Yes. And? What is the point?She’s Boris Johnson’s partner.
Yes. And? What is the point?She’s Boris Johnson’s partner.
Yes. And? What is the point?
Only just saw this. Wouldn't have done that eight oclock bollocks if I'd known. He'll be fucking unbearable now. And if I shouldn't be wishing him dead the reckless cunt should have observed his own fucking social distancing rules and not a) got it and b) spread it to others in the first fuckingplace.
Yes, it's one of my least favourite viruses now.Useless piece of shit virus. It can't do anything right.
No. It won't change him. But he will use the appearance of change to his own political ends.
Yep. Fake empathy.
Is he a socio/psychopath do you think?
Well his illness has served one purpose. That Newsnight piece about this not hitting everyone equally genuinely surprised me. It was a call to arms essentially to change society, and the catalyst was the mawkish shite from Johnson's underlings about 'the boss'.
What with Brexit still to implement that may in fact yet be Johnsons prime ministership in a nutshell."oh just clear away the dead bodies and the UK can be the next Dubai"
Some days.Partner?
Shag of the day shurely
'I've stubbed me toe, could you play something by Killing Joke for me on Newsnight? Maybe not I am the Virus'.
What makes these prats think de Phiefle can't afford his own sodding cufflinks?
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Indeed. Not only do I wish johnson and every tory MP a slow and painful death, I have also come to the conclusion that from a hard nosed political POV he needs to die and become an historical joke figure. Now its plucky boris, hes had it too etc.They'd try but he'd just be a dead idiot for bringing it on himself. This will give him some sort of authenticity that he doesn't deserve. He'll be bring up his 'long hours in the ICU' and how the NHS saved his life right up till he sells it to Richard Branson for a pound. He's a nasty selfish cunt and we'd all have been better off without him.
What makes these prats think de Phiefle can't afford his own sodding cufflinks?
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The Sydney Herald today
Johnson's hospitalisation exposes potential flaw in the British system
There is now a leadership vacuum in Britain at a time when some of the most important decisions in the nation’s history will need to be made.amp.smh.com.au