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BNP membership list has been put online.

It's an alphabetical list, you just go to the right of the screen and click on the section you're looking for. It would have been a great deal easier if they'd been listed by location though.

As far as the legal situation goes, it is a breach of the Data Protection Act and contempt of court as the list was subject to a court order barring its publication. The individuals who actually put this in the public domain may be liable in law for both offences, but if anyone were to post it up on a USA registered domain then I may be right in thinking that it would be covered by the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of expression and would be outside of UK jurisdiction. This being the excuse used for not shutting down the Redwatch website, IIRC.

I was just being stupid - 91 posts, not names :rolleyes:@self

Perhaps, if you're going to level charges of hypocrisy, you might want to look at the fash as well. They're great ones for complaining about 'Red thugs' and the like while simultaneously claiming innocence of any wrongdoing themselves.

Fair exchange is no robbery, nor is it hypocrisy IMHO.

Right. So when does "fair exchange" morph into "tit for tat".
...the large chap tattooed with swastikas and with 'OCS' tatooed on his knuckles. I'm sure he'd be happy to return your 'visit' and "discussion".

Return visit? :rolleyes: Jerks with tatoos of swastikas don't need any encouragement I can assure you. I've seen pregnant women being kicked by scum such as this.
Great to see you're so flippant about it. Your hypocrisy is vile.

It's not me you should be concerned about belboid. Perhaps the lads in the Wednesday football firm would give you cause for concern, especially the large chap tattooed with swastikas and with 'OCS' tatooed on his knuckles. I'm sure he'd be happy to return your 'visit' and "discussion".

I'm not concerned with you in the slightest, you pathetic little worm.

But, just to satisfy your very very small brain:

fuckspud said:
Would this be the same kind of discussion I had with a couple of C18 members...
No, because:

a) I can speak in complete sentences, and

b) you are a liar
Right. So when does "fair exchange" morph into "tit for tat".

If you're running things properly, it doesn't. It's done according to a tactical and strategic need with a specific result in mind, and not some children's game. Militant anti-fascism is a serious affair and not something to be entered into lightly.
Return visit? :rolleyes: Jerks with tatoos of swastikas don't need any encouragement I can assure you. I've seen pregnant women being kicked by scum such as this.

Oh I know that MC5. But it looks like they'll shortly get all the extra encouragement they'll need, and not a few new recruits shortly....
Great to see you're so flippant about it. Your hypocrisy is vile.

It's not me you should be concerned about belboid. Perhaps the lads in the Wednesday football firm would give you cause for concern, especially the large chap tattooed with swastikas and with 'OCS' tatooed on his knuckles. I'm sure he'd be happy to return your 'visit' and "discussion".

You live in a dreamworld of 'lads' and skinheads and so on.
If you're running things properly, it doesn't. It's done according to a tactical and strategic need with a specific result in mind, and not some children's game. Militant anti-fascism is a serious affair and not something to be entered into lightly.

"Running things properly".

Bakunin, have you ever had a fight in your life? I've yet to see a single violent encounter that "goes to plan" or doesn't spin out of control.

I guess some of you are about to be reacquainted with the almighty law of unintended consequences.
Oh I know that MC5. But it looks like they'll shortly get all the extra encouragement they'll need, and not a few new recruits shortly....

They'll lose a lot more recruits over this. The very people that Griffin needs to ensure his Euro win.

Haven't you heard? The last thing that Griffin wants right now is a party with an inordinate number of members with swastika tatoos.
If you're running things properly, it doesn't. It's done according to a tactical and strategic need with a specific result in mind, and not some children's game. Militant anti-fascism is a serious affair and not something to be entered into lightly.

And publishing a load of addresses on the internet amounts to "running things properly" does it?
"Running things properly".

Bakunin, have you ever had a fight in your life? I've yet to see a single violent encounter that "goes to plan" or doesn't spin out of control.

I guess some of you are about to be reacquainted with the almighty law of unintended consequences.

