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BNP membership list has been put online.

This is a public forum and not an appropriate place to bang on about giving people "good hidings" because you disagree with their (alleged) political beliefs.

Fair enough. If we disagree about that then then so be it. I was just making the point that militant anti-fascism tends to work and even Hitler himself admitted as much.
I wouldn't recommend or advise any 'free and frank exchange of views' with anyone on that list until they've been properly checked to see if they are indeed current members of the BNP.

Even once they've been verified, I'd go after the hardcore organisers and regular activists for maximum effect, rather than just ticking off names. I don't have a problem with targetting specific and proven fascists for a good hiding in principle, but I'd like to see anyone using the info for that purpose going about it in a sensible manner.

And, of course, what with the entire list being freely available on the internet, there is no chance that anyone is going to use it in anything other than a sensible manner.
And, of course, what with the entire list being freely available on the internet, there is no chance that anyone is going to use it in anything other than a sensible manner.

Which is why I was advising caution instead of going off half-cocked.
Happy fucking Christmas!

This could be made into a Google earth overlay surely.

It's available as a simple text file on pirate bay...
Fair enough. If we disagree about that then then so be it. I was just making the point that militant anti-fascism tends to work and even Hitler himself admitted as much.

Funnily enough, militant fascism tends to work too, and for exactly the same reasons. Threat or fear of violence can inspire just about anyone to do just about anything.
What's the legal situation on this?

Just had a look about that myself, but of course it has spread like wildfire across the net so I presume they would have an absolete nightmare of a job trying to get it removed??

Happy fucking Christmas!

This could be made into a Google earth overlay surely.

It's available as a simple text file on pirate bay...

The idea has already caught the imagination of another forum I go on. GoogleMaps for the win...but the sound you can hear is thin ice beng skated on...
Some of you folks should have a long fucking sit down and watch, or re-watch the Brass Eye Paedophilia special and have a long, long think about what you're advocating here.....
BNP site said:
We have already sent formal demands to the web hosts to remove the list, pointing out to them that the fact that the publication of this year-old list constitutes Contempt of Court because a court order preventing its release or use was made and consented to by the group of disgraced former employees who first misappropriated it.

The web hosts’ legal department has already acknowledged receipt of our detailed analysis and demands. A solicitor has been asked to consider the implications of this for the final stages of that legal action, which is still not concluded, and we will be taking advice as to what can be done by way of enforcement of the Contempt of Court order...

We have also already made a complaint to Dyfed-Powys Police and will be giving formal statements shortly to support our demand for a serious and thorough police investigation into a series of very serious potential crimes, including breaches of the Data Protection Act, theft and receipt of stolen goods, and breaches of the Human Rights Act. Unless those involved have been extremely careful to cover their tracks, they are liable to find themselves in very serious trouble - and in prison.
Their attempts to get the information off the web = Horse. Door. Blown off the hinges, trampled underfoot, set fire to and the ashes blasted off into space.
On the blog that I saw, there are 91 names - that's not right is it?

It's an alphabetical list, you just go to the right of the screen and click on the section you're looking for. It would have been a great deal easier if they'd been listed by location though.

As far as the legal situation goes, it is a breach of the Data Protection Act and contempt of court as the list was subject to a court order barring its publication. The individuals who actually put this in the public domain may be liable in law for both offences, but if anyone were to post it up on a USA registered domain then I may be right in thinking that it would be covered by the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of expression and would be outside of UK jurisdiction. This being the excuse used for not shutting down the Redwatch website, IIRC.
Their attempts to get the information off the web = Horse. Door. Blown off the hinges, trampled underfoot, set fire to and the ashes blasted off into space.

Good summary. :D

I am just reading that statement on the BNP site ATM.
Griffin is bullish.

That may be his public position, but I doubt very much he's being that bullish in private. His attitude reminds me of a boxer who's just taken a good shot and is smiling and saying 'That didn't hurt me.' Which usually means it did.

Of course, we don't know the precise provenance of the list as of yet, but if it were from anyone still in the party then Griffin may well use it as an excuse to get rid of anyone who may have been a threat and/or an embarassment to him previously. Certainly there'll be hell to pay within the party as a result of this.
oooh, it's like being threatened by a dead haddock


Great to see you're so flippant about it. Your hypocrisy is vile.

It's not me you should be concerned about belboid. Perhaps the lads in the Wednesday football firm would give you cause for concern, especially the large chap tattooed with swastikas and with 'OCS' tatooed on his knuckles. I'm sure he'd be happy to return your 'visit' and "discussion".
Great to see you're so flippant about it. Your hypocrisy is vile.

It's not me you should be concerned about belboid. Perhaps the lads in the Wednesday football firm would give you cause for concern, especially the large chap tattooed with swastikas and with 'OCS' tatooed on his knuckles. I'm sure he'd be happy to return your 'visit' and "discussion".


Perhaps, if you're going to level charges of hypocrisy, you might want to look at the fash as well. They're great ones for complaining about 'Red thugs' and the like while simultaneously claiming innocence of any wrongdoing themselves.

Fair exchange is no robbery, nor is it hypocrisy IMHO.
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