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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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ianw said:
Yes, because no one eats pizza nowadays do they? That'll be why Strada and Pizza Express are doing so badly...:p

I was merely making an observation, by the way. As if I'll ever be able to go out for pizza ever again...!

Pizza Express isn't doing that well is it? Some business bigwig recently commented that their prices are going up and portions shrinking, generally a sign that they're mazimising profit from existing customers rather than anticipating customer growth. Strada and Luke Johnstone's other ventures seem to be aiming at the same.

Still, I'm only being facetious really. You'll be pleased to know that the pizzas in Neon/Arse bar with no name have also dropped. And Ferndale's is still open. You can easily get a table in both....

Kanda said:
I went last Fri night for a Burrito before the cinema, was a lot nicer than I remember it a few years ago :)

The Burrito was gorgeous too!
I was there last Friday too, and the burritos were lovely... the music was far too loud though.
Aurora, I walk to West Norwood and back again about twice a week and I'm a lazy bugger, so it's not that far!

Apparently a doctor in Brixton is addicted to painkillers.
zuszsa said:
New street lights have been installed in Electric Avenue. They are very high. They haven't been turned on yet, for which I am grateful, as the light is now right outside my bedroom window :mad:

Fuck me they're huge! Just outside my front room - will save on buying light bulbs I suppose.

edit: goes to dig out hacksaw
Manx squirrel in Brockwell Park

During my afternoon constitutional stroll yesterday, I saw a tailless squirrel :eek:

Really, I even doubled-back to check, and there it was, a cheeky young thing with just a bit of bum fluff, completely lacking the magnificent bush that traditionally sprouts from the haunches of our beloved tree rats. It ran up a tree and leaped to another alright, peering down at me in that squirrelish insoucant, curious fashion. But once, after it had licked at its stump, and was sat crouching low on a branch, I thought I caught a hint of sadness. Certainly, a passing parakeet laughed at it.

What could have happened? Was it born that way? Have the Cuntyside Alliance, driven away from their natural haunts of beastly thuggery in the beautiful countryside, taken to terrorising inner-city tree-rats? Surely not, for there are foxes here (which, fed from roadkill and dustbins, must be even more uneatable than the rural variety) the unspeakable could pursue temporarilly to relieve their insatiable bloodlust. Or perhaps crack wars have broken out among the denizens of the Park, and unTufty the Squirrel only just managed to escape a rival massive?

Then again, I suppose it *could* have been almost caught by a dog.
Funny bloke

I saw something funny in Brixton earlier.

A tall, jamaican man singing good vibrations in reggae style to himself outside the tube station. My friend and I couldn't stop laughing until we got off at Victoria. :D
aurora green said:
You must have good strong calves!

I do actually! And they're the bane of my life :mad:. They're really muscular so from the knee down I look like a male body builder :mad:
Enid Laundromat said:
I do actually! And they're the bane of my life :mad:. They're really muscular so from the knee down I look like a male body builder :mad:


Me, yesterday.

Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but you know.
Worry not...Enid's calves are genetic....nothing to do with hills......I was discussing calf shape with a fitness trainer and he told me this...he has tiny calves and me...well, you have the calves you're born with.........
Mrs Magpie said:
Worry not...Enid's calves are genetic....nothing to do with hills......I was discussing calf shape with a fitness trainer and he told me this...he has tiny calves and me...well, you have the calves you're born with.........

I'm pretty sure everyone's born with little squidgy calves, but I know what you're saying.
The sign above Brixton Bar & Grill says under offer, anyone know anything about it?

I heard a rumour it might be something to do with the people who own Hive.
There's a new big dot matrix sign on Brixton Hill.

This time it says "57 Men have been Identified Kerb Crawling"

unfortunately, I missed the rest of message as was on bus.

Maybe someone could go take a photo of it?
boozybirdie said:
The sign above Brixton Bar & Grill says under offer, anyone know anything about it?

I heard a rumour it might be something to do with the people who own Hive.
Tongue and Groove is for sale too.
That turned into a *horrible* place.
Editor - please see last line of my last post.

I'm sure you could do with some exercise. Sitting at that computer all day's not good for you ;)
boozybirdie said:
I heard a rumour it might be something to do with the people who own Hive.

The people who own the Hive totally fucked my mate over when she hired the top room for her birthday party. They didn't stop la public from going upstairs so she ended up with a room full of strangers and none of her mates could fit in. I ended up outside! And they wouldn't let her mates play records when that had been the original deal - cnuts! It was horrible anyway though - seems to have become a Clapham saturday night bolthole. Everyone was blond and loud and shiny.

And the drinks are comedy expensive.
PieEye said:
The people who own the Hive totally fucked my mate over when she hired the top room for her birthday party. They didn't stop la public from going upstairs so she ended up with a room full of strangers and none of her mates could fit in. I ended up outside! And they wouldn't let her mates play records when that had been the original deal - cnuts! It was horrible anyway though - seems to have become a Clapham saturday night bolthole. Everyone was blond and loud and shiny.

And the drinks are comedy expensive.

That's strange I thought they were alright over there but saying that I haven't been in for a couple of months, I know it's the same owners but is it the same people running it?
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