I agree.
They'll lose a lot more recruits over this. The very people that Griffin needs to ensure his Euro win.

Haven't you heard? The last thing that Griffin wants right now is a party with an inordinate number of members with swastika tatoos.

It's not a 1=1 correlation though MC is it? There are still some ex-C18 types in the Wednesday football firm for example that aren't necessarily members of the BNP. If they hear about BNP members being harrassed in their own homes though, I'm sure they'll begin flexing muscles again after years of being relatively quiet.
"Running things properly".

Bakunin, have you ever had a fight in your life? I've yet to see a single violent encounter that "goes to plan" or doesn't spin out of control.

I guess some of you are about to be reacquainted with the almighty law of unintended consequences.

I have been in the occasional one or two, yes, since you asked. I'm not coming to this from a point of total ignorance as you seem to be implying. I'm not for a moment suggesting that it doesn't have its risks and that things always, always go to plan. But it remains a fact that militant anti-fascism has worked before and, I firmly believe, can be made to work again if it's done properly.

Do Cable Street and the activities of AFA ring any bells? It's never something to go into lightly or without thorough planning and consideration of the consequences and yes, there's always the unexpected to consider. But I'll ask you this:

DO you really think that the BNP's turn to 'electoralism' is a full turn and that they and their fellow travellers have permanently renounced the use of force if there should come a time when it might suit their aims?

Because, personally, I don't. They might be wearing suits these days instead of bomber jackets and they might have cast a few of the more obvious bullyboys out of the party, but I don't believe for a second that, if they thought that targetting their opponents physically would work they wouldn't turn back to it again in an instant. A turd in a Tiffany box is still a turd, IMHO.
A right couple of drama queens we have here. :rolleyes:

Yeah, cos there aren't any posters on here advocating tracking people down and giving them a hiding. I'm having trouble distinguishing the two groups of jackboots at the moment....
DO you really think that the BNP's turn to 'electoralism' is a full turn and that they and their fellow travellers have permanently renounced the use of force if there should come a time when it might suit their aims?

Bakunin, it comes down to this: You're advocating throwing principles out of the window just because your enemies are doing the same.

Monstrum in fronte Monstrum in animo

If someone is under threat of direct violence from C18 et al, then by all means defend them. But achieving your ends through direct intimidation, house visits etc? No, sorry... you're crossing the line and becoming the enemy yourself.
Bakunin, it comes down to this: You're advocating throwing principles out of the window just because your enemies are doing the same.

Monstrum in fronte Monstrum in animo

If someone is under threat of direct violence from C18 et al, then by all means defend them. But achieving your ends through direct intimidation, house visits etc? No, sorry... you're crossing the line and becoming the enemy yourself.

'All victory involves an element of moral capitulation' - George Orwell.

And I think you'll find that Orwell knew a great deal about militant anti-fascism, given his experiences in Spain. It comes down to a choice, ultimately, between winning with what works or being happy to lose and keep your dogma. I'd rather defeat fascism than lose and say 'Oh well, at least we were good sports and nice about it.'
'All victory involves an element of moral capitulation' - George Orwell.

And I think you'll find that Orwell knew a great deal about militant anti-fascism, given his experiences in Spain. It comes down to a choice, ultimately, between winning with what works or being happy to lose and keep your dogma. I'd rather defeat fascism than lose and say 'Oh well, at least we were good sports and nice about it.'

In other words - you're willing to become them to fight them.

GO TEAM!!!!!
It's not a 1=1 correlation though MC is it? There are still some ex-C18 types in the Wednesday football firm for example that aren't necessarily members of the BNP. If they hear about BNP members being harrassed in their own homes though, I'm sure they'll begin flexing muscles again after years of being relatively quiet.

BNP members from this list being harassed in their homes? No one has suggested such a thing? Some have pointed out it would be counter-productive?

As for "ex-C18 types", if there are any at all? I would think that after the recent bombs under the bed, child porn convictions of such a "type" recently the police have these "types" firmly in their sights?
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