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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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Enid Laundromat said:
Someone tell Donna Ferentes!

Don't talk to me about post offices. Blenheim Gardens has "lost" one of my parcels after trying to deliver it.

And another purchase from Amazon which should have been delivered a week ago has also not turned up. :mad: :mad:

Well, I've got an email from DVD Legacy stating:

"Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting us. We are extremely sorry for this delay. Your package was returned to us by the post because they informed us the contents of the order were removed from the packaging (stolen en route). We are very sorry for this and assue you it is rare We re-shipped you a replacement on November 27, you should have received an email notifying you of this and we apologize you did not receive notification. Please accept our sincerest apology for this inconvenience. Sincerely, DVD Legacy"
Saw in this mornings Metro that ACE Afro Hair and Beauty (of Brixton Market, Pekahm and Catford) has been fined £50 000 for selling cancer causing skin lightening cream. The Judge said "Public welfare is much more important than filling your private purses"
eagleeye said:
Got a friendy greeting from that bloke in the brightly coloured cape on CL. Made my day it did!

If that's the black guy with the serape on who holds a colourful stick then I got a good morning off him at about 3 in the afternoon the other week. He's very charming :)

Enid - I thought that was going to be a hold-up story. I'm very disappointed :(

Some SW2 news:

Pieface embarrassed herself at Streatham Hill station by having a public freakout about the trains being late there. They haven't been on time during rush hour ever really and have been particularly bad this last month.
I wandered down the platform yelling about how I might as well WALK to work etc etc. Also directed some bile at the nearest train co. employee, which wasn't entirely fair.

Wore a different coat the next day and kept my head down :oops:
PieEye said:
Also directed some bile at the nearest train co. employee, which wasn't entirely fair.

Wore a different coat the next day and kept my head down :oops:

Shame on you. That poor guy probably went home and gave his wife a load of stick about what a shit day he'd had :D
PieEye said:
If that's the black guy with the serape on who holds a colourful stick then I got a good morning off him at about 3 in the afternoon the other week. He's very charming :)

He's one of my neighbours from a few doors down, always with a cheery wave and few words. Nice guy, although his occasional lack of undercrackers in the summer months can be a little disconcerting if the wind picks up.
The petrol station in Coldharbour Lane continues its terminal decline.

Petrol has been off the menu for weeks, the forecourt is turning into an ad-hoc car lot/dump, complete with smashed up cars, courtesy of the attack last week (see pics above).

It's a chuffin' eyesore.

Elsewhere, it's still all quiet and tools down on the 3/4 finished development next to Cooltan.
tarannau said:
He's one of my neighbours from a few doors down, always with a cheery wave and few words. Nice guy, although his occasional lack of undercrackers in the summer months can be a little disconcerting if the wind picks up.

If it's the guy I think it is he's either called Benjamin or Yo Benjamin (I've never been sure if the 'Yo' is part of his name or a Bush-style greeting).
editor said:
What's the odds on the old building still being more remarkable than what's going to go up in its place?

It really it fairly dull. 1930s brick & plaster - two storeys. Like a duller version of the old Voice building.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
Has anyone been in George IV yet?

Went in on opening night. Stunk of paint, looked ok though. A bit too much Ikea around!!

It's success will depend on the acts/dj's it puts on though (obviously)
Enid Laundromat said:
Right, THIS is gossip-worthy.
I had to go to the sorting office on Wynne Road yesterday to collect an eBay bargain. As I walked up to the building, two men in a van asked me where the entrance was and I duly showed them in. Being a polite and chivalrous young lady I insisted they be seen before me (and I couldn't find any ID for all the shite in my pockets).
'Hello' said one of the men, 'we're here to install the plasma TV'
'Ah yes, the plasma TV' replied the postal worker, 'come this way'
'PLASMA TV??' said I, 'Christ, postmen know how to live, and you can be sure I'll tell the good people of Urban about this!'

Someone tell Donna Ferentes!

That's even more surreal since the Wynne road office is held together with sellotape. It's like stepping into an episode of Porridge in there. :D
editor said:
Elsewhere, it's still all quiet and tools down on the 3/4 finished development next to Cooltan.

A van came out of it this morning - there were definitely a couple of guys in there doing something. Carting off the unpaid for materials?
Bob said:
That's even more surreal since the Wynne road office is held together with sellotape. It's like stepping into an episode of Porridge in there. :D
That's what I thought but this bloody lot didn't appreciate it :mad:

Minnie_the_Minx said:
Don't talk to me about post offices. Blenheim Gardens has "lost" one of my parcels after trying to deliver it.
That's well shit, can you do anything? Like write to some letters ombudsman or ask to pick them up in person?
I had to go and pick something up today which had been delivered to the wrong house entirely, on a nearby street which begins with the same letter as mine. Fools!
Enid Laundromat said:
That's well shit, can you do anything? Like write to some letters ombudsman or ask to pick them up in person?
I had to go and pick something up today which had been delivered to the wrong house entirely, on a nearby street which begins with the same letter as mine. Fools!

If I had to pick them up in person, I'd be down there a few times a week, and then have to go back to take them back home and then go to work.

THREE parcels missing. That's gotta be a record for me :mad:
Who was it moaning about the lack of chilli xmas lights? They're on the north side of the railway bridge.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
If I had to pick them up in person, I'd be down there a few times a week, and then have to go back to take them back home and then go to work.

THREE parcels missing. That's gotta be a record for me :mad:

I just have parcels sent to work now.

Back on the chitter chatter does anyone have a favorite market cat? I'm torn between the grey tabby that lives in the vegetable stall under the Coldharbour lane railway bridge (the one run by the nutty guy) or the other tabby that lives by the Portuguese butchers on Atlantic road. Both seem very happy cats. :)
Crispy said:
Who was it moaning about the lack of chilli xmas lights? They're on the north side of the railway bridge.

I don't think I was moaning so much as lamenting. I have now seen the chilli lights so feel as if Brixton equilibrium has been restored. I was worried in case the universe turned inside out or something, but I needn't have concerned myself - the chilli's are keeping us all safe
I saw a red breasted robin in Brixton this morning.

I also saw what must be the most ugly dog on Brixton Hill, and I'm sure he lives near wiskey
Got the most massive glossy consultation document/magazine/booklet thingy through the post for the cross river tram last week. Must have cost them a fortune. :eek: Really must fill it in this morning.
gaijingirl said:
Wiskey lives in Bristol!

shit, not wiskey, someone with a similar name :oops:

erm... his name has the letter "i" in it somewhere and it's on the tip of my tongue

Newbie! That might be who I'm thinking of. Six letters containing an "I"
gaijingirl said:
Got the most massive glossy consultation document/magazine/booklet thingy through the post for the cross river tram last week. Must have cost them a fortune. :eek: Really must fill it in this morning.

I noticed that the new(ish) second-hand shop on Brixton Hill is called Bazaar Bazaar. They really should change it to Bizarre Bizarre what with the stuff they sell in there. Have you seen the black elephants? :D
I keep meaning to nose around that place..it does indeed look bizarre. A tad to the left of your usual second hand furniture shop.
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