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BNP membership list has been put online.

<ed: removed again>

It's pretty much public domain now, so I thought I'd make it easier for U75'ers in a hurry ;)
Here's what Cruddas said about the BNP's attitude to Data Protection back in 2007:

"What is being uncovered in the internal workings of the British National Party appears to be systemic criminality in terms of data protection, bugging, theft, money laundering and the operation of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. This is not the behaviour of a legitimate political party and I very much hope to see the police and the Electoral Commission investigate these charges"

Fancy that!
without naming names, any celebs been outed yet?

Unless it is a very unlikely coincidence, (going by the very uncommon name) there is a chap on there who writes (wrote?) for The Spectator, amongst other things. Not much of a celeb really but there you go. Also looking at his articles, it would figure.
This is my first trip back to this thread since post #5.

So it really has been leaked, then?

Is it on BBC yet?
Here's what Cruddas said about the BNP's attitude to Data Protection back in 2007:

"What is being uncovered in the internal workings of the British National Party appears to be systemic criminality in terms of data protection, bugging, theft, money laundering and the operation of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. This is not the behaviour of a legitimate political party and I very much hope to see the police and the Electoral Commission investigate these charges"

Fancy that!
That's what he said whilst under parilamentary immunity. Wouldn't say it i real life.

The BNP didn't release this themselves for fucks sake. Someone who either used to have access and who had recorded the details or someone not authorised to have them them broke into their system and got them.
To be honest, it does seem a bit harsh that some companies names are on there. They probably don't know about their employees political party memberships, and may find themselves on the end of a backlash regarding this. Also they can't just go and sack him/her either.

I bet this thing is going to cause a shit storm, its all over the press and message boards etc. now.

Have anyone been emailing the various companies with details of their BNP staff? I reckon it'd be easy to get this lot sacked for fear of the publicity...
That's what he said whilst under parilamentary immunity. Wouldn't say it i real life.

The BNP didn't release this themselves for fucks sake. Someone who either used to have access and who had recorded the details or someone not authorised to have them them broke into their system and got them.

I wasn't implying that they released it themselves. Merely noting that if they haven't fulfilled their obligations under the Data Protection Act they could be in quite a bit of bother. Let's hope so.
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