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Brian Paddick

Answer to Pooka

Good questions and I understand your concern....I am not the astrologer or a journalist. I represent the group of writers and I was given the task of contacting Brian Paddick and/or finding out his DOB, bio info. Initially I was given two e-mail addresses that were said to be Brian's. Neither one of those e-mails belong to your good commander and it appears someone is spreading bad info with other peoples e-mail addresses. I am glad to see such support and protection of Brian Paddick as it clearly appears he has been getting a really bad shake in the press of late. Oddly enough every time we initiated a search on the web for Brian Paddick this web site came up so after trying other methods we decided to pose the questions to you readers. The powers to be in Scotland Yard and/or the MET have put a seal on Brian's info this may or may not be of his doing, my guess is they are trying to cover their own asses!! We in LA no all too well what damage the press can do.....

As of this writing Brian has not read the e-mail I sent to him, or at least thats what the system indicates.....I hope he's out doing something fun and exciting instead of stuck in an office working. I always try the source first, I believe that people have the right to say yes or no. If his response is no we will do the article without him....which would be a shame since I really believe it would be a positive thing. I hope I was able to alleviate your concerns.
Ms. Magpie

I'll stick with my estrogen....it was the hot flashes that did me in... your coming close to being an honarary Californian...and yes I really am half English....my ancestors were from the Bedfordshire area which I have visited on two occassion and found very delightful, Kingston was the best.... I guess maybe it's the Sicilian half of me that put people off........;) ;)
This is on the main a friendly site of Forums. Users post here with discretion and non abuse. However your post brings me back to my school days.

We enjoy a good and mindful debate of peeps we have yet to find the other Martian the first was in my 4th year secondary scool.

Well so me at school on the Ouija board the teachers said when I left school I would not get up to much.

The school was demolished and I am stiil here!

If You know next weeks LOTTO Nrs or the 2-30 on trhe horses so let me know a week before though.

Enjoy this discussion group and don't brass people off untiil you are known on line. I would welcome a post from the US so, long as it was worth takling about. Say Films or something like that.

PS How much would you pay to insure a Light Saber in the US
;) :)
So I gather your not an astrology fan.....sorry don't know the lotto numbers but I always bet on the long shot in the ninth race to Show!!!! Works for me. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Great thread

Thanks for making me laugh

I'm off down the pub:D

Astrology!!!!!!! My life, whatever next??
Could we do a swopsies...........can we have the BOD and personnal info on some of your coppers........in exchange especially that IDIOT one that was over not so long ago.....???

We then all could send him birthady cards

;) The fat zero tolerence one that tried to brainwash Hellhole.(see spellcheck)

Oh + why on line....can i state...HELLEWELL YOU ARE SO UGLY >>>GO + TAKE SOME DRUGS!!!!
Hi JoMo1953
The Yard wasn't doing any different to protect Brian than their normal operation. They will never give out home address, E mail or telephone contacts for serving or retired police officers.
What they will do is to forward on any letter you send to them. This takes no more than a couple of days once arrived at the Yard.
Send him a letter
Eddie E
I was just having a dig really. People here are generally non-racist, but felt happy it seems to take the piss out of a Californian.
Of course it's quite reasonable to suppose that the totally predictable movement of the planets of our solar system in relation to the Earth has a direct relation to events that happen to the people who live there. No matter how disconnected or arbitrary your life feels it can, in fact, be modelled quite satisfactorially according to the relative positions of these planets. Cynics who complain that this is mumbo jumbo dreamed up for the gullible are lost in their own world of "rationalism" to the point where the obvious become obscure. Those who argue that it is "an intellectual dead-end" or "an escape from reality" merely expose their own foolishness. ;)
It seems quite straightforward that bodies moving in a regular motion and exercising a minor gravitational attraction should have an influence on our psychology and future.

Thus, if we knew exactly where Brian lived, we would be able to predict many important things from a study of the appropriate bus timetables.

(The paranormal influence of transport is often underrated. How many people realise that all the railway stations in this country are connected by mysterious lines of force?)

(Edited twice to get the spelling of 'appropriate' right.)
Hmm. I'm hardly an apologist for astrology, but when I worked down on the funny farm, I did find that everybody got very perceptibly nuttier on a full moon and when they changed the meds. So fine, that much makes sense. The hither- and tither of the moon exerts an influence on the tides, which in turn influences brain chemistry somehow. All that pent-up dopamine and serotonin just gets up and parties, and so in turn do we.

