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Brian Paddick

Steve I think you should be awarded an Honorary Professorship, nay the Principalship, at the University of Common Bloody Sense for that utter gem ... :cool: :) :D
I take your point about identity theft. Interestingly, I've just done a quick unscientific search and found about 20% of regular (>100) posters show their DoB in their profile.
Anyway, if she's that good at astrology, she should have known what sort of reception she'd get.
But not mine! Lovely though all those birthday threads are, I'm not giving out that info.........The scariest identity theft attempt I had was when a Health Visitor (I checked her bona fides) came to my door and wanted to see a newborn apparently born to me in my previous married name in Kings a few days before. That was really worrying...............
I think we have been a bit hard on JoMo here... she/he just asked for harmless information, and wasn't asking anyone else to sign up to astrology. Birthdays are commonly reported in newspapers.

If support for Paddick is reaching LA then that's good news.

I'd like to read the article! :)
Manners everyone please. JoMo don't be put off. Contact Brian and see what he says. I'm not too hot on astrology either, but I see no harm in a polite enquiry.
Dr J, I am not suggesting that JoMo is asking for info to use fraudulently, BUT it could be and anyway she should ask Brian directly, not us.
Well, I hope I wasn't being rude to JoJo:confused: But I'm not wholly convinced of bona fides. Suggest you read your pm's hatboy and look at the times, the content and the time of JoJo's first post. It would be sad if JoJo had asked Brian, got an understandable rebuff and then tried to find out on here.
astology apology

I'm sorry too that I was a little sarcastic.

Also (big admission this) I've a friend who's a JUNGIAN ASTROLOGER and always find his take most interesting.

So I'll just say 'Peace Man' and good luck with the article.
Well I won't apologise. Astrology is dog toffee and anyone who uses the word "profanity" deserves everything they get. :D
Well you ladies and gents have been busy since I last visited.... So most of you hate astrology, Calilfornians and think we are all nut cases..... Well White Rabbit I guess the "piss take" is on me.....Happy???? How a simple question could stir up so much hatred really baffles me. Our only purpose is to provide a service to our readers.....Personally I think Brian Paddick is terrific and it appears he is getting more than his fair share of bad press. We are not trying to invade anyones privacy. Perhaps if we can write something positive it will shed some new light on the controversy. Now if someone would be so kind to inform me what is Brians User name (I have been unable to locate it) on this board I can e-mail him directly and leave you all alone. Simple request, still hoping someone can help.
THANK YOU CASPER.......So thankful there are still some gentlemen in England..... We have e-mailed Brian and await his response. I will leave you all to your bickering now....unless of course I decide I'm due for some punishment.....really I have not had this much fun since my last root canal!!!!
You would think that after all those lifetimes of experience she might have sussed that Astrology is the not the path to true enlightenment. Nor priggishness. All fur coat and no knickers methinks.
Ladies Please

Well I've learned two valuable lessons in this chat room....the English hate Americans & Astrologers (for the record I am not the astrologer, I only represent the writers for the magazine) and the English are certainly good at dishing out the dirt but certainly cannot take a little humor in return. Pity really, it makes your world all the more smaller when you shut people out. Oh and by the way Ms. Magpie perhaps you should try a little estrogen for your moodiness, .625 mgs. per day should do the trick!!!
Well I've learned two valuable lessons in this chat room....the English hate Americans & Astrologers
Hey that's unfair! I like Americans very much - so long as they're not invading someone else's country - and I admitted earlier my interest in Jungian Astrology.
the English are certainly good at dishing out the dirt but certainly cannot take a little humor in return.
Again I don't think that's true. I've met numerous yanks who laugh at Hugh Grant, the British Monarchy, plumbing in London hotels, British licensing laws.... what's wrong with making jokes about California? You ARE quite funny...
I won't say anything about your estrogen prescription because I know your patient can look after herself...
Okay Anna

Okay I stand corrected....maybe the English just hate astrologers, or perhaps it's Californians they dislike. If you had seen the trash posted to my private e-mail address you would understand my total shock to the rudness I have been exposed to. I am not a "regular" in chat rooms so I was quite taken aback when I posted a simply and polite request and got bombarded with "fuck-off" and "stick it up your arse". Certainly everyone is entitled to their opinion on astrology, or any subject for that matter, but does everybody have to be rude and nasty......God knows we have enough hatred in this world, lets a least try to be civil to one another.
I agree with the above. The aggression of other posters' made this forum appear cliquey and populated with petty minded types. You might not like astrology, but surely at worst it's harmless. As for taking the piss out of someone (meaning mocking them JoMo) because they are Californian, well that's just stupid.

Hey JoMo - if you were to reveal yourself as a black Californian, how they'd die of embarrassment.

:p :rolleyes: everyone.
California Tan

Thank you thank you thank you for your show of support.....alas I am not a black californian (pretty tan though) does half Sicilian and half English count for anything???:cool: :cool: :cool: But as you may know our own (LA) Police Chief Bernard Parks (who is a Black Calilfornian) was kicked out by a bunch of stuffy politicians who know nothing about policing. Many of us Angelonians are waging a strong fight to get him reinstated even though he decided not to fight the Police Commission and retired. Kind of the same raw deal that your good Commander Paddick has been receiving. So you see you Brit's and we in LA do have things in common......
As the author of the remarks you took exception to, perhaps I should point out that they weren't meant to apply to you, JoMo. They were supposed to be alternatives to the "sod off" you directed at me. I was merely attempting to suggest a more faithful use of the idiom.

