking at CIOF soon then?

editor is it the same isp?
So you’re not Charles are you? Are you speaking at CIOF soon then?
editor is it the same isp?
I am the charles on the gofundme link. I do t know which other charles you’re talking about I’m afraid
See also https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/696235/response/1665622/attach/6/Transport Strategy Equality Impact Assessment.pdf.pdf which is the EQIA chowce5382 refers to. It mentions a consultation session specifically asking people with disabilities for feedback and and Wheels for Wellbeing.
This is the EQIA I was pointing to earlier regarding the fully positive position but relying on data which didn’t relate to those who were physically disabled. Also undertaken before Covid. We aren’t going to court in relation to prevent-Covid documents as that is not what the LTNs in out in place under. I mentioned them previously as they formed part of my prices to understand how decision were made. Someone mentioned Zoom and how on-one was using it. The zoom I was referring to was post pandemic.
Ah good, so if you’re experienced at fundraising you will be aware of the police factories etc miscellaneous provisions act 1916.

What would you do as a treasurer if it was pointed out that you’d broken it?
For context, here’s lambeth’s 2019 transport strategy https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl_Lambeth_Transport_Strategy_2019.pdf

And the baseline data: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Lambeth_LTS_Future_Baseline_Report_P2.pdf

Which sort of undermines the ‘they only asked lcc’ argument.

So did Brixton Liveable neighbourhood trump Transport policy or the other way around?

I was at a local neighbourhood meeting pre Covid where this came up.

The LCC person there knew all about the "transport policy" local residents didn't. And didn't understand how this all got decided.

Lambeth got initial funding to consult on BLN. As this is connected to Mayor they had to show extensive consultation. Which they started to do.

( one thing Khan got right is to mske ke sure of this on projects funded through him. Good Growth Fund for Brixton Rec Quarter - the Council have to hire independent consultant to moniter the scheme from start to finish.)

That is when the Transport policy vs BLN comes in. LCC person assumes it's already been consulted on and decided. Local resident hasn't heard about it and thinks BLN consultation is the start.

Recent posts here by Ferndale resident said that the first they heard of LTNs was when this one was put in.

I'm not saying LCC is corrupt or anything like that. But looks to me that Council didn't really put itself out to consult outside its comfort zone until the TFL funded BLN meant it had to.
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So did Brixton Liveable neighbourhood trump Transport policy or the other way around.

I was at a local neighbourhood meeting pre Covid where this came up.

The LCC person there knew all about the "transport policy" local residents didn't. And didn't understand how this all got decided.

Lambeth got initial funding to consult on BLN. As this is connected to Mayor they had to show extensive consultation. Which they started to do.

That is when the Transport policy vs BLN comes in. LCC person assumes it's already been consulted on and decided. Local resident hasn't heard about it and thinks BLN consultation is the start.

Recent posts here by Ferndale resident said that the first they heard of LTNs was when this one was put in.

I'm not saying LCC is corrupt or anything like that. But looks to me that Council didn't really put itself out to consult outside its comfort zone until the TFL funded BLN meant it had to.
So there is a difference between pre and post Covid. I didn’t know about LTNs pre-Covid, hasn’t heard of them.

this seems to tally with my understanding g tough that the LCC rep would assume that the decision had already been made.

The change with Covid was that the council basically decided that the Covid funding package meant that they could implement what they wanted without consultation. The government has said officially on a number of occasion that this was not the case and they expected proper consultation.

Re the ferndale LTN, this is what I also understand. There are also another couple of val which have been put in without residents k owing and we’ve been contacted about them. I still can’t find where the council actually published the decision for one of them but it has still gone ahead. Most people I’ve spoken to are most annoyed about lack of consultation and the feeling that these have been imposed. It should consultation before implementation.
We spoke to the police and we were told to proceed with the event, we got the appropriate jackets and ensured that the buckets were sealed.
So you had an events licence not a separate street collections one. Street collection licenses are only given to registered charities for a reason, you’re not a registered charity.

The Met Police forbid street fundraising by unregistered groups to prevent fraud amongst other reasons, especially as guidance on how to operate was updated during Covid due to proximity and shared contact points.

This may seem pedantic but it’s not legal to collect funds that way. And even riskier during the pandemic. You say that other charities are struggling to cover costs during Covid - I’m sure they’d love the ability to fundraise in Windrush Square on a Saturday afternoon, but street collection licenses are limited and difficult to get. You ignored that and just carried on regardless.

It puts your legal firm in a difficult position as you’re paying them from these funds (which inherently through GFM are a little less transparent - resulting in the pending review of it as a platform for some sorts of activities/causes).

It’s also a bit strange to overlook the law when it applies to you but to be using these funds as part of holding Lambeth to the law.

