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Boomtown 2012

I booked it, coming on my own in the car as the Mr isn't up for it this year.

Mayor, how do I buy ticket without credit card?
You do the same as you did last year and get a mate to get you one, or your mum? I'm happy to give you (or anyone else) a lift from the M25 services on the A10, or anyone else who can get out to the M25 anywhere I will drive along it-ish (between M1 and M3 mainly)
3500 artists - everyone on a plus 1 - you do the math !!! - our licence is not big enough
Bullshit. Band is playing for no fee after playing at two selection gigs also for no fee. Travel expenses, food etc all coming out of band members pocket... you do the math you exploitative cheap prick... calculate the loss of good will in your line up...
Too fucking right mate. I'm pissed off with cheapskate promoters who think looking after the artists is some sort of optional extra. Without the performers there won't be a festival...

At the same time many performers wouldn't have the opportunity to be on such a large scale stage without the organisers. It needs to be worth it for the organisers otherwise there's no point in doing it, as the mayor said if 3500 performers have a +1, that's 7000, then adding security, stewards, bar staff, stall staff, etc takes them up to say 9.5k for example, that means only 5.5k (on what I think is a 15k license). 5.5k tickets would probably only just scrape their costs, if it even made it to that.

As we saw with glade 2010, even setting as simple as police demanding more security equipment on site and full payment for their services can push the finances past the point of viability.

Be pissed off if you want, but the performers are getting an opportunity, and in some cases a free weekend. Dj's playing on the teeny tiny nano stages may not even be getting a free ticket.

My experience from stewarding is actually quite often +1's can make a right pain in the arse of themselves driven by a delirium of superiority because of their perceived 'status'. I agree with you it'd be nice to take girlfriends and the odd freinds, but I know from working people often think a +1 somehow secretly means a +3. Don't get me wrong of I performed I'd quite happily make use of a +1 offer, but it's at organisers discretion IMHO
Too fucking right mate. I'm pissed off with cheapskate promoters who think looking after the artists is some sort of optional extra. Without the performers there won't be a festival...
Why does that translate into wanting free tickets? That's not a perk for the band is it. Basically you wanted to get in for free because your missus is playing but you can't. I think your expectations are unreasonable frankly.
Too fucking right mate. I'm pissed off with cheapskate promoters who think looking after the artists is some sort of optional extra. Without the performers there won't be a festival...
Why does that translate into wanting free tickets? That's not a perk for the band is it. Basically you wanted to get in for free because your missus is playing but you can't. I think your expectations are unreasonable frankly.
It ain't a free weekend though is it - travel costs etc. The plus 1s do stuff too, drive cars, carry equipment etc. TBH being the partner of someone in a band sucks most of the time and at festie season we get some reward for all the sacrifices we make for our partner's music career... but not this time eh? My missus is playing at 5 other festies this summer and they all managed plus 1s, I think BoomTown are being tight arsed cunts trying to screw a little extra profit out of the artists... if they turn up to play remains to be seen...
e2a to sim667
but what if it is your husband/wife who always goes with you to gigs?
and if people are not being paid then a couple of free tickets is the only real 'payment'
i can see it may get to be a monster with the site limit but 3500 performers!? really??
hope you are not advocating pay to play with bit about some not even getting a free ticket for themselves

and the police are a totally different killjoy bunch of money grabbing fuckers when it comes to events that get to be successful or are a bit 'alternative'
Why does that translate into wanting free tickets? That's not a perk for the band is it. Basically you wanted to get in for free because your missus is playing but you can't. I think your expectations are unreasonable frankly.
Musicians take note... the race to the bottom begins.
I don't see why your missus' band shouldn't be paid in some way.
And they're not being paid in any way what so ever... so far Boomtown has cost us quite a bit with two unpaid gigs in Bristol.
Also, me looking after the kids while she's rehearsing and gigging is a perk for the band, free entry for partners to a festie is how the band pays back long-suffering partners. Not this time though. Fuck 'em.
Hi jake, appreciate what you are saying but you are really going about this the wrong way - please email [email protected] with your complaint

FYI Boomtown has 10 live band stages and over 30 other stages all programmed for 3 - 4 days, there is 700 walkabout performers and over 400 circus performers ! There is a total of over 7000 crew and artists that make the festival what it is, to give out plus 1's to every single person that contributes to this size of event is 100% impossible - it is by absolutely no means a money making venture and anyone who knows the team and the ethos will confirm this

I am pretty sure all bands have been given 1 guest per two band members !!!!

I am really sorry if you feel hard done by but I hope this goes some way towards an explanation !!

Jake - just a thought but it's possible the girls in the music office would not have known the band had played other bristol shows for boomtown as its a completely different team ! I am sure if you email them and let them know this They will sort you the extra passes without any problems

[email protected]
fair play mayor

and while you're here!
is it Biggie?!!?
Tupac has been done so next step is...
e2a to sim667
but what if it is your husband/wife who always goes with you to gigs?
and if people are not being paid then a couple of free tickets is the only real 'payment'
i can see it may get to be a monster with the site limit but 3500 performers!? really??
hope you are not advocating pay to play with bit about some not even getting a free ticket for themselves

and the police are a totally different killjoy bunch of money grabbing fuckers when it comes to events that get to be successful or are a bit 'alternative'

I'm not saying that it should never happen, but I guess its down the individual organisation on how much impact it will have of the viability.

In some respects boomtown has a lot of venues and a lot going on, so maybe that could explain why it might be different to other events in that respect?
Hardly. I don't see why your missus' band shouldn't be paid in some way.

But again, a free ticket for YOU isn't a perk for the band, is it?
Lots of places offer performers a limited paying 'guest list', I'd have thought some sort of agreement could be come to that didn't stiff anyone. I'm going to hazard a guess that a lot of the people who are not getting a free ticket to play on the smaller stages were coming anyway, either as paying customers or workers. Lots of people are happy to play for free, or there wouldn't be any free parties?
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