I will freely ridicule astrology because I think it is ridiculous but I rarely try to characterise someone because of where they live or the culture they belong to. In this case, I made no such slight.
white rabbit

I have no problem with your take on astrology and I respect your right to have an opinion....my point was not to single you out but I really was taken aback by the harsh words and treatment....I did not share the private e-mails I received as a result of this thread and they were very nasty....I don't know who or whom sent them there were 9 e-mails in all and it was quite unsettling after asking such a simple question.... Clearly those who e-mailed me privately did not have the guts to air their views in this open forum as you did..... Yes your are entitled to think that astrology is bullshit and I am entitled to think otherwise, it does not entitle either of us to be rude or nasty to each other.:) :) :)
Blimey - this still goin on?

I think you're right to be miffed at some of the rudeness, JoJo.

But, Brian Paddick has had a rough ride from the press and no-one here would wish to collude in seeing him set up again. Some of us had visions of "Camp Commander turns Mystic Meg" type stuff. The web being what it is, there is no obvious way of knowing you are who you say you are.

And I'm still puzzled.

1. Surely an experienced writer/journalist would have looked through the forum and read all the threads that have Brian in the title? I first came to the boards because I'm alocal and was interested what the hoo-haa was about - and that's exactly what I did - and I'm not a journalist.

2.You're first post was at about 3:00 am our time. When I suggested at about 7:00 am that you mail the guy yourself, you pm'ed me to say that you had done so and received abusive emails back "over the hours". So had you emailed him before your first mail, in which case you shouldn't have sought to weedle this info off the boards having had a refusal from your subject. Or you were saying that you'd received these responses from London after your first posting, in the middle of the night!

3.Now you pop up hours later, asking for Brian's user name, and announce you've just emailed him!

So, plenty of reasons to be wary off both your good faith and journalistic competence.

And your comment to Mrs M about oestrogen was sexist and ageist - not what we expect from a Californian. :(
No way do I condone abusive emails, I would complain to the senders ISP. Ribbing about astrology is OK though. Especially in California........it's just so Nancy Reagan. Things that are taken very seriously in the USA are ridiculed here (quite rightly, too in my opinion). We just can't help it. Also our keen sense of irony tends to fly straight over Americans heads and they just don't get it..........(Are you SURE you are English?)...this leads to chasms of misunderstandings, but usually much hilarity on our part.

Pooka is right, we are very protective indeed of our Brian because of the terrible harm he has suffered through journalists. It has also harmed our community. That makes me very angry. We have had LOADS of dodgy journalists trawling the boards and also attempts at setups. This means we are not very fluffy with journalists. To be honest I was totally convinced that you were taking the piss. I can't say that you have convinced me that this isn't a piss-take. I mean......an astrology article in California on policemen? It's like a pitch for a comedy script......just a different mindset us Brits.

Oh and sod the oestrogen, I like the crabbiness. I was far too passive before! I am very empowered by my crabbiness. (See I even used Californian jargon in that last sentence!)
Mrs Magpie turning into a Californian shock!

Stop that at once, Mrs Magpie! There are quite enough Californians in the world already without you turning into one. We like you crabby and English.
Bad California jokes

Q: How many Californians does it take to screw in a lightbult?
A:Thirty-three million and two. One to hold the torch, one to screw in the lightbulb, and 33 million to whinge that their own deregulation program let Enron screw 'em out of their electric.

Okay, as a native midwesterner, I just can't pass up an opportunity to join in on a piss-take of the Golden Showers State. So here, for your persual, is a regional variation on Ann Winterton's unfortunate aside (with apologies to my mates out there and none for the bigot Tory bastard):

A Texan, a Californian, and a Nevadan are out riding their horses.

The Texan pulls out a bottle of expensive bourbon, takes a deep draught, and, tossing the bottle into the air, unholsters his shotgun and blows the bottle to smithereens.

The Californian looks at the Texan, aghast, and says, "What are you doing? That was a perfectly good bottle of whiskey!" The Texan drawls, "In Texas, there's plenty of bourbon and bottles are cheap.”

Not to be outdone, the Californian produces a bottle of champagne, takes a few delicate sips, tosses the bottle into the air, pulls a pistol and blows the bottle to pieces.

The Nevadan turns agitatedly to the Californian and demands, “What the hell’d you do that for? That was one pricey bottle of champagne!” The Californian replies, “In California, there’s plenty of champagne and bottles are cheap.”

The Nevadan knits his eyebrows, muses on this for a moment, and opens a bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. He takes a sip, then downs it in one. Gingerly, he places the bottle in his saddlebag, unpacks his sawed-off, and shoots the Californian.

Mouth agape, the Texan turns to the Nevadan and says, “Now why in tarnation’d you have to go and do that?”

The Nevadan cracks a wry smile and says, “Well, sir, in Nevada, Californians are a dime a dozen, and bottles’re worth a nickel.”

Just takin' the mickey, JoMo. Some of my best friends are Californians. Y'all might be a little bit wierd, but apart from the posh plastic GOP scum of Beverly Hills and Orange County, yer alright with me. This rabble might seem a bit gruff, but the right-wing tabloids antics around the Paddick business has got us all a bit sensitive, so don't take the ribbing hard and good luck with Bernie Parks.
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