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Brexit or Bremain - Urban votes


  • Brexit

  • Bremain

  • Abstain

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Out isn't (necessarily) isolationist xenophobia though. Whereas in is definitely corrupt neoliberalism.
Well, as nobody, expect rabid kippers frothing about immigration, can tell me what "out" would look like, I have to assume it will be isolationist xenophobia. :(
Farage will never go.

If he loses the referendum UKIP will lose its will to live. The EU is Farage's raison d'etre. Every other populist announcement about immigration and gays are just crowd pleasers to draw in the swivel eyed loons.
Lots of practical, political and emotional reasons to stay or leave. None required though once you look at this picture...

£78,000 MEP salary plus generous expense and pension provision

Quite, so take it away. UKIP are barely a one trick pony. Coming out doesn't leave much left for them politically. Coming out might also cause deep divisions in the Tories which sees them elect a new leader who also wants out. A core of UKIPs right-wing votes goes back to the Tories as it becomes more eurosceptic again, and the rest implodes.

Admittedly, the one thing we haven't got is a strong left party with an argument for forming an out strategy which is an issue, but I still think an out will cause problems for the Tories and what's the point of UKIP if we're out?

UKIP love this - they can posture all that they want whilst being quite happy that whilst we stay in, they are part of the UK political landscape. So end it.

Then, we need to work on building ground-up movements to oppose the Tories, which is a hard task I know, but much more easily achieved without the neo-liberalism of the EU to fight against too.
Think out means still in Single market , but not in EU. And that means not addressing immigration, personally not a problem, but would be for a lot of outers. Farage hangs around calling the still in single market position a betrayal and keeps a political base that he's built over immigration.
I'm, on balance, on the staying-in side. I think the ECHR is a very important check/balance, i think curbs to some of the excesses of the way sovereignty would otherwise be enacted by our governments is probably quite welcome.
The rationale for the SNP's existence seemed to go after the Scottish referendum. Doesn't seem to have done them any harm.

Edit: and UKIP's focus on immigration isn't just to attract 'swivel-eyed loons'. It's tapping in to the fairly prevalent views that immigration should be restricted and that all major parties are indifferent to the concerns of the ordinary British voter.
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