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BNP membership list has been put online.

Unsurprising to note that the large majority of Sheffield members are from the outskirts, or the couple of remaining all-white estates. Tho the bloke who lives
round the corner from me, in the first house I lived in in Sheffield in fact, may be a bit easier to contact for discussions.

Are these going to be the same kind of "discussions" I stopped a couple of C18 members having with some of you a few years ago?
anyone copunted up how many people are listed, yet?

According to Chris Hill on NWN, the list contains 12,215 names.

By my reckoning of those in the Lancaster area, far more than half were lapsed members by 2007 and do not have a rejoining note attached to their details (ie. they’re still lapsed). There is no reason why the Lancaster area is any different from any other, so as of August 2008 we had only about 6000 paid up members! And this is not an old membership list, the latest entry is dared July 2008.

When Griffin claimed (at the EGM) in August this year that the membership was approaching 10,000 he was lying, it’s that simple. The 5% nomination mark needed to stand against him for the leadership, now becomes almost 10%, and given the revolving door membership situation this may well relate to something like 20% of the members with the required two years standing. Griffin is a dictator!
This is becoming increasingly bastardish without a linux shell. Regexps and windows do not go together well :(

Still I persevere (and drink more beer)
I could very quickly write say, a Java app which'd take, say, a collection of HTML pages and parse them into something usable in a completely non specific way. I could host this generic purpose application and someone else could use it. Any use?
Griffin responds: "Let’s enjoy the publicity bonus!" :rolleyes:

http:// bnp.org. uk/2008/11/membership-list-leak-%e2%80%93- urgent-update-from-bnp-leader-nick-griffin/
for airbrushing the "darkies" out?

And one Preston family appears to reside at 10 Downing Street

Heh, I know where that is, doesn't surprise me either :hmm:

It seems to have become impossible to find the list, tho' I would be interested in seeing if there are any Prestonians on there, we had the England First party sniffing around in May, I wonder if there are any cross-overs of "known knowns" in the supporters list....
IT would be a piece of piss to have them in a nice easy CSV file ready for excel, SQL whatever if I could just get editplus to accept the fact that there are more than one \n I have to take into account :(

I was thinking of running some stats on it myself - purely for academic reasons . . . :hmm:
he is quite right tho.

and there are very very few people listed as lapsed in Sheff

That assumes that the poster on NWN, who the quote is from, doesn't know the area he lives in and that butchersapron knows the area better?

How many members listed from the whole of Sheffield though?
I wouldn't recommend or advise any 'free and frank exchange of views' with anyone on that list until they've been properly checked to see if they are indeed current members of the BNP.

Even once they've been verified, I'd go after the hardcore organisers and regular activists for maximum effect, rather than just ticking off names. I don't have a problem with targetting specific and proven fascists for a good hiding in principle, but I'd like to see anyone using the info for that purpose going about it in a sensible manner.
Go on hard man. What are you going to do? House visits? Are you ready for the consequences?

Are you trying to provoke some pissing contest or something?

Like I said before, I've got nothing against militant anti-fascism as long as it's properly targetted and those involved have a very clear idea of who to go after and why.
I Even once they've been verified, I'd go after the hardcore organisers and regular activists for maximum effect, rather than just ticking off names. I don't have a problem with targetting specific and proven fascists for a good hiding in principle, but I'd like to see anyone using the info for that purpose going about it in a sensible manner.
This is a public forum and not an appropriate place to bang on about giving people "good hidings" because you disagree with their (alleged) political beliefs.
Are you trying to provoke some pissing contest or something?

Like I said before, I've got nothing against militant anti-fascism as long as it's properly targetted and those involved have a very clear idea of who to go after and why.

Just so I'm clear what visiting someone for a "discussion" means. Is "properly targeted" a euphemism for the same thing?
Even once they've been verified, I'd go after the hardcore organisers and regular activists for maximum effect, rather than just ticking off names. I don't have a problem with targetting specific and proven fascists for a good hiding in principle, but I'd like to see anyone using the info for that purpose going about it in a sensible manner.

Whilst some of those people might be cunts, surely "targetting" people is a bit out of order? I dunno, it is one thing to bycott their businesses and shun them which everyone has the right to do, but going out and kicking peoples heads in seems a bit counter productive to democracy and free speech (and that is not to say I am opposed to self defence, but going on the offence seems wrong IMO).

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