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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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boozybirdie said:
That's strange I thought they were alright over there but saying that I haven't been in for a couple of months, I know it's the same owners but is it the same people running it?

I have no idea - will have been the manager that dealt with my friend. They just completely rode roughshod over her plans - doesn't take a genius to realise that if she wanted to share the (tiny) room with a bunch of strangers then she wouldn't have bothered arranging anything with them. He basically ended up with a busier than normal sat night pouring money into his over priced bar.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
There's a new big dot matrix sign on Brixton Hill.

This time it says "57 Men have been Identified Kerb Crawling"

unfortunately, I missed the rest of message as was on bus.

Maybe someone could go take a photo of it?

'in the last 3 weeks in this area' it said...

superdoopa said:
'in the last 3 weeks in this area' it said...


Bit silly innit, considering the prostitutes have disappeared :D

The sign would have made better reading if they listed all the names :D
Wooargh! It's all go at the garage again.

heard a lot of banging so looked out of the window to see two geezers - one with a crowbar - casually smashing the windows out of two cars amongst the makeshift 'car showroom' there.

They were as casual as you like and after bashing the fuck out of the two cars, strolled off.

Here's one of the dudes in action giving what for to the car (note that I've changed his clothing colours 'cos I'm not here to shop people)


  • smash.jpg
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PieEye said:
The people who own the Hive totally fucked my mate over when she hired the top room for her birthday party. They didn't stop la public from going upstairs so she ended up with a room full of strangers and none of her mates could fit in. I ended up outside! And they wouldn't let her mates play records when that had been the original deal - cnuts! It was horrible anyway though - seems to have become a Clapham saturday night bolthole. Everyone was blond and loud and shiny.

And the drinks are comedy expensive.

AND they tried to charge entry after a certain point.

Total wankery all round, for a venue that's pisspoor at best anyway
editor said:
Wooargh! It's all go at the garage again.

heard a lot of banging so looked out of the window to see two geezers - one with a crowbar - casually smashing the windows out of two cars amongst the makeshift 'car showroom' there.

He'll feel a right girly with those colours
Minnie_the_Minx said:

Oh, and I had no problem doing what you asked me to do last night

that was cryptic and i'd forgotten what it was but i remember now so thanks

oh ..newsflash: the fruit machine has paid out again - third day in a row i put 50p in and get a fiver out not to mention double jackpot day on saturday!
twisted said:
that was cryptic and i'd forgotten what it was but i remember now so thanks

oh ..newsflash: the fruit machine has paid out again - third day in a row i put 50p in and get a fiver out not to mention double jackpot day on saturday!

Oh, piss off :p
The Telegraph has a new owner.
should be a proper overhaul by the sounds of things.
re-roofing the back Live room, proper sound-proofing, recording studios and editing suite etc...
making use of the entire space for music.
should be looking and feeling quite a lot different by feb next year...
Avantrural said:
The Telegraph has a new owner.
should be a proper overhaul by the sounds of things.
re-roofing the back Live room, proper sound-proofing, recording studios and editing suite etc...
making use of the entire space for music.
should be looking and feeling quite a lot different by feb next year...

:confused: What happened to Mr Hooper?
Feel sorry for Simon to a certain extent... he did mean well - and spent quite a bit over the years (whether it looks like it or not...!).

Mind you. I did make quite a lot of money for him over a couple of years, as did anybody else who put a night on there, so maybe not.

Anyone know who's bought it?
PieEye said:
The people who own the Hive totally fucked my mate over when she hired the top room for her birthday party. They didn't stop la public from going upstairs so she ended up with a room full of strangers and none of her mates could fit in. I ended up outside! And they wouldn't let her mates play records when that had been the original deal - cnuts! It was horrible anyway though - seems to have become a Clapham saturday night bolthole. Everyone was blond and loud and shiny.

And the drinks are comedy expensive.

The same thing happened to me last saturday. I knew there was going to be another group of people there, so thought there would just be the 2 parties with an area for each. However it ended up being pretty much a free for all without any area even set aside for my party - which i had said would be about 30+ people.

I complained, and they did give me 2 free bottles of champagne, but said it was because there was some other night on to do with the DJ. However, when I'd booked 6 weeks ago they didn't even know what DJ was playing, let alone mention they had anything particular planned. They also hadn't mentioned this the 2 times I had gone in to confirm the booking - including just a few days before.

It was a bit of a shame really, as I've always liked it there when I've been before just to the downstairs bit. I think the management may have changed though, as when I spoke to the manager on saturday he said he used to be the manager full time, but wasn't any more.
brix said:
:confused: What happened to Mr Hooper?
don't know really- seems he just upped and left...
its all happened quite suddenly so far as i can tell.
the new owner is called Winston- used to do 'sunny side up', sunday parties, and has owned a couple of bars in stoke newington i think.
he seems to be taking a more amibitous approach to the telegraph which is much needed at the minute...
ianw said:
i saw billy bragg coming out of brixton tube today. he looked slightly embarrassed.
Damn! He's an old mate and if I'd seen him he would have got an Offline earful until he gave in and promised me a gig!
Maybe that's what he was looking embarrassed about. He knew Crispy's webcam was directing a live feed straight to Urban HQ and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't answered your Offline emails.

What else could it have been?
ianw said:
Maybe that's what he was looking embarrassed about. He knew Crispy's webcam was directing a live feed straight to Urban HQ and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't answered your Offline emails.

You're not supposed to know about Crispy's face recognition webcam that sends alerts off in the Offline HQ whenever a potential performer emerges out of the tube!
aurora green said:
It's true. I'm only moving up the hill, but it is a big hill, and a bloody steep one at that, so I'm feeling quite sad, (gutted even) to be leaving Brixton.

I really don't want to go, but ground floor living with balcony luxury has tempted me away.

If there was a way to stay in Brixton, and improve my living situation, I would.
I bet I'll be back on the swap scheme, as soon as I can.

don't worry about it, just hop on the two..... there in no time.....:)
i moved a hell of a lot further away, and i think you'll be just fine. :)
brokenyolk said:
don't worry about it, just hop on the two..... there in no time.....:)
i moved a hell of a lot further away, and i think you'll be just fine. :)

Aww thanks brokenyolk.:)

How are you doing out there?
I'm far too lily-livered to do something as bold as you. I hope you and your family are settling in well.
aurora green said:
Aww thanks brokenyolk.:)

How are you doing out there?
I'm far too lily-livered to do something as bold as you. I hope you and your family are settling in well.

ah,we're tip-top, doing really well. I would very much like a veg pattie though.

Don't forget that soon you'll have far easier access to 'wonderful' dulwich (I 'ate that place). I do hope you've sawn a wheel off your pushchair to make it fit the regulatory number of wheels.
Right, THIS is gossip-worthy.
I had to go to the sorting office on Wynne Road yesterday to collect an eBay bargain. As I walked up to the building, two men in a van asked me where the entrance was and I duly showed them in. Being a polite and chivalrous young lady I insisted they be seen before me (and I couldn't find any ID for all the shite in my pockets).
'Hello' said one of the men, 'we're here to install the plasma TV'
'Ah yes, the plasma TV' replied the postal worker, 'come this way'
'PLASMA TV??' said I, 'Christ, postmen know how to live, and you can be sure I'll tell the good people of Urban about this!'

Someone tell Donna Ferentes!
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