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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Not the point. Imagine going into a car park where you have to pay, getting out of your car to purchase the ticket and finding that you been given a ticket in the intervening period. Would you say "oh well, just shows how jolly well efficient these warden chappies are"? I doubt it.
You haven't been given a ticket though. I"m not averse to a bit of foaming outrage about parking wardens, but they didn't even issue a ticket this time around. So in essence you're getting het up and argumentative over nowt at all.
Yep, true, didn't get a ticket. Annoyed more at the tactics of them following cars around and not giving people a chance to even get the permit to put in their car rather than anything else. Thought it was unacceptable behaviour. Seems like I'm in the minority.
Last night in the Albert was fun except for a big punch up outside at the end. I hope nobody was hurt. One of the two guys was holding a glass and they were both swinging pretty hard. I wanted to try and intervene, however fortunately my girlfriend convinced me that some pissed up bloke going 'chill out lads' wasn't going to help the situation.
Couldn't be arsed - the queue was snaking around the corner when I came out of the Country show and my bladder would never have lasted.

Of my 4 friends in the inside, none of them actually lasted until Manu Chao came on to stage. By all accounts they didn't start playing until 2am!

Glad we didn't go to be fair. They'd stripped the place of pretty much all furniture indoors and you weren't allowed re-entry really - so you'd have been waiting for pretty much 7 hours before the main act came on, after the country show of all times. Sounded less fun and more of an endurance drinking challenge.

Slightly annoyed that they shut the whole pub as well, on the day of the Country Show. Just badly planned really, and a bit of money-maximising poke-in-the-eye for the people who have drunk there for years. They could have handled it better really.
I discovered that we have a new bus route - the 415! And the 333 goes via stockwell now! OMG!
Last night in the Albert was fun except for a big punch up outside at the end. I hope nobody was hurt. One of the two guys was holding a glass and they were both swinging pretty hard. I wanted to try and intervene, however fortunately my girlfriend convinced me that some pissed up bloke going 'chill out lads' wasn't going to help the situation.
Yeah I saw that. The guy with the glass was a bit all over the place, and the bigger guy that he was after seemed to have things under control tbh. Was also in two minds about intervening but someone kept shouting not to... and he did have a glass. Never seen someone resort to that before, not particularly pleasant, especially in the current climate.
Doesn't sound good at the Albert does it. However it is not usually like that from my expierence. So hopefully it was just because of the long day downing chucklehead at the Lambeth Country show followed by an evening of beer, beer and more beer that caused the problems. Although if it is the guy im thinking off, who seemed the most likely candidate to kick off that night (i had left before all of this happened) he already had a cut over his eye earlier on in the evening and seemed a bit angry and upset by the door as you came into the pub.

Like i said this doesnt seem a regular occurrence though a couple of times from when I have been in there recently there seems to be more problems from the guy standing outside the pub who has been recently barred. Hopefully that is dying down, as the Albert seems to be getting really good again with the new landlord.
Last night in the Albert was fun except for a big punch up outside at the end. I hope nobody was hurt. One of the two guys was holding a glass and they were both swinging pretty hard. I wanted to try and intervene, however fortunately my girlfriend convinced me that some pissed up bloke going 'chill out lads' wasn't going to help the situation.
It was like a full Moon or something. Some wild banned bloke tried to barge his way in the pub and was forcibly ejected by regulars. Then another guy rocked up from the street with his girlfriend and had a piss outside right by the door until another regular standing outside took objection (I think this may have been the incident you saw).

Another banned dude kept leaning all over the outside drinking area trying to intimidate the band who were having a drink, but one of the Cardiff girls put him right in his place. :D

He then tried really really hard to intimidate me to no avail before going off to shout at someone in the street.

Inside the pub everything was just fine, but Coldharbour Lane seemed uterly bonkers that night. Maybe they'd all been on the Chucklehead.
Brixton rammed with traffic this morning. My bus took about 10 minutes to go from the Hob/Hoot to St Matthews - at which point I bailed.
That blimp has circled overhead twice today, maybe we should lobby for the police to replace the helicopters with almost silent barrage balloons.

Oh and Repent and Baptise man was being thrown out of M&S today. It distracted me and I ended up getting lost in the new booze and bread bit at the back.
Yeah and not stopping having been asked politely a couple of times. He doesn't have much of a mantra, compared to the other bloke who used to be outside the tube and is now in the market, he's really improved his spiel and diction.
Is 'repent' guy the late thirties guy with dreads who goes around preaching anti-gay/irish stuff... I can't decide if he's a bell end or just someone who adds local flavour
Erm... things that make Brixton better than other places. Not necessarilly good in themselves, but contribute to uniqueness. He carries a cane.
Is 'repent' guy the late thirties guy with dreads who goes around preaching anti-gay/irish stuff... I can't decide if he's a bell end or just someone who adds local flavour
No they are completely different people. The anti gay/ Irish bloke is a bell end who adds local flavour. The two states of being are not mutually exclusive. Also he's not in his late thirties, he's a lot older than that.
Saw a man in a sailors hat with a huge live bat hanging from his tshirt wandering uo and down CHL earlier.
hello everyone, just thought I'd post up a little *be careful* note. I was out on saturday and got mugged late (about 2.30am) on leander road - man came sprinting along pushed me over and grabbed my bag, all over in seconds. Just bad luck really, but best to be a little extra careful in the josephine avenue area, though I was with a group of people at the time, so not sure really what else we could have done.
The traffic in the High St is getting worse not better!! :( It takes me on average 5-10 mins longer on the bus each morning!!

Also, you can't actually push the button for the pedestrian crossing by Morleys cos of a fucking fence around the lights!!! Dipshits!!
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