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BNP membership list has been put online.

Bloody hell - Guardian have just put up a 'far right map' of Britain :D

Seems there are very few members in London. Not what I would have expected.

The map is based on Decmeber 2007 data and is therefore out of date

There are 911 current members in London and not the 500 odd the Guardian say. You just need to look at the areas they are fighting by-elections in London in to see that for yourself

And as to London BNP - this from their London website. Be warned " It was noted that some London boroughs had never fielded candidates during local elections. All agreed that the target for the next local elections in 2010 should be to stand a candidate in each ward in each London borough."
The more i think of this and the timing, entering into a major recession,etc, the more I suspect outside forces as being involved.

Got it in one- namely the state, via their implanted spooks at a high level in the BNP, but subsequently expelled in December 2007, which is the date of this list

The reason? To set off left-right street battles, attacks on home addresses and property on both sides, and to deflect both sides into a tit for tat cycle of violence, which in today modern surveilance society will lead to mass nickings all round

And to deflect people from political activisties to which both sides can benefit- which the BNP are already doing (Winning in Boston last week) and the left could do if they could be arsed to stand for election
That list has around 500 names for london, yet the official membership figures for london in september was just over 900. That's nearly 100% growth in a year if true.

They got a huge boost in Membership since Barnbrook was elected in May- and have formed a heap more branches off the back of this, mainly in North and West London

Its one of the reasons why it can be proved this membership list is almost a year old
Got it in one- namely the state, via their implanted spooks at a high level in the BNP, but subsequently expelled in December 2007, which is the date of this list

The reason? To set off left-right street battles, attacks on home addresses and property on both sides, and to deflect both sides into a tit for tat cycle of violence, which in today modern surveilance society will lead to mass nickings all round

And to deflect people from political activisties to which both sides can benefit- which the BNP are already doing (Winning in Boston last week) and the left could do if they could be arsed to stand for election

A good conspiracy theory always adds to the fun in these situations, I find.
Also, as I've not been keeping uptodate with this thread, can someone confirm that we've agreed that people who eat breakfast in a morning are racists?
The tories have more female voters than male in the UK. Long term voter behaviour studies have shown this time and time again - Thatch, for example, won because she secured such a huge percentage of women's votes; again, Blair succeeded in the same way.


I wonder how old most of them are? Considering the tories attract a lot of older voters and men die before women, on average.
It's looking more and more like this isn't so much a membership list as it is a database of people the BNP used for begging-letter purposes. I just read the account of an ex-serviceman from Guernsey who paid out six pounds (18 years ago :eek:) during a BNP campaign calling for a pull-out of British Troops from Ireland.
they do the a-b thing nicely. Good for foot traffic. Bendy roads are for the oppressor fascists with their horseless carriages

Noooooo with bendy roads you can hide *just* round the corner and pull faces at them then run off. You'd not find a respectable oppressor facist on a bendy road.
It's looking more and more like this isn't so much a membership list as it is a database of people the BNP used for begging-letter purposes. I just read the account of an ex-serviceman from Guernsey who paid out six pounds (18 years ago :eek:) during a BNP campaign calling for a pull-out of British Troops from Ireland.

I think it's a genuine (if not updated or entirely 'truthful') membership list.
What a load of bollocks. The NF isn't the BNP for starters.

Clue me in then. In 1990, the date of the man's alleged contribution, were the NF and the BNP chummier than they are today? If not, how is it that a the personal details of man who donated a paltry sum to the NF that long ago appears on a current BNP membership list?

(I don't discount the possibility that this fellow's lying through his teeth to save his reputation, but from what I've been reading and from the accounts of two individuals I know personally, that list contains the names of a number of people who haven't had anything to do with the BNP in some time. Why, a number of people on it aren't even alive anymore.)
Clue me in then. In 1990, the date of the man's alleged contribution, were the NF and the BNP chummier than they are today? If not, how is it that a the personal details of man who donated a paltry sum to the NF that long ago appears on a current BNP membership list?

(I don't discount the possibility that this fellow's lying through his teeth to save his reputation, but from what I've been reading and from the accounts of two individuals I know personally, that list contains the names of a number of people who haven't had anything to do with the BNP in some time. Why, a number of people on it aren't even alive anymore.)

Chummy? No they were at war.

He's lying. How else would he be down as ex-serviceman, given he was serving as late as 1998.

And who is on it that's dead then?
That's one of the most rubbish defences I've seen for a while.

not half as rubbish as your having to make things up to 'show' you are right.

I'll make it very VERY simple for you, as you wont understand anything else.

Let, 'cultural mixing' be A, and 'problems' be B. We want to avoid 'problems'. So:

If A then B. If Not A, then B.

From that, and that alone, it is obvious that neither A nor Not A are any guide to avoiding B. Using either on its own, would be biased, and lead to an erroneous answer. Bias is a synonym for prejudice, is a synonym for bigotry. So, as a way of deciding how to avoid B, simply saying A then B, is bigotted.

Thank you, and good night.
not half as rubbish as your having to make things up to 'show' you are right.

I'll make it very VERY simple for you, as you wont understand anything else.

Let, 'cultural mixing' be A, and 'problems' be B. We want to avoid 'problems'. So:

If A then B. If Not A, then B.

From that, and that alone, it is obvious that neither A nor Not A are any guide to avoiding B. Using either on its own, would be biased, and lead to an erroneous answer. Bias is a synonym for prejudice, is a synonym for bigotry. So, as a way of deciding how to avoid B, simply saying A then B, is bigotted.

Thank you, and good night.

You haven't quite got it right. It should be: If A then B; If not A then C. Because the problems caused by "A" are not the same as the problems caused by "not A".

Just because my original statement (here it is in case you didn't read it properly the first time round):

On the other hand, the notion that mixing up different races (and in many cases but by no means all, this also means mixing up cultures) can cause problems is not fundamentally wrong - it can and does cause problems. It may well be that many people have a distorted view of how and to what extent it causes problems, and that the solutions to these problems offered by the BNP are not good ones, but you can't just write people who hold this view off as bigots, racists or supremacists. Some of them may be, of course, but not all of them. And the attitude where you do just write these people off, is exactly the kind of attitude which will only increase the extent to which they'll be attracted to parties like the BNP.

doesn't happen to mention C (on account of that not being the subject of that particular statement), doesn't mean that I am saying C isn't relevant.

And it doesn't mean that someone talking about problem B (which is what a BNP member is likely to focus upon) hasn't considered problem C.

It certainly doesn't falsify the statement "If A then B".

The relative significance of B and C is a subjective matter, as is the value of A (which is not a 0 or 1 value as you imply, it is a sliding scale value).

You might think C is more harmful than B, maybe I would agree. Someone else might not agree. And because it is something that no-one can scientifically prove, C vs B and the optimal value of A will always be a matter of debate. And that is why it is unfair to label someone who has a different opinion about that to you as bigotted.

Thank you and good night.
Oh, and the notion that anyone anywhere holds an opinion that isn't biased in some way is ludicrous.

Do you believe that none of your opinions on anything aren't in some way coloured by a bias?

If so, you're either superhuman or deluded. If not, then by your own standards you are a bigot.
"BNP mandate:


On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years.

To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.
- Rob, Ex-pat Brit living in Europe, 20/11/2008 10:31"
Oh the fuckin irony :D,some twat posted this on the comments section of a Daily Wail article about the BNP
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