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BNP membership list has been put online.

Not necessarily, but in practice they almost always go together. It's just possible to believe that there are cultures which when taken on their own are perfectly OK but which cause trouble when mixed together, but it's not a position you hear expressed very often. Almost always, the same people who say than culture A would cause problems if they were mixed with culture B are also saying there's something wrong with culture A and / or the people who compose it.

almost?? can you think of a single counter-example?
I have used statistical analysis, but I too wouldn't be daft enough to extrapolate such data as to your latter example.

Neither would I extrapolate data, with regards to your former point regarding Lancaster. My aim is not, as you assert to 'maximise the numbers who seem to have left', but rather to examine, and when necessary challenge who is more knowledgeable about the real figures of BNP membership?

Hill believes Griffin lied about the 10,000 membership claim. I tend to agree, however, I would disagree with Hill's suggestion that the BNP membership is about 6,000 now.

Their offically declared membership as of september was 9297.
He was quite desperately trying to put a good spin on events, claiming that the revelations showed what a diverse and well educated bunch they are.. yeah, I bet they're thrilled to be on so many new Christmas card lists....

.....and 'not just skinhead oiks', Griffin added. Piss off a few, who you just don't want to piss off, with that comment.
The more i think of this and the timing, entering into a major recession,etc, the more I suspect outside forces as being involved.
Lets start with some facts....

I am on the list.

I am not a BNP member.

I never have been a BNP member. So the article is incorrect and damaging to those on the list that are not members.

I was interested in the parties policies and so I registered, I decided not to join or vote for the BNP.

I looked into the policies our government has the mess the country is in and looked for answers.

So DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ its damaging and potentially this paper has put me in a very dangerous position.

from CIF
Yes it was, because it was based on the idea that one race was superior to the other.

The BNP, as far as I am aware, do not propose that non-"Britons" should be made to sit in a different part of the bus.

By BNP logic, white people should not have colonised Africa in the first place, I would presume.

oh dear, do you know what apartheid means? They explicitly did think blacks were technically equal, but only in their own 'countries'. The word just means seperateness
possibly... it's not he only possible outcome though is it, and the list will at least enable much better targeting of any attacks that do occur to avoid attacking innocent people.

with the info on that list it'd be incredibly easy to verify if the person being targeted still lived at a certain address, ensure children aren't present etc. to ensure that the wrong people aren't targeted by mistake.

without the list it's all based on hearsay and assumptions, so accidentally attacking the wrong people is much more likely to happen.


btw I'm not condoning or condemning the use of targeted violence against BNP activists here, just pointing out that publishing of the list should actually make any targeting much more accurate than it would have been in the past, and therefore reduce the chances of the wrong person being targeted - contrary to what several posters have been arguing / implying.

that postcode tracker is a different matter though as it makes no differentiation between activists and members or even exmembers.

This massive list being in the public domain and getting the publicity it has means vastly more people will see it than would ever hace got involved with anti-fascist activism. This means that there is a far greater risk that some pissed-off/pissed-up kids will decide to throw a brick through the window of the closest address to them.

In other words, while existing anti-facists might be able to 'refine' their information, a far greater number of non-anti-facists will be tempted to simply go and attack an address or named person that is close to them, without any more research at all.
Adding the list to Wikileaks brought the website down:

Wikileaks is overloaded by readers - looking for the BNP membership list

Judging by the media coverage in the United Kingdom, and by the large number of fruitless searches of this blog, the most popular WikiLeakS.org "leak" is currently that of about 12,800 names and addresses, and quite a few phone numbers, and email addresses of members of the British National Party.

I have used statistical analysis, but I too wouldn't be daft enough to extrapolate such data as to your latter example.
glad to hear it
Neither would I extrapolate data, with regards to your former point regarding Lancaster. My aim is not, as you assert to 'maximise the numbers who seem to have left', but rather to examine, and when necessary challenge who is more knowledgeable about the real figures of BNP membership?

