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BNP membership list has been put online.

a 14 year old kid being beated by 'red fascists' is not a good advert for the left and is morally reprehensible.
LOL! my miserable cunt of a neighbour from when I lived in Epping is on that list. :D

God, I hated that fucking cunt!
Although it may be impossible with the list being plastered over the interweb now, I think the best course of action is for those on the left to distance themselves from it and let the BNP stew in their own filthy juices. Griffin's already admitted it was probably a disgruntled ex-employee what leaked it - nowt to do with any of their opponents. (Think he missed a trick by not at least trying to attribute it to the lefties, but I think the dude's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.)
Nope, and if I saw it I'd step in and (try to) stop it, but if it was reported I wouldn't shed a tear. No it isn't consistent, but then everyone's allowed the occassional inconsistency, no?

Depends what you're being inconsistent about I suppose, but not condemning violence against innocent people, who may be too young to know any different, is most likely not one of the better ones. Worse still they might get entirely the wrong person. Still, once you've mentally opened the door to violence as a tool of problem solving, you have to reap the consequences.
You're strawmanning me. All I said was I wouldn't shed a tear over it happening - not showing remorse isn't the same as not saying it's wrong (which it is), or showing support for something.

You know my views on this, you also know my views on the cycle of violence, revolutions and how non-violence is the only way society will ever, ever change long term - but that doesn't change the way that I would feel (not think, not asses, have an emtional reaction) knowing that some scum BNP family - and their kids won't be wide eyed innocents either, by 10 they'll know how to hate - know what terror is, know what it is to be scared to leave your house. Maybe then a few of the pricks would think twice about dropping shit through people's letterboxs, from graffiting walls, for yelling abuse at people when they take their kids to school - maybe even realising that teaching your kids to beat the crap out of people for having brown skins is wrong.

A Merseyside officer was allegedly named in a list of 12,000 party members published on a blog.

Serving officers are banned from joining the far-right party.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is expecting a referral from the force later today, a spokesman said.

It would then decide whether there were grounds for an investigation.
I've not noticed any investigations, panel enquiries or targetting of alleged sympathisers to date. I haven't noticed anyone being put in prison as a result of the furore to date. Has the UK government set up anything similar to HUAC yet? Not that I've noticed. Come on, you can do better than this.

Of course none of this is happening at the moment. But some of the comments on this thread suggest that people would like to see people (and their families) harassed (potentially physically) or sacked from their jobs simply because of their political views. In fact, not even because of their political views, simply because they are a member of a legitimate political organisation.

That a large number of people seem to hold this view I find disappointing and worrying, and I don't think it's invalid to compare it with McCarthyism.
These people deserved to be named and shamed. The inclusion of their jobs and hobbies only further goes to show that racism is a disease that has infected many different types of people. Racism is not a valid political stance and cannot be tolerated or allowed. Let's hope that this goes some way to stamping it out and wiping the BNP off our countries political conscience. I for one am sickened by it's existence. All men are my brothers, regardless of colour or beliefs. No, the BNP do not have rights. Justice and dignity for all. For the BNP members, this means correction and education.

Why not send them to re-education camps, like this poster on CIF demands, tthis poster on CIF alarms me as much as the BNP, he or she sounds like a zealot who would do anything to purge us of our sins.
Of course none of this is happening at the moment. But some of the comments on this thread suggest that people would like to see people (and their families) harassed (potentially physically) or sacked from their jobs simply because of their political views. In fact, not even because of their political views, simply because they are a member of a legitimate political organisation.

That a large number of people seem to hold this view I find disappointing and worrying, and I don't think it's invalid to compare it with McCarthyism.

It stems from the same root, and it's always good to find the authoritarians (altho as has been suggested elsewhere, a cross reference with statements about privacy campaign, tho somewhat McCarthyite itself, would be interesting) BUT it's not HUAC by a long, long shot.
Of course none of this is happening at the moment. But some of the comments on this thread suggest that people would like to see people (and their families) harassed (potentially physically) or sacked from their jobs simply because of their political views. In fact, not even because of their political views, simply because they are a member of a legitimate political organisation.

That a large number of people seem to hold this view I find disappointing and worrying, and I don't think it's invalid to compare it with McCarthyism.
No, I think it is quite invalid. You're not mentioning that these political views they hold are probably racist. Prejudices based on skin colour or nationality. For people who work in the police, I would have thought racism might have an adverse effect on other people's lives. If you hold these sort of extreme views then I don't think it's unreasonable to be asked to leave your job. How on earth could a policeman carry out an investigation objectively if he already holds this prejudice?

