hipipol: I believe the quote is Edmund Burke. He was having a go at the Terror which followed the French revolution, but also at Paine. A cogent post on your part. Likewise, William, adi and newbie.
paul - if this does end up playing to a right wing agenda, then I for one will be dissappointed. Amongst my neighbours, black and white, there is concern that there is something to this. If it has any substance, then it should be addressed. I don't have the circulation figures of the Voice but if they're so low, surely it would fold? Topcat - I doubt there is any newspaper for whom the cover price meets the costs - that's why they carry adverts, as I'm sure Adam will tell you. I note from the web version that Year Zero (nice design by the way) is considering carrying adverts.
A debate between four white policemen about this subject would be the worst sort of way to proceed. I would expect those who oppose the debate this week would be ready to denounce it as racist propaganda - and it would be hard to defend it as otherwise, whatever the intention.
Seems to me that the majority of posters to this thread hold the view that this debate is a valid one, albeit with sensible concerns about how it is conducted, by whom and where it leads to. You have responded by taking more and more insulting and extreme positions as you extend your tactic of setting up obnoxious straw men so you can knock them down.
First you accuse people of being racist - but can't point out where.
Next you accuse them of having a racist
desire or motivation (were you educated by the Jesuits by any chance?)
And then for good measure, you accuse them of being eugenicists. Deeply insulting. I don't know your background Adam, but it's odds-on I've forgotten more genetics than you might aspire to and have NEVER had any truck with that nonsense. Sadly, a bastardised Darwinism seems to be infecting both the left and the right.
Why bother responding to you? Because unsubstantiated smears should not go unanswered and (more important) attempts to choke reason with cheap slogans (by the left or the right) should always be challenged.
You ask what people's interest in this subject is?
1. As newbie has set out, we live in an area where quality of life is corroded by street crime - its causes are a legitimate concern.
2. Some of us count amongst our neighbours people with adolescent kids who are also black. And they worry about this stuff.
3. We also live in an area where there has long been a history of the police targetting black youth, under the old suss laws and more recently stop and search. That has been devisive and alienating and has undermined the police's capacity to do their job. The allegation of higher incidence of street crime amongst black lads has been used as a vindication of that. Indeed, that may have been part of the reason for the Met releasing the figures they did.
Either this assertion is wrong (in which case it should be nailed) or it isn't, in which case we
all need to adress the reasons.
How should that be done?
Well firstly, as you suggest, by proper use of the statistics. And of course, any analysis must first control for factors we know are correlates of crime (education, housing, crime, recreation etc) and then see if there is any residual variance to be explained. If there is not, then there is no case to answer and the policy options for keeping young people away from crime should be identical for all kids, regardless of ethnicity. If there is, then specific policies need to address specific groups.
But stats are rarely enough on their own. Moreover, the questions one poses of them always arise from some initial insight or intuition - in technical terms hypotheses to be tested. And I for one would consider it presumptive in the extreme if that were driven exclusively by middle class white. The people who know best are going to be the kids themselves (black or white), followed by their families, parents, friends, teachers and so on.
Nonetheless, what might our hunch be? Mine would be:
1. Most people are decent and just want to get on with their lives. Some are career criminals and some are psychopaths, but they are few in number.
2.But we are all (regardless of age, race, gender, whatever)capable of anti-social, selfish behaviour to the point of criminality. If we're well heeled, feel ourselves to have a stake in society, a job, a role, to get at least as much out as we put in, to have something to lose, to have people dependent upon us - then our transgressions are unlikely to go beyond traffic offences, creative accounting on our tax forms, or economy with the truth when we sell our motors/houses whatever.
3. But if we're young men (prone to risk taking, scant regard for future consequences and a dollop of testosterone fuelled ggression), out of work with time on our hands, poor educational attainments and few prospects, peer pressure (and media pressure) to sport the latest consumer trappings - then some of us will transgress in such ways as street crime.
Are there anyways in which that might be different between black and white kids? Well, black kids do have poorer job prospects and poorer educational attainments. They also are on the receiving end of descrimination, which compounds those two, but also makes it harder for them to see themselves as stakeholders in the larger community. It may well be that that fuels a counter-culture, in which they
are stakeholders. If that is the case, then there are specific issues to be addressed.
But that's just one person's hunch. It needs to be tested, against statistics and against experience. Which is what I expect to be the motivation behind the debate on Wednesday. If it turns out to be a bun-fight for the benefit of the media, then it will be an opportunity wasted.
That's all. If you want to continue insulting people, then suit yourself. But try and convince us you're not using your "pussy wipes" to think with - before we even consider depriving you of them