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Bob Dylan at 80 - favourite song?

i hardly listen to him any more, but probably outside of my friends, family, a handful of writers, he was one of the major inspriations in my formative years.

here's another one which i think says he is more of an actor, a master at phrasing, or mimic. to me this song sounds beyond music, in many ways, a performance out of another time/dimension. and that's just the "singing" nad the sound, not counting the lyrics. the man is an utter genius in the strongest sense of the word.

That was one of the first Dylan albums I bought. Mostly cos it was usually really, really cheap.
First album is really good as well. Lots more energy on this. I'm definitely into the first two albums.

Trying Blondes on Blondes now, which I have listened to before many moons ago. First thing I notice is that those amazing dynamics have gone. Flat blues-rock/folk-rock with that nonchalant delivery. I suppose it's cutting edge for 1966 and has a certain "cool", but it doesn't feel like a very good example of the folk-rock genre. He's developed that sluring nasal vocal style with the heavy emphasis by now and that's interesting for a bit but feels like a substitute for those old (acoustic) guitar dynamics and a bit one trick. Backing band are flat, bland, dreary - careful not to steal the limelight while maintaining a radio friendly soft rock pulp. The pop star's nostalgic memory of folk and blues. It has a couple of hits on it, and for the most part it does feel like it's fishing for hits - high level of professionalism backing the star/selling the star. So it's passable and maybe there's something in the lyrics. But still, given the heights he'd achieved how disappointing would this have been at the time?

I'm not thrilled by what I've heard of Blood on the Tracks but it seems to be a bit of a return to form. I'll give that a go and then I'm done for now.

Btw happy birthday Bob!
First album is really good as well. Lots more energy on this. I'm definitely into the first two albums.

Trying Blondes on Blondes now, which I have listened to before many moons ago. First thing I notice is that those amazing dynamics have gone. Flat blues-rock/folk-rock with that nonchalant delivery. I suppose it's cutting edge for 1966 and has a certain "cool", but it doesn't feel like a very good example of the folk-rock genre. He's developed that sluring nasal vocal style with the heavy emphasis by now and that's interesting for a bit but feels like a substitute for those old (acoustic) guitar dynamics and a bit one trick. Backing band are flat, bland, dreary - careful not to steal the limelight while maintaining a radio friendly soft rock pulp. The pop star's nostalgic memory of folk and blues. It has a couple of hits on it, and for the most part it does feel like it's fishing for hits - high level of professionalism backing the star/selling the star. So it's passable and maybe there's something in the lyrics. But still, given the heights he'd achieved how disappointing would this have been at the time?

I'm not thrilled by what I've heard of Blood on the Tracks but it seems to be a bit of a return to form. I'll give that a go and then I'm done for now.

Btw happy birthday Bob!
Blonde on Blonde.

And it’s oft considered his masterpiece, being adored at the time. Quite rightly, it’s utterly magnificent.
A real Sara (RIP) broke my teenage heart in 1975 and I was just getting over it when 'Sara' came out a year later. Thoughtless of Dylan to set me off again.

So not my favourite. That's Lay Lady Lay.
when i was through
i filled up my shoe
and bought it to you.

and you? you took me in
you loved me then
you never wasted time.

and i? i never took much
i never asked for your crutch
now don't ask for mine.
OK Blood on the Tracks is going to need a few listens. Seems like proper song writing now. And he seems to come into his own as a singer by this point. It's not quite enthralling me, but I think it will if I give it time.

Do notice skipping through his career how his style as a singer changes. I think he's really underrated in this department.
why is that then smart cunt?
Because it was fucking stupid, obviously.

but if you wanna make a case for a musician having to sate the demands of the 1%, who are the ones who can afford to get those tickets right away, so said musician has to stare at those same old white blokes all the time, blokes who know exactly what disdain Dylan holds them in but don’t care, you go right ahead.
This is hilarious and sums up a lot of comments on this thread

‘It’s the third time I’ve fallen for this scam’

Maybe he should have realised that that’s what you get now, as it has been for almost two thirds of Dylan’s career.
Because it was fucking stupid, obviously.

but if you wanna make a case for a musician having to sate the demands of the 1%, who are the ones who can afford to get those tickets right away, so said musician has to stare at those same old white blokes all the time, blokes who know exactly what disdain Dylan holds them in but don’t care, you go right ahead.
if he holds them in such contempt why does he go onstage and degrade himself for them?
Because it was fucking stupid, obviously.

but if you wanna make a case for a musician having to sate the demands of the 1%, who are the ones who can afford to get those tickets right away, so said musician has to stare at those same old white blokes all the time, blokes who know exactly what disdain Dylan holds them in but don’t care, you go right ahead.
dont ever call me stupid again you dismissive cunt.
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