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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

Part of the issue with private healthcare - as well as the fact that it reduces the proportion of the population who have an interest in keeping the NHS properly funded - is that it reduces the availability of those things with a finite supply to NHS patients - for example, doctors. There are many doctors who work in the NHS as well as privately on the side, but their private patients get much longer consultations. So private patients take up time that, if the doctor made themselves available to the NHS, could be used to see more people.

Of course, everyone who uses their private car when there's a public transport alternative is also a queue-jumper, and undermines the viability of a public service, in the same way as those who opt for private medical treatment, and I think it's good to keep this in mind when judging others' morals.
"until we have one"
How does that even have a chance of happening with people opting for private healthcare and queue jumping??
Elect a government that is prepared to fund the NHS to the extent that queues are not long enough for it to be worthwhile for people to pay the extra cost of being in a private healthcare scheme.
People are in these schemes and see them as a benefit precisely because there are queues and they are concerned about how NHS shortages will affect them and their families personally.
One of my former colleagues had kidney problems and whilst he was happy enough with the dialysis he received from the NHS, kidney patients tend to be sickly anyway and being in the company scheme meant he got faster treatment for the many other problems that it made worse for him. Didn't save him in the end mind but you can't really say to someone in his position you can't take advantage of a scheme that will make your life a lot less painful because you need to show solidarity with people who haven't got this.
Any blame for NHS shortages and any solution lies exclusively in Westminster.
Doesn't private health care take people out of the NHS system, even though they still pay into it ?
No it in no way takes people out of the NHS and indeed most private healthcare schemes don't cover things like emergency care
The main benefits of being in a private healthcare scheme are not having to queue for non-urgent treatments or getting a nice room and fancy food in a private hospital and of course for most people a warm feeling of security and being more in control of your own destiny something most people put a very high premium on.
No it in no way takes people out of the NHS and indeed most private healthcare schemes don't cover things like emergency care
The main benefits of being in a private healthcare scheme are not having to queue for non-urgent treatments or getting a nice room and fancy food in a private hospital and of course for most people a warm feeling of security and being more in control of your own destiny something most people put a very high premium on.

I agree mostly, but the pick and choose nature of private health care is problematic. Throwing all the pre existing conditions back into the NHS system.
I agree mostly, but the pick and choose nature of private health care is problematic. Throwing all the pre existing conditions back into the NHS system.
Agree totally, which is why private healthcare insurance is so cheap in this country all the realy problem cases are dumped on the public system, I had American colleagues (big American global corp) that could not grasp why I didn't think under $200 a month was a bargain when they paid $1000 for something that would cost them 10x as much if they bought it privately.
I've put the brixton forum on ignore. I was genuinely shocked last time i even looked in there. You're right though, i just can't face it because of time issues at the minute. I don't know how you gramsci and others can keep going at times.

Its why I started on U75. Urban was originally a Brixton website then expanded. I don't give up on it so far. As its important to me as I live in the srea. And its where U75 started. Though Ive been wondering if I can hack it much longer. Just had to deal with right wing post on gentrification this evening. Depressing.
Its why I started on U75. Urban was originally a Brixton website then expanded. I don't give up on it so far. As its important to me as I live in the srea. And its where U75 started. Though Ive been wondering if I can hack it much longer. Just had to deal with right wing post on gentrification this evening. Depressing.
I feel your pain but a change is going to come.
I quite like brewdog. I like the 330ml size cans. A pint is sometimes a bit much, and those French beers are too small.
Im a lurker, occasional poster on this sub-forum, and currently drinking a can of Brewdog Indie. I noticed earlier today, the only other 330ml cans in the shop were Estrella. I thought it relevant.
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Im a lurker, occasional poster on this sub-forum, and currently drinking a can of Brewdog Indie. I noticed earlier today, the only other 330ml cans in the shop were Estrella. I thought it relevant.
How is you liking their can sizes relevant on a thread about how shit brewdog are as a company and an employer?
If someone's delicate enough to take someone else liking a particular beer can size as a "kick in the ribs", then the politics forum may not be for them.
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