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BNP membership list has been put online.

Any of you in Bristol?

The list of Labour party members in Bristol has just been made available.

It's all good though right?

darios - are you one of those people who wants things to happen so you can say 'i told you so' and condemn them?

if this is the 'fallout' the bnp members are getting off pretty lightly. the way some of you have spoken of on here we are supposed to see uncontrollable mobs with burning lanterns and pitchforks gathering outside houses

when my side is attacked i'll defend them as we have had too in the past from the then bnp - i'm not shedding tears over these idiots even if i think there is nowt to gain from such personal attacks

and comparing LP members to BNP members - like for like ehh?
The fact that the list shows 11,000+ members from across the country should be a worry (and a wake up call) to us all.
Con - c. 290,000 ... one person in every 200 ...
Lab - c.190,000
LibDem - c. 70,000
UKIP - c. 16,000
SNP - c. 14,000
BNP - c. 10,000 ... one person in every 6000 ...
Green - c. 7,000
PC - ?
(Respect ('06) - 5,000)

Personally I don't find the figure of 10,000 to be that big, and certainly not a 'wake up call' as it is no different to what I expected.
the real world does not speak or think like the posts on a far-left internet forum.
U75 is not 'far-left' internet forum.
Con - c. 290,000 ... one person in every 200 ...
Lab - c.190,000
LibDem - c. 70,000
UKIP - c. 16,000
SNP - c. 14,000
BNP - c. 10,000 ... one person in every 6000 ...
Green - c. 7,000
PC - ?
(Respect ('06) - 5,000)

Personally I don't find the figure of 10,000 to be that big, and certainly not a 'wake up call' as it is no different to what I expected.U75 is not 'far-left' internet forum.

It's quite impressive in terms of growth though from a few hundred 6 or 7 years ago and a massive increase in their vote - picking up over 50 councillors and a London Assembly member on the way though.
Con - c. 290,000 ... one person in every 200 ...
Lab - c.190,000
LibDem - c. 70,000
UKIP - c. 16,000
SNP - c. 14,000
BNP - c. 10,000 ... one person in every 6000 ...
Green - c. 7,000
PC - ?
(Respect ('06) - 5,000)

Personally I don't find the figure of 10,000 to be that big, and certainly not a 'wake up call' as it is no different to what I expected.U75 is not 'far-left' internet forum.

where did you get those from? i think the ukip one is way too high, and i dont think the greens claim 7k now.
Con - c. 290,000 ... one person in every 200 ...
Lab - c.190,000
LibDem - c. 70,000
UKIP - c. 16,000
SNP - c. 14,000
BNP - c. 10,000 ... one person in every 6000 ...
Green - c. 7,000
PC - ?
(Respect ('06) - 5,000)

Personally I don't find the figure of 10,000 to be that big, and certainly not a 'wake up call' as it is no different to what I expected.

U75 is not 'far-left' internet forum.

But surely 11,000 members + cllrs + GLA members at least sets your alarm clock?

And u75 is not ENTIRELY far-left but in the years I've been here, I dare wager the left and leftish members somewhat outnumber those from the far-right.
GP England and Wales will be around 8,000 by year end, I believe Scottish GP are 1000+ and NI have a fair few members as well. That compares to around 5,400 six months before the 2004 Euro Elections.
Of the 12,000 how many are active? How many joined for a year and then fell out? How many are family of members? Current active membership is under 6,000 judging from this.

Plaid has a current paid-up membership of about 7,500

current membership figures about 9,700, before griffin took over, in early 1999they had 600 members, up to 2,300 by 2001, going up regualrly since then with big boost when Barnbrook got elected on to the GLA- including a number of veteran fascists not active for years who have become active again

canddiate numbers also relevant- as it shows number of activists who can support an election camapaugn
2000 13
2002 68
2007- over 800

branch organsiation is also relevant. in 2000, they were organised in just a handful or areas, with a small number of active branches. now they have about a hundreds of active units- a numebr growing consistently at the rate of 3 or 4 a month

look at their trajectory, nit just where they are at now. they are not a mass party in membership numbers, but can and are winning mass votes in some areas
Well yes, that is a factual point. But were these 0.02% so unimportant, there would not exist such a movement to have them, to borrow a leftist phrase, "bashed" ?
There isn't a big movement to 'bash' them. It is just this week's news - just like the ross/brand bullshit was last week's. For most people the BNP do not figure on their radar for most of the time.

