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BNP membership list has been put online.

It would help if you put up some sort of reference and info when you do this. They're both desperate bollocks btw.

They are referenced on nationalist sites, which I'm not linking to.

Paedos are secret BNP thugs.

Also, Yorkshire police have placed it on record that the car fire bombed t'other day was linked to a feud between two families, totally unrelated to the nearby BNP member’s residence.
no I think the suggestion is that you edit both your posts and break the link so that people can't go directly to it by clicking but can type it into their browser - it is to stop return traffic. : )
no I think the suggestion is that you edit both your posts and break the link so that people can't go directly to it by clicking but can type it into their browser - it is to stop return traffic. : )

There was no links to be broken? :confused:
Anyone whose top priority is stopping the BNP getting in should helping Labour to win again, even if they don't really like Labour. Standing a left-of-Labour candidate would be counter-productive.

what utter rubbish one of the reasons the bnp are getting the votes they are is becuase nushamebore no longer represents those vote bnp even the poiosn dwarf blers admits that

the far right will continue to grow as a consequnce of this postmodern globalised world we are living in where the professsional classes have seen the writing on the wall with reagrds to employment and have pulled up the ladder

the real issues imo are about class social democracy and fairness and as the three main parties have become kysered and fullypumped and while the old left wing ideaologues have ironically come to some how support neo con policies then the problem will contiue to get worse :(
Yeah just looked at Indymedia and some of that looks way out of hand.
Also just looekd at that Red watch site they are mentioning on there. That is fucking awful!


so you spout on endlessly about the BnP / the rights and wrongs of the list being published etc etc , withthis great air of moral authority ,and you've actually never heard of Redwatch before now ???

Timewasting div
cantsin, why are you so abusive, i think you are a returner,go away...

I mean an innocent person is going to be mistakenly attacked
cantsin, why are you so abusive, i think you are a returner,go away...

I mean an innocent person is going to be mistakenly attacked

wtf is a "returner " ?

"real tragedy " ? get some perspective here you melodramatic twerp !

"go away " ? ffs
cantsin said:
"real tragedy " ? get some perspective here you melodramatic twerp

treelover has a point, there are allegations out on the internet of people misusing this information.
treelover has a point, there are allegations out on the internet of people misusing this information.

are there any reports "out on the internet " of any "real tragedy's " occurring because of this 'misuse' yet ? Or is that dark and terrible cloud still to roll into this apocalyptic landscape ?
I wonder if they were all from Merseyside?
understand so- and they allege a few got a kicking from the police in custody as well

nazis have called a national mobilisttion for liverpool next weekend, and intend to distribute the same leaflet again. i can see hundreds of the buggers getting - and hoepfuly jailed- next week down there
No and yes. :D

well, we'll just have to brace ourselves and hope for the best - poor Tom Paine's only just coming to terms with the shock of that terrible Redwatch site he's discovered ( he thinks there may be a shadowy organisation called combat 18 involved somewhere but it sounds far fetched to me ) Treelover's got graver concerns to worry about, namely that i could be " A RETURNER " , these are trying times all round ...
I don't think this has been posted yet - more bad news for the BNP - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/7744332.stm

the article states "There was nothing unlawful in the leaflets - all the contents of the leaflets had been carefully vetted, or they would not have gone out." Carefully vetted? Sounds to me like they know there is a very real danger of something racist slipping the net if not vetted, cos they know that they are an organisation riddled with racists.
On the short term effect of this on their electoral performance of all of this, watch out for results in 2 by-elections in Bridlington, one in a ward they polled 21% in in 2007. Wards held by Labour, and the rump of the Social Democratic Party

Percentage of a sample of 584 occupations from BNP list. Construction includes both workers and self employed

So it's sample of only those with jobs next to their name the list? Why not do the whole list if it's only 584 names - and that 'sample' itself is what, 5% of the total? It's utterly meaningless.

"Class makeup of those on the BNP list"

Police, prison officers, armed forces and 'security professionals'
Other workers
Public sector workers
HGV drivers and cabbies
Company bosses and shop keepers

What kind of analysis is being used where these categories become "classes"?

Are these all distinct "economic classes" with differing relationships to the means of production, or is this class in the sense of "social class", with working class, middle class and upper class?

Or is this just 'occuptions' or 'industrial sector' (and if so, 'so what?')

So it's sample of only those with jobs next to their name the list? Why not do the whole list if it's only 584 names - and that 'sample' itself is what, 5% of the total? It's utterly meaningless.


it is rather annoying it isn't clear which they mean - is it a sample of those 584, or is it that 584 the sample? Not clear. And, as float points out, it isn't an analysis of class. Are the HGV drivers employed or self-employed? Why are shopkeepers (presumably small shops) categorised alngisde company bosses, the former are classic petty bourgeois, the latter classic bourgeois, they shouldn't be in the same grouping. 7% are artists? Really? Is that a euphemism for drawing the dole? How many are unemployed? That would seem a useful addition.

The lack of clarity is annoying, as if it were properly done it would be a useful bit of info.
This apaprently is a "Skills" list which is just that, members who have a specific skill the BNP can find useful have their skill noted there.

The SWP have interpreted this as absolute proof that they are middle class


And while not SWP bashing, honest, anyone fancy doing a class analysis of the mmebrship of the SWP as a comparison
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