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Bob Dylan at 80 - favourite song?

Listening to some of the songs on this thread and going back to the Times They Are a Changin' album, I've come to the conclusion that the folks who protested Dylan going electric were right. He was a decent folk singer/songwriter in the early days and 1965 seems to be a cut off date for quality.
Listening to some of the songs on this thread and going back to the Times They Are a Changin' album, I've come to the conclusion that the folks who protested Dylan going electric were right. He was a decent folk singer/songwriter in the early days and 1965 seems to be a cut off date for quality.
Oh shit that one's awful!

Isn't it. It does however, show folk who have never seen him live, just what we were talking about when we expressed how awful he has become.

I think he's conducting an experiment to see just how incoherent and slovenly he can become before people stop buying tickets. :)
Isn't it. It does however, show folk who have never seen him live, just what we were talking about when we expressed how awful he has become.

I think he's conducting an experiment to see just how incoherent and slovenly he can become before people stop buying tickets. :)
He loves to put off the fuckers in the first couple of rows. The uberfanatics who get tickets for every show on every tour. Hates them.

After fifty five years he can play Rolling Stone however the fuck he likes. Unless he tries reggae.
Dylan in 'Is a complete cunt' shocker!
He's always been a horrible, arrogant cunt.

I don't actually know much about him, as a person. I've never even heard any hedonistic legends or anything like that which you hear about most musicians of his stature and that generation. He must do a very good job of keeping his privacy. All I've heard is the legends of his disdain for his fans. Was he into drug-fuelled orgies or anything..?
I don't actually know much about him, as a person. I've never even heard any hedonistic legends or anything like that which you hear about most musicians of his stature and that generation. He must do a very good job of keeping his privacy. All I've heard is the legends of his disdain for his fans. Was he into drug-fuelled orgies or anything..?
I've no idea, I just remember seeing him in interviews, and he exudes a hurricane of superiority and hatred of others.
what a cunty attitude to the people who put a roof over his head and food in his belly for decades.

If only he'd been more of a people-pleaser. He could have trotted out reruns of the first five albums until he ran out of steam and ideas completely by about 1970 and faded into obscurity. Then we'd all be much better off.

If he spent more time caring about giving the people who put a roof over his head and food in his belly for decades exactly what they wanted, he wouldn't be the same artist whose records they're willing to keep buying and live shows they're willing to keep going to.
I've no idea, I just remember seeing him in interviews, and he exudes a hurricane of superiority and hatred of others.

Tbf, he is an absolute genius. Sometimes, in fact often, being an utterly arrogant shitbag and that level of talent go hand in hand. I say that as someone who doesn't really even listen to his music, I mostly just read his lyrics (as poetry). The fact he can combine both is incredible.
I'm onto the Freewheelin' album. It's actually really good from beginning to end. Good tunes, good story telling style, good delivery, good guitar, rough harmonica - but that's forgivable in a one man band context. His guitar is really solid btw. Good dynamics as well. It feels well grounded in folk and blues traditions without being derivative. Not sure I can pick out any best songs yet - maybe Oxford Town and Bob Dylan's Blues. Bloody brilliant though.
i hardly listen to him any more, but probably outside of my friends, family, a handful of writers, he was one of the major inspriations in my formative years.

here's another one which i think says he is more of an actor, a master at phrasing, or mimic. to me this song sounds beyond music, in many ways, a performance out of another time/dimension. and that's just the "singing" nad the sound, not counting the lyrics. the man is an utter genius in the strongest sense of the word.

someone like dylan, the era of CD was perfect. on each pay day i would buy an album, starting at the start. then the next pay day i'd buy anotehr. i had time to digest it. a "play anything" on spotify i don't think would have created the same.
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