So that's pretty empirically sussed. But what's Jupiter, Mars or Pluto got to say about shit? What have they ever influenced aside from the fevered imaginations of the ancients and their descendants in Cali? I mean, archetypes are nice and all, rendering as they do meaning to our chaotic little worlds. But is there any scientific basis, however far-fetched, for astrology?
3 of my favorite quotes on the Subject of Astrology:

"Astrology is the science of predicting the furture through ovservations of the stars" -- Larousse

"The Longest lasting and the most universal religion in the whole epoch of humanity" -- Berthelot

and finally (this one's for you white rabbit)

"Astrology: It is the longest illness ever to have afflicted reason"
-- Bailly

;) ;) ;)
I can accept that the magnetic pull of the moon affects things eg tides and also empirical stuff that I KNOW to be true...eg women living uninterrupted by travel in the same geographical area tend to have their periods at the same time (ask any family of several women, or nuns, or chemists in small towns) and so on but otherwise I part company with the whole astrology kit and kaboodle.........

I can say though that JoMo is being pulled (despite an initially hostile reception) towards Urban75, and possibly Brixton....well hey, those of us that live here know that it is the centre of the universe, natch. Hows that for a gravitational force?
I guess I find the concept of Astrology interesting because it links in with my general philosophy on life i.e. everything being interconnected. The moon affecting tides is a good example - and we are 70% water just as the earth is, so it must affect us in some way too. All the planets exert a gravitational pull on each other, so in turn this must have some kind of effect.
Whether Astrology is accurate in saying what this effect is, who knows? I think the comparison to religion is very interesting, it is after all, one of the most ancient ways of man attempting to make sense of his surroundings and life in general. When something has been around for thousands of years I tend not to dismiss it out of hand.
Anyway, I have very little knowledge on the subject, I guess it is on my "to do" list. I'm naturally sympathetic to many esoteric pursuits as I feel they add a bit of wonder to life - a purely rational approach to things gets a little dull after a while.

I do think U75ers can get quite vicious for no good reason. Just because you think someone may be misguided doesn't mean you should administer a big cliquey beating.

Hugs to all Virgos! :D
Cheers darling .... <even though I don't believe in it, my birthday is late in August! :p >

I'm feeling a bit ashamed of being harsh on Jo-Mo earlier so please accept my apols again ... still think it's all cobblers though :D
I thought the synchronised periods stuff was to do with pheromones, not gravity? I believe there is some slight though significant correlation between the time of year kids are born and their subsequent aptidudes, but that may be down to environment factors (light, temperature etc) during their early months and indeed pre-birth,

Otherwise, I'm sceptical.
Originally posted by Masseuse
I do think U75ers can get quite vicious for no good reason. Just because you think someone may be misguided doesn't mean you should administer a big cliquey beating.

to be fair, the astrology was just a handy stick for the cliquey beating, but it was actually motivated by a protectiveness towards Brian Paddick..............which is fair......look at the size of the carrot (£100,000) attached to the stick that initially beat up our Brian...........when journalists post asking for info about Brian, we tend to close ranks.......
I was nice to her. :D
But I only got grief for it from Anna Key and Mrs M.
Aaah that! A daft private joke from another thread! It's not anti- Caspar, it's anti-bagpipe. Perhaps this will explain.....

A gentleman is someone that knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't.
Ah thanks Mrs M. for explaining, as a poor foreigner I didn't get the joke. :D
I know though it wasn't anti Caspar, I just like to lament and complain. ;)
astrology........when there is a full moon...there are more incidents...call outs.......miscarriages......lunar/tidal cycle.


and on a full moon the crowd are.......????????

As a commander.........many things have to be considered.......

as for astrology cant see the stars throo the smoke at the mo.

Each Commandor is different with a different patch........Brians is busy Brixton..............and he like other Policemen has noticed that the current Policing .........in particular areas of drug consumption is uneffective in practice.

He also has 'communicated'.....as it is a topic that can and does directly or indirectly effect people and the quality of life. He had foresight to see this as a viable medium to debate......an act man does since the beginning of time.............under the very same stars. Check out some of the UK Police Sites.........
It's true that the moon influences periods. Women in groups will syncronise their periods and then they tend to match the phases of the lunar cycle.

edited to add...

confess I've just been doing more searching and can't find any satisfactory evidence for this assertion! still think it's true though.
I'm with pooka on this. My understanding is that it's pheremones. It makes a lot of sense too. If it was down to the Moon, women would synchronise whether they were in proximity or not but it's only when they're together in sniffing distance as it were. The 28 day cycle of the moon (actually I think it's 29.something - may be wrong there) is fixed. It has slowed down over time but very gradually. Women's menstrual cycles fluctuate around an average of 28 days.

The Sun and the Moon exert a palpable influence on the Earth. The other planets less so. I'm not sure you'd be able to point to an effect of Mars or Venus never mind the outer planets (some of which were unknown before about 70 years ago, btw). But to extrapolate that to some underlying celestial influence is pushing it imo.
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