The question of whether the BNP is a legitimate political organisation is somewhat debatable, too.

Look, it's clear that there are some shaky grounds that people are using this list on, but I think it's morally reprehensible to defend these people who themselves are morally deficient by virtue of their membership with this party. And you really should not compare to this McCarthyism - you're either being slightly hyperbolic or showing a lack of understanding of what the term means.
some of this is well out of date, I don't think Roy James is still a member, in fact i think he changed his views after many arguments/debates on local discussions sites
while people across the net are creaming themselves about the list, (especially on indymedia, which is now a joke) the issues that have allowed the BNP to grow and which have largely been ignored by the left and civil society still fester and accumulate.
You're strawmanning me. All I said was I wouldn't shed a tear over it happening - not showing remorse isn't the same as not saying it's wrong (which it is), or showing support for something.

Im not strawmanning you at all. You have repeated twice that if you found out an innocent person was hurt as a result of an attack against someone on that list that you "wouldn't shed a tear" or 'wouldn't show any remorse'.

I guarantee that most people who have given up the BNP and have seen the error of their ways have not done so as a result of a beating. What is more I doubt that their kids would be liable to change their views as a result of seeing their Dad beaten up.

Conversely some children can think for themselves and therefore differently to their relatives and should not be the target of violence for simply being related to a BNP member.
Does that postcode finder work for people? It's showing surprisingly few people near me considering I'm on the edge of Bermondsey.
It stems from the same root, and it's always good to find the authoritarians (altho as has been suggested elsewhere, a cross reference with statements about privacy campaign, tho somewhat McCarthyite itself, would be interesting) BUT it's not HUAC by a long, long shot.
I'm a little torn on this one, as I'm one of those who believes that we should have stronger privacy laws.

On the other hand, I consider the BNP to be my enemy, pure and simple. As such, I'd use info I had on them if I could, regardless of the legality of it. I have a lot of sympathy for Butchersapron's suggestion on another thread that he would not have made the list public, but that he would have made use of it. I can't say I give a shit that some people might lose their jobs over this. Good. Stupid racist cunts.
Of course none of this is happening at the moment. But some of the comments on this thread suggest that people would like to see people (and their families) harassed (potentially physically) or sacked from their jobs simply because of their political views. In fact, not even because of their political views, simply because they are a member of a legitimate political organisation.

That a large number of people seem to hold this view I find disappointing and worrying, and I don't think it's invalid to compare it with McCarthyism.
I do. This is (probably) a one-off event, that appears to have caused some embarassment and possibly a couple of coppers to lose their jobs at worst/best (however you want to frame it). Whatever people on here say they feel about the people on the list is essentially meaningless, unless we find out that any kind of direct action has occured by a poster here. And i'm not so sure its that easy to separate out "political views" from "membership of a political organisation", when the two are so very intertwined in the case of "extreme" politics.

Don't forget also, for eg, that elements of the far-right have been pushing things like Redwatch for a long while, promising all kinds of retribution against "left-sympathising" people (many of whom are simply attending demonstrations) with pictures, names and addresses printed. Where does activity like that sit with your rather grand allusions to McCarthyism, a program that lasted for years and which questioned people's patriotism and used demagoguery as its basis, much in the way that the BNP actually frame their public policies?
Not as scary as the amount of people who think that racism is a legitimate response to their social concerns. For fuck sake people, you think they "don't know any better"? How fucking patronising can you be, of course people know what the BNP are and what they stand for. You think teenagers don't understand racism? I knew racism was wrong when I was ateenager, and when I joined in with white, asian, black and jewish kids to stop c18 youths attacking us by uniting en masse and defending ourselves where necessary. Each and every person on this list has joined a party who seek to scapegoat ethnic minorities for the problems of society. That's the truth. Whether they beleive in using violence or the law (which becomes violence if anyone tries to resist), well, who knows that. But each person on that list is a cowardly ignorant shitehawk who will quite happily unleash the power of the state against us, our friends, our families, our communities. You want to defend their rights to work towards dragging our brothers and sisters out of their bed and ship them off to homes they've never known, then you're as bad as them. Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue. Stop hugging nazis, mollycoddling them as if they're some sort of child that can't make up it's own mind. they have eyes and brains and that's all you need to know that racial discrimination is a cunt's game. Fuck 'em.
while people