For example I live in a town of c.90,000 people which the 2001 census describes as 85% 'white british' and a having a 6% 'asian/british asian' population (who live mainly in one part of town).

I have never seen a single BNP leaflet and as far as I can tell they have never contested a single election here ever. Having looked at the bnp list there are 10 people listed here.

Council seats here split 50-50 between Conservatives and Lib Dems. In the predominately 'asian' ward all three councillors are 'asian' (two conservatives and one lib dem).

In this town, IMO, the BNP might as well not exist.

While there are parts of the country where "race" (and/or immigration) is being injected into politics, there are others - I'd argue a far greater number - where it is not an issue, or where it has been 'subsumed' by all the mainstream parties equally - ie they all seem to pick 'black/asian/etc' candidates to match certain wards, which therefore neutralises party differences on the basis of "race" in any election contest - you could argue that Respect and the Green Party have achieved this (intentionally or by default) in London elections as well.

Conversely, most of the local councillors here are white-british middle-aged middle-class men and this probably matches the conservative bias of this town, which tends to vote otherwhelamingly Conservative in General Elections.

If the BNP did contest an election in this town it would cause a lot of upset amongst a lot of people because it would represent a symbolic change more than anything. Many people would probably feel duty bound to 'do something about it' even if they posed no threat of winning a seat, possibly due to personal feelings about racism and fascism, but also to visibly demonstrate community solidarity and goodwill and help maintain good community relations.

So I agree that even a small amount of BNP activity can have a large negative effect on society around it, due to its poisonous and provocative nature, and therefore even a small BNP presence will merit a large counter-response, politically speaking. This is not to say however that it is a real political threat per se, rather - that it symbolic of something, and that even this symbolic presence is worth getting rid of / attacking / ridiculing - if at all possible, even if its just so that people (especially the "non-white"/immigrant people under attack) can see that the vast majority of society around them have no tolerance for this at all.
Letter from Bruce Kent in today's Times:

Sir, I have received, unsolicited, from the leader of the British National Party, a 12-page document supposedly setting out details of crimes against whites committed by other ethnic groups.

One intended effect will be to increase racism in general and Islamophobia, in particular. When the document describes gang rape and teenage grooming, it says: “One community, however, is different. Wherever there are large numbers of young Muslim men, groups of them team up to lure girls — often as young as twelve or thirteen — into a nightmare world of sexual abuse, rape, beatings, drug addiction and prostitution . . . the Muslim sex gangs . . . never target girls from their own community.” The pamphlet also claims that there is a refusal by “Muslim leaders to condemn what is going on”.

To suggest that gang rape is a normal feature of Muslim male life and that Muslim leaders tolerate it, is not only untrue, but is designed to fan the flames of racial and religious hatred. It is certainly immoral and ought to merit criminal prosecution as well.

Bruce Kent

Vice-President, Pax Christi



BNP supporters were demonstrating outside a police station after its members were arrested for stirring up racial hatred.

Four men were held this morning after a police investigation over the distribution of leaflets in Burnley, Lancashire, branding Muslims responsible for the heroin trade. Nick Griffin, leader of the far-right party, visited the town, to protest outside Burnley Police station at the "persecution" of its members arrested after "Gestapo-like dawn raids" by police.

Each of the leaflets features a harrowing photo of Rachel Whitear, 21, who was found dead at her flat in Exmouth, Devon, in May 2000, holding a syringe. The photo of Rachel made national headlines after her parents agreed for it to be released to warn other youngsters of the dangers of drugs. Rachel's mother, Pauline Holcroft, 58, of Ledbury, Herefordshire, later said the leaflets were "insulting and offensive".

The leaflet was distributed to homes in Burnley and is also reportedly circulating in other parts of Lancashire, Cumbria and Yorkshire. It says people should "heap condemnation" on Muslims and that it is time for them to "apologise" as it claims they are responsible for 95% of the world's heroin trade.

The leaflets, which first appeared around March, were first distributed by a former BNP candidate, according to the party's website.


Cunts. Send them to the gulag!
Bruce Kent walks straight into the trap of gving them publicity for their Racism Cuts Both Ways campaign, exactly as hey intended. That's why MPs and other notable public figures are being sent the package before it goes out to targted areas, so they can gte free publcity over the spluttering outrage. Well done Brucey!

