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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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My head simply won't absorb where the fuck we are up to now, but presumably May will have another go at getting her shitpile through. That brings Bercow centre stage though as he was musing today about having a decision to make on whether to allow the same resolution to be put twice. He's obviously up for it as he's fucked May over a couple of times, but I doubt he's got the balls to do that. Has he?
My head simply won't absorb where the fuck we are up to now, but presumably May will have another go at getting her shitpile through. That brings Bercow centre stage though as he was musing today about having a decision to make on whether to allow the same resolution to be put twice. He's obviously up for it as he's fucked May over a couple of times, but I doubt he's got the balls to do that. Has he?

Maybe she'll propose a resolution rejecting her own deal. On her current form that's probably its best chance.
Some of the ERG starting to wobble

I can't see her deal ever getting through even if all the ERG lined up behind it. At this point, if you are a loyal Tory MP who wants a soft Brexit why would lend your vote to that deal just being the ERG who've screwed your government into the dirt are shitting it that their WTO utopia is thing of the past.
there was a report somewhere this afternoon (which I now can't find) suggesting that there's some obscure parliamentary rule that government can't just bring back the same thing for another vote (yesterday was in theory at least deal mk 2) so they can't just have a repeat of the vote on the deal in the hope of getting it through at third attempt...
there was a report somewhere this afternoon (which I now can't find) suggesting that there's some obscure parliamentary rule that government can't just bring back the same thing for another vote (yesterday was in theory at least deal mk 2) so they can't just have a repeat of the vote on the deal in the hope of getting it through at third attempt...
a 'self plagiarism' rule. :)
I can't see her deal ever getting through even if all the ERG lined up behind it. At this point, if you are a loyal Tory MP who wants a soft Brexit why would lend your vote to that deal just being the ERG who've screwed your government into the dirt are shitting it that their WTO utopia is thing of the past.
Lack of other options, party loyalty, just wanting this to be over, etc. The "WTO utopia" isn't "a thing of the past" the motion passed tonight had no legal force.

there was a report somewhere this afternoon (which I now can't find) suggesting that there's some obscure parliamentary rule that government can't just bring back the same thing for another vote (yesterday was in theory at least deal mk 2) so they can't just have a repeat of the vote on the deal in the hope of getting it through at third attempt...
First the government argue that yesterday's vote wasn't the same as January's as the deal had changed. Second it's at the discretion of the Speaker. I don't see Bercow refusing another vote on May's deal under the current circumstance. And if he did, they'd make just enough (meaningless) changes to make sure it was a "new" matter being voted on.
By the way, when does Corbyn makes his ever so cunning lightining strike (inside or outside the house)? To be honest, there's more chance of Theresa Fucking May getting something through before he does that.

In Parliament he said he will be holding cross party meetings to try to bring something to the house. Possibly Labour will try to get an indicative vote for a Norway plus type deal, with an extension to negotiate?
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