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Bob Dylan at 80 - favourite song?

Dave Gilmour. Most of the people in the photo seem to have been in the cast of the 96 revival of Quadrophenia, which was the centrepiece of the Princes Trust concert... I've not been able to work out who the guy between Fry and MacDonald is, anyone? The guy between Phil Daniels and Ronnie Wood is Zak Starkey fwiw...
On the Twitter thread I found it on someone said it was someone from the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar

Not a great statement of diversity, there are more sex offenders than women in that pic
I was very lucky to get a free ticket to Dylan's Dublin concert last night. A genuinely uplifting experience, even if the theme seemed to be one of a man facing the Big Adios, and facing it stoically.

I'm not sure if his organ was plugged in, but I don't bloody care!

No encore, but it was just the right length it needed to be. He didn't say much, but he did give greetings to Shane McGowan, who was out there in the audience somewhere.

Here are the first few songs that were on the playlist, I'll post more as and when:

An alien who was made not born (like say, Bowie or Elvis was). You can see that in his "piss off the fans" attempts, like the Self-Portrait album.

I'd say his original plan was to bum around the New York folkie scene for a couple of years, then go back to Hibbing and take up a job in the family business. The fickle finger of fate felt otherwise.

Anyway, the Dublin concert is now up on the tube of you:

love this footage. especially wild mountain thyme at 8.24

there's something about him that's i dunno "formless". not always, but sometimes. as i say an alien. 30 years of listening and he still stops me in my tracks now and then, like in that clip for wild mountain thyme.

waht should be just another singer with a trad ballard and i am watching thinking what and how the fuck is he doing that? it's like he can tap into a sort otherly form of expression, i am pretty sure it's in the way he phrases teh words.
teh phrasing on this first song, Pawn in Their Game. it's like he literally morphs into someone else. more an actor (and character writer) than a singer

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someone mentioned "phrasing" on one of the dylan threads. I am having a little dylan revival, listening to him hard a few horus a day and i have paid particular attention to how he is singing, how he shapes the sounds. It's unreal. It's like he literally inhabits a new character on each song. It's a bit spooky tbh. Code switching they call it in English language studies. there's very few songs I believe that he is actually "himself" singing about his own life. but no matter who he adopts, the character sounds and feels authentic. the man is a genius in the truest broadest sense of the word.

dylan actually himself? :
An alien who was made not born (like say, Bowie or Elvis was). You can see that in his "piss off the fans" attempts, like the Self-Portrait album.

I'd say his original plan was to bum around the New York folkie scene for a couple of years, then go back to Hibbing and take up a job in the family business. The fickle finger of fate felt otherwise.

Anyway, the Dublin concert is now up on the tube of you:

Self Portrait is one of my favourite albums of his.

AFAIK this never came out on a standard album, it was on Bob Dylan's GTST Hits VOLII.

First heard it more than 50 years ago, and the silence still astonishes me.

Loneliness makes miserable people and superb songs.
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