So, As treasurer, what are your responsibilities now and to whom?
A lot of this consultation stuff - local residents haven't heard of something but some interest group has - this is because to most people transport planning is pretty dull. It's some spods discussing timetabling or junction design or traffic light prioritisation. So when Lambeth are consulting on their transport policy most people just aren't interested. But special interest groups are - because it's what they are interested in. They are often working away in the background for years, helping to push for incremental improvements and lots of things that barely get noticed by most people. I'm a bit of a transport spod - I follow things sporadically and from a mostly layperson point of view. I read the lengthy London reconnections articles about bus route rationalisation or the Uber court cases or Thameslink upgrades or whatever.

Most people find all this stuff really boring. But occasionally something happens and suddenly people who were never previously interested in the bigger picture of transport planning are paying attention. LTNs are one of those things. Certain people are paying attention because it now takes them somewhat longer to drive somewhere. The same people haven't been paying attention to the gradual cuts in funding for public transport in London that have been going on for the past few years, or at least they haven't been staying Facebook groups about it. The fact that they have never been interested in this stuff before means that they think LTNs are a wacky new idea, not a fairly conventional and well established method that's been used for decades. It means they don't have any alternative solutions to offer, because they haven't already been thinking about it for years and watching the things that do and don't work.

I am rambling a bit. What I started out to write was a partial explanation for why you see this situation where it appears that the council has been talking to lobby groups but not local residents. When actually they have been talking to those people who are actually interested. It's not a sinister conspiracy. It's just that if you are talking about the bigger-picture, long term stuff, not the immediate 'shall we put a traffic filter on your road' stuff, most people just aren't interested, and think it's desperately dull. I've seen eyes glaze over myself...
So there is a difference between pre and post Covid. I didn’t know about LTNs pre-Covid, hasn’t heard of them.

this seems to tally with my understanding g tough that the LCC rep would assume that the decision had already been made.

The change with Covid was that the council basically decided that the Covid funding package meant that they could implement what they wanted without consultation. The government has said officially on a number of occasion that this was not the case and they expected proper consultation.

Re the ferndale LTN, this is what I also understand. There are also another couple of val which have been put in without residents k owing and we’ve been contacted about them. I still can’t find where the council actually published the decision for one of them but it has still gone ahead. Most people I’ve spoken to are most annoyed about lack of consultation and the feeling that these have been imposed. It should consultation before implementation.

Another issue is Loughborough Junction. Due to protest last time the Council have not tried to impose an LTN in LJ now.

There were temporary pavement widening on LJ section of Coldharbour lane. Brought in for social distancing. These went some time ago. Despite social distancing still being encouraged.

This is not the case for the LTNs.

If Council is arguing that LTN were brought in due to health emergency that does not apply in LJ.
chowce5382 what relevance do e-scooters have to your campaign?

You (plural) seem to be opposed to them, can you explain why?

I’m sure you’ll repeat that the Twitter account isn’t anything to do with you but it’s seems to be the only public communications for you’re campaign and as your treasurer it must be implied that you’re supportive of it.
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This is the EQIA I was pointing to earlier regarding the fully positive position but relying on data which didn’t relate to those who were physically disabled. Also undertaken before Covid. We aren’t going to court in relation to prevent-Covid documents as that is not what the LTNs in out in place under. I mentioned them previously as they formed part of my prices to understand how decision were made. Someone mentioned Zoom and how on-one was using it. The zoom I was referring to was post pandemic.

I’ve asked some people who would know and it seems the doctored video OneLambeth have been posting on social media is a Friends of the Earth meeting from last summer which matches when you say it is from.

So your smoking gun of Lambeth Cyclists secretly being “paid by the council” with an “exclusive, decision making, seat” at the “Transport Comittee” and evilly planning the LTNs and directing the council….
…is actually one volunteer group talking to another after LTNs had been installed

Either you’re trying to mislead us here or you’ve been misled yourself but someone is clearly just making stuff up.

Regardless of which it is you’ve a load more work to do with the edit button.
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None before and none after
I’ll recopy below a link from above to a video showing a motorbike on the pavement, among other things. You’ve said you’ve seen various videos so I thought you might have watched it, especially as it concerns the road on which you live. I’ve seen dozens of motorbikes on the pavements of Ferndale Road since the LTN was introduced and saw none before. I’ve never seen motorbikes on the pavement anywhere else in the world in my 60+ years. I can point you to other videos showing motorbikes on the pavements of the road we live on if you’d like. They’re one of the side effects of the excessive traffic being put down our road. They don’t indicate that the road is quieter than before the LTN (and neither does the data collected by Lambeth) and they don’t make for a more enjoyable pedestrian experience, as I think the young lady in the video would attest (although this motorbike driver is acting more considerately than many).

Come on: you know we will never reveal such details.
Yes, sorry I appreciate that. There’s another OL person who is a professional fundraiser which is why it surprised me when Charles said he knew about fundraising but didn’t know the fundamental basics of community fundraising.
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