See this thread for more info
its not my problem darios

misguided concern on you part i think

That may well be the case dennisr. However, taking an active interest in politics generally involves getting involved in things that are 'not your problem' doesn't it?
darios - are you one of those people who wants things to happen so you can say 'i told you so' and condemn them?

if this is the 'fallout' the bnp members are getting off pretty lightly. the way some of you have spoken of on here we are supposed to see uncontrollable mobs with burning lanterns and pitchforks gathering outside houses

when my side is attacked i'll defend them as we have had too in the past from the then bnp - i'm not shedding tears over these idiots even if i think there is nowt to gain from such personal attacks

and comparing LP members to BNP members - like for like ehh?

I have fundamental objections to i) the dissemination of this data, ii) the use of this information to intimidate, harass or even hurt people and iii) the encouragement of the latter two.
You - in all seriousness - expect me to share that information?

That will be a big fat NO. I won't contribute to it's dissemination.

I don't want to see the list. I want to know who put it out - or more frankly, if it even exists. Seeing as how i live in bristol and used to be in the local labour party and still know lots of members.
where did you get those from? i think the ukip one is way too high, and i dont think the greens claim 7k now.
Combination of wiki and party 'statement of accounts' on the electoral commission website: here

Green Party: "As at 31 December 2007 there were 7441 members of the Party (2006: 7019)" (page 4 statement of accounts)

(if you wanted to do a UK-wide like-for-like comparison you could also add in the membership of the Scottish Green Party (963 at 31/12/06) and the NI Green Party (can't find any numbers))

UKIP: "Party membership as at 31 December 2007 was 15,878 (2006: approximately 16,000)" (page 4 statement of accounts)
I don't want to see the list. I want to know who put it out - or more frankly, if it even exists. Seeing as how i live in bristol and used to be in the local labour party and still know lots of members.

It doesn't exist - darios just thinks he is making some 'big' point about how terrible this all is. personally, i'm not shedding any tears

of all the matters to get worked up about...
And u75 is not ENTIRELY far-left but in the years I've been here, I dare wager the left and leftish members somewhat outnumber those from the far-right.
One small group out-numbering another? The bulk of u75 posters are not 'far-left'. "Leftish" - sure.

Whenever there is a voting poll or similar you get a lot of 'not voting' and 'green party'. In terms of weight of opinions I'd say 'liberal-left'. As for the website itself - it is either neutral, in that it doesn't have an explicit political position of its own, or you could argue that the 'editorial/moderating' position is mildly liberal-left-libertarian.

For u75 to be a far-left website IMO I would have to have an explicit political position as such or have a far greater number (majority even) of far-left posters, rather than 'some'.
You - in all seriousness - expect me to share that information?

That will be a big fat NO. I won't contribute to it's dissemination.

He's only asking you to back up a pretty extraordinary claim. How do you know this list has been made available? Who by? Where?
One small group out-numbering another? The bulk of u75 posters are not 'far-left'. "Leftish" - sure.

Whenever there is a voting poll or similar you get a lot of 'not voting' and 'green party'. In terms of weight of opinions I'd say 'liberal-left'. As for the website itself - it is either neutral, in that it doesn't have an explicit political position of its own, or you could argue that the 'editorial/moderating' position is mildly liberal-left-libertarian.

For u75 to be a far-left website IMO I would have to have an explicit political position as such or have a far greater number (majority even) of far-left posters, rather than 'some'.

liampreston probably just thinks anyone left of the LibDems is 'far left' :D
The left, once again, are absent.
If the margin last time was 62 votes then it is good tactics to *not* split the non-BNP vote by standing more candidates.

Lab 699 (30.50)
BNP 637 (27.79)
Con 515 (22.47)
L-D 441 (19.24)

Anyone whose top priority is stopping the BNP getting in should helping Labour to win again, even if they don't really like Labour. Standing a left-of-Labour candidate would be counter-productive.
He's only asking you to back up a pretty extraordinary claim. How do you know this list has been made available? Who by? Where?

It's been offered to at least one person who I know and trust. That's all the information I'm willing to give you.

Though I guess whoever ends up with it will, "make sure those who could use it got hold of it."
Also the longer New Labour have been in power, the stronger the BNP have got. Obviously part of this is becaue of the way Griffin has attempted to present the BNP, but I would say it isn't too off the mark to say that New Labours policies have also increased the number of people who feel so fucked off they would vote the BNP as a protest vote, or worst still join them.

Some of the crap on Indymedia is pathetic, they are even posting up the wrong images of people, this is all going to end in real tragedy
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