Hill believes Griffin lied about the 10,000 membership claim. I tend to agree, however, I would disagree with Hill's suggestion that the BNP membership is about 6,000 now.

but now you're contradicting yourself. Hill used his date to claim a membership of only 6k, butch came along pointed out that Hills methodology (if you can call his one daft assumption a methodology) was nonsense, and that the figure was much higher. Actually counting up the membersshowed butch was far far closer than Hill. So, you were simply wrong to assume that Hill was more knowledgeable than butch (or anyone with half a brain really) in this case.
That list has around 500 names for london, yet the official membership figures for london in september was just over 900. That's nearly 100% growth in a year if true.
That the whole stunt was engineered by Searchlight/M15 in order to try and stymie the potential flood of recruits from the near defunct UKIP demonstrates the desperate and short term nature of the 'anti-fascist

Yes Joe, it's all a conspiracy.

Some on the right are claiming it was Mossad inspired.

Could it just be that the BNP cocked up?
Are you trying to tell me that the regime in apartheid-era South Africa was not a white supremacist one?

are you being deliberately disingenuous?

YOU claimed that the policy of 'separateness' was different to racism, I said that it was exactly the same thing in practise, as shown by South Africa. If you accept that SA was clearly a racist state, which you obviously do, then you should accept that the BNP policy you said wasn't necessarily racist, actually is.
are you being deliberately disingenuous?

YOU claimed that the policy of 'separateness' was different to racism, I said that it was exactly the same thing in practise, as shown by South Africa. If you accept that SA was clearly a racist state, which you obviously do, then you should accept that the BNP policy you said wasn't necessarily racist, actually is.

What I was trying to say is that if you believe that problems can arise from too much cultural/racial mixing, it does not necessarily follow that you consider one culture/race to be superior to another.
I hope people dont use this leak to make bad assumptions about the level of support for the BNP. We can see that there arent too many people willing to be active members, but there are so many more who will vote for them.

There are only about 30 people on the leaked list from my area. In my area in this years council elections, the BNP fielded 12 candidates, and won 2 council seats. 35763 people voted in total, and 5948 of those were votes for the BNP.
I'm uneasy about the concatenation of 'cultural' and 'racial' . . :hmm:

Yes, so am I. They are obviously not the same thing and this is why much of what the BNP proposes doesn't make much sense and would be virtually impossible to enforce.

The fact is, though, that many people tempted to vote for them aren't able to see this.
glad to hear it

but now you're contradicting yourself. Hill used his date to claim a membership of only 6k, butch came along pointed out that Hills methodology (if you can call his one daft assumption a methodology) was nonsense, and that the figure was much higher. Actually counting up the membersshowed butch was far far closer than Hill. So, you were simply wrong to assume that Hill was more knowledgeable than butch (or anyone with half a brain really) in this case.

No I'm not contradicting myself.

This is the one and only post on that subject from the Chief Power Ranger and like many of his posts entirely cryptic.

There are many reasons why "the Lancaster area is any different from any other".

Just as an aside, Red Ranger :D also assumed wrongly, that this membership list didn't exist and that it was just 'shit-stirring'.

But there you go, we can't all be right.
Sonia Gable was on Channel 4 news saying it was wrong that the list was published as it was. Not that it was leaked mind you.
What I was trying to say is that if you believe that problems can arise from too much cultural/racial mixing, it does not necessarily follow that you consider one culture/race to be superior to another.

a - racism is not simply the statement that you think one race is superior to another

b - despite that, that notion of 'superiority' would follow in, something like, 99% of examples.
Griffin to be interviewed now on Ch4 News against a NUT Teachers Union leader who wants all BNP members sacked, result for Griffin?
No I'm not contradicting myself.

This is the one and only post on that subject from the Chief Power Ranger and like many of his posts entirely cryptic.

Just as an aside, Red Ranger :D also assumed wrongly, that this membership list didn't exist and that it was just 'shit-stirring'.

But there you go, we can't all be right.
what does the second part have to do with anything?

your first part is bollocks as well, you were clearly agreeing with Hill, and are now shown to be totally wrong. But whatever, you keep on thinking you have been right in everything you ever have said, or will say.
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