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I've just dug out an old classic from the depths of a wardrobe. Dungeon quest, complete with the £1.50 charity shop sticker. Its bloody great fun and despite the fact you all die 80% of the time my 8 year old is an instant fan. You all start at the corners and take turns randomly constructing a dungeon in a vain and hopeless quest for the treasure at the middle. Only takes 30 mins a go too. highly recommended.

I've also picked up a nearly complete dragon quest from the carbooty. Not played it yet but its a sort of d&d light in the same vein as hero quest (its all quests round here). It comes with three ready made adventures with backstory and room descriptions etc and its made by tsr too. Looks good and well be playing it soon.

Whats everyone else playing at the no?
I play a fair bit of Settlers of Catan. In real life, on the excellent Android App. And occasionally on the playcatan website where you can play real folk for free.

A mate of mine bought Power Grid after reading this article (6 Board Games that ruined it for everyone) and he reckons it's ace - I'm looking forward to a game next time we're in the same city.

Used to play huge amounts of Catan back in the day another great game although kinda felt the many expansions made it lose some of its simplicity. These days I find I play it on my iPad more often than not...
Still play Catan, and Carcassonne soemtimes. Just started playing Twilight Struggle recently, flippin' ace game!
Still like to pull the old tiles out of the bag... If I ever get a tablet i'll look into the digital version.
Still like to pull the old tiles out of the bag... If I ever get a tablet i'll look into the digital version.
I've not played Carcassonne for years but I always used to lose. Never could keep the farms.

Used to play a lot of Settlers of Catan, War on Terror and Pandemic.

Pandemic was great. Nice to play a co-operative game for a change.
Junta is a game I wouldn't mind playing again. You could not wish for anything more cut-throat. Immense fun, especially if you can forgive your friends after the game.

some reviews from boardgamegeek:


Get IN there, and get DIRTY. This is a top rated game for all the right reasons. I havn't found a better game for backstabbing and general foul play. Always best played with the full seven players, and outrageous attempts at the accent.
Any 'President' who fails to make me the 'Minister for Internal Security' is looking for a hard time. This should not be confused with the 'President' who does make me the 'Minister', and therefore also gets a hard time.
PLAY THIS GAME, if you know what is good for you.

couple of bad ones:

I did not play a complete game of Junta. I will not ever play a complete game of Junta. I could see that there were some interesting things going on in the game. I just felt so unpleasant stabbing people in the back and being a big jerk! The whole point of Junta is to fight with people, and if I wanted to fight with someone, I could start talking to my mother.

First game I've played to date that was so tedious and strenuous on the nerves that my very calm and collected friend exploded, got up, and walked out. Horrible game.

cosmic encounters- like diplomacy but without lasting 8hrs and causing long lasting resentment.

The resistance - A game of spy hunting and deception. Being spy is incrediable stressful gaming experience. Review here - http://www.shutupshow.com/post/8991888093/episode-3-civil-surface

Cosmic encounters is excellent and I used to play it a lot, but the fun depends a bit on the edition. I've got an early copy with the cones but the races are totally unbalanced. Some utterly suck, others completely dominate. Later versions removed or fixed the most 'broken' races and did the some with the really crap ones.
Cosmic encounters is excellent and I used to play it a lot, but the fun depends a bit on the edition. I've got an early copy with the cones but the races are totally unbalanced. Some utterly suck, others completely dominate. Later versions removed or fixed the most 'broken' races and did the some with the really crap ones.

The races are intentionally unbalanced and that's part of the fun- that everyone gangs up against the powerful. In the games i've played it usually people with weak or mid ranking powers that win because they're not seen as a threat until its too late.
Not much board game love on urban :(

Went to the Birmingham Expo this year for rpg releases and promised myself I would start to play more boardgames http://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/

Recently played Tzolkin, Lords of Waterdeep and Tsuro all of which I would heartily recommend. Previous two are decent 2 hour worker placement plus strategy games, Tsuro is a light quick multiplayer.

There is a decent YouTube channel hosted by Wesley Crusher of ST fame if you follow this through - (this being the better of the videos)

Would love to play - King of Tokyo, The Resistance, Small World, Settlers of Catan

Best resource for games is probably this place - http://boardgamegeek.com/
I love the Tabletop channel, have bought Catan Junior for my daughter's birthday. She loves Zombie Dice which was on Tabletop before too.
Same here - it got my wife into Munchkin, and my daughter into Carcassonne. We also bought Tsuro and Get Bit! off the back of seeing them on the same episode that they did Zombie Dice.
What a timely bump.

I just found a nearly new copy of munchkin quest!


Recently we've played a lot of carcassone and munchkin. The kids love em!

Surprisingly we've not played roborally that much since we got it. It just takes too long and isn't as much fun as I remember :(
I have found a local board gaming group and introducing the spectacle to my other half and friends has met with very little resistance :) therefore more games beckon!

Played Discworlds Ankh-Morpokh the other day. Really rules-lite card/worker placement type game and has a good game flavour in terms theme. Not overly familiar with the setting outside of the one or two TV things they ran - so its wet my appetite. Would definitely play it again.

Having seen Get Bit on the tabletop channel, I have set on getting it for the nephews. Looks like a simple game that can be played over and over.
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