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Brexit survival guide: Stockpiling Food

We've kept a rolling stock of hoarded stuff even since the first and second non-Brexit Days and carried on through the (first) lockdown. Hoarding has become second nature now.
Prepping can be habit forming (as I'm beginning to find out).

Thirty years ago my wife helped a very elderly couple who lived near us by doing their weekly shop. They had a shed with a big stockpile of tinned goods they'd built up during the Winter of Discontent and were still using and renewing twenty years on.

They also had a gas fridge in case of power cuts. I didn't even know that was a thing. Apparently still is too.
Lean pickings for us plant munchers in the dystopian city - we're more likely to be prey than predator :(

Hips, haws, nettles, hedge salad because I have easy cycle access to suburbia and beyond ...

I now have 15 bogrolls - good for 270 days / 9 months
8KG of bread flour - good for 80 days
30 cans of tomatoes - good for 10 weeks.
I'm now consciously visiting a second supermarket nearer my house so I can carry more cans home.
Off to the deli tomorrow or next weekend to load my bike panniers up with more tahini than usual.

Thankfully I will soon be in a position to shop during the week, and I still haven't touched my stash of dried beans.

And as I will be "self employed" from October, I will have the option of growing my own fresh greens if I get my finger out - The southern side of the greenhouse is available for that - who knows I may finally get my watercress farm set up ...
I've never hoarded stuff before but I'm worried about losing employment + brexit confusion + raising prices, will mean I wont have enough to make ends meet next.

So I'm trying to buy a bit extra each week now while I can still afford it and before prices go up even more. I cleared space in a cupboard in the bedroom to start filling it up.

I think I'm turning into my gran - we found sugar, tinned peas and whiskey stored in her wardrobe after she died in 1980. Not sure what sort of emergency she was stockpiling for.
Got a delivery coming this week of bulk washing up liquid, toilet rolls, and laundry liquid. Food wise a fuck load of tins of chopped tomatoes, few kgs of rice and dried beans to add to a not bad stash already. Will build up some Huel stockpiles (which is my daily breakfast), store some apples soon, and the allotment is looking good for the next chunk of time. TBH do this bulk order few times a year anyway, so it's not stockpiling really, although I like to imagine it is every time. :facepalm: Just need couple of bottles of whiskey to add.
Got some more soups today. Just Asda basic tins for 25-40p a pop but good as soups (obv) but also with pasta/rice etc.

More corned beef and tinned tomatoes.
I really like the ASDA Ratatouille with canned potatoes and TESCO canned stewed steak.

Plus mrs 19f8 is big into various snack bars which keep forever*

* or at least for 10 years - which works for me...
Pasta aisle was decimated when I did the weekly shop today (was pretty thin last week), so got some linguine and tricolor fusilli (neither of which I'd ever touch being a pasta snob, but that was literally all there was) for when the niece feels the need to cook pans full of the stuff that she won't eat. Not worried about bog rolls - we make those in this country, in my home town even, and stock had returned to normal within a couple of weeks of the shelf-stripping in March. Flour/sugar stocks prolly took the longest to return to normal last time, but I don't use much beyond sauces/yorkies/pancakes, so I'll fill my storage jars and make sure I have a spare bag each of each, as I do have an xmas cake to make.
Pasta aisle was decimated when I did the weekly shop today (was pretty thin last week), so got some linguine and tricolor fusilli (neither of which I'd ever touch being a pasta snob
Went to local Asda last week. No problem with pasta, rice, flour or sugar.

Tins were a bit more sporadic though. Tinned veg was really low and some sold out.
From the 'Panic Buying' thread:

The whole problem last time wasn't with the supply chain it was due to people filling trollies with pasta or big roll. If there is another lockdown it won't be the poor that will be filling trollies as they won't be able to afford to. It will be the better off who won't stop stockpiling when they have a month or 2 stockpiled. :mad:

Not calling you out or disagreeing with you here WouldBe

I have a stockpile of sorts. Am not wealthy by a long way and don't drive so shopping is done on foot or by bike. Do have a rented garage though as my flat is small and kitchen is very small.

The stockpile consists of supermarket own brand rice, tins, flour, powdered milk and such. Just picked up a bag full for £4 (things like 13p cans of spaghetti in tomato sauce and Asda own brand rice/flour.

There are selfish idiots out there filling the cupboards in their huge kitchens but it is not everyone.

C-19 and Brexit are an unarguable disaster by our disgraced government. Having a small back up of food is not selfish. If we were not such a docile public the supermarkets would have been looted and parliament burned down long ago. The people are not at fault here.
I haven't stockpiled anything...but I can always head off to the woods where there is a plentiful supply of deer, geese, partridge, pheasant, rabbits and (in extremis) squirrels. Can also raid my farming neighbour's sugar beet, maize and potatoes. I have a gunsmith friend, so weaponry isn't a problem (they do things differently in Norfolk)...and there are the 9 sheep currently eating nettles in a corner of the wood. Huge dock leaves for loo-roll and 2 recent tree disasters has left us with shitloads of wood (currently undergoing a fast seasoning). Oh yeah, I filled both propane bottles this weekend too. We have not actually been in a pub or restaurant for years and the nearest animated life-force are cows and one grumpy cowman.. We do have to hang it out in town till the next weed harvest (6 more weeks) and will probably stockpile books and yarn and try to transfer my precription to the local pharmacy in Brundall (if not, a dash down the A11 every 2 weeks).

Since we would be filthy as fuck, (after weeks of using the cattle trough) a solitary existence is probably advised.
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From the 'Panic Buying' thread:

Not calling you out or disagreeing with you here WouldBe

I have a stockpile of sorts. Am not wealthy by a long way and don't drive so shopping is done on foot or by bike. Do have a rented garage though as my flat is small and kitchen is very small.

The stockpile consists of supermarket own brand rice, tins, flour, powdered milk and such. Just picked up a bag full for £4 (things like 13p cans of spaghetti in tomato sauce and Asda own brand rice/flour.

There are selfish idiots out there filling the cupboards in their huge kitchens but it is not everyone.

C-19 and Brexit are an unarguable disaster by our disgraced government. Having a small back up of food is not selfish. If we were not such a docile public the supermarkets would have been looted and parliament burned down long ago. The people are not at fault here.
Not all of them just the selfish bastards. :mad:
I haven't stockpiled anything...but I can always head off to the woods where there is a plentiful supply of deer, geese, partridge, pheasant, rabbits and (in extremis) squirrels. Can also raid my farming neighbour's sugar beet, maize and potatoes. I have a gunsmith friend, so weaponry isn't a problem (they do things differently in Norfolk)...and there are the 9 sheep currently eating nettles in a corner of the wood. Huge dock leaves for loo-roll and 2 recent tree disasters has left us with shitloads of wood (currently undergoing a fast seasoning). Oh yeah, I filled both propane bottles this weekend too. We have not actually been in a pub or restaurant for years and the nearest animated life-force are cows and one grumpy cowman.. We do have to hang it out in town till the next weed harvest (6 more weeks) and will probably stockpile books and yarn and try to transfer my precription to the local pharmacy in Brundall (if not, a dash down the A11 every 2 weeks).

Since we would be filthy as fuck, (after weeks of using the cattle trough) a solitary existence is probably advised.
You aren't Rick Grimes by any chance are you
We've started buying a little extra, but we are always well stocked in beans, corned beef, tinned tomatoes pilchards etc

We did buy 10l of UHT milk and 5Kg pf rice at the weekend.
Who is?
For sure, I go to Asda for my dinner like most people, but have always been more than happy to eat anything the dogs caught (I had lurchers and ferrets so mainly coney) and geese, game birds, muntjac and woodpigeons can be had for free.
Asda market share round 15%, Tesco about 28%

So would take issue with Asda like most people.
So would take issue with Asda like most people.
Pffft, I wasn't being absolutely literal. Asda is my nearest supermarket and I used it as a general stand-in for all supermarkets / usual patterns of consumprion. As it happens, I haven't actually been to asda for bloody months because I have a nifty convenience store round the corner (for tea, loorolls, washing powder) and a local Waitrose for my free-range chicken.
So would take issue with Asda like most people.
Pffft, I wasn't being absolutely literal. Asda is my nearest supermarket and I used it as a general stand-in for all supermarkets / usual patterns of consumprion. As it happens, I haven't actually been to asda for bloody months because I have a nifty convenience store round the corner (for tea, loorolls, washing poweder) and a local Waitrose for my free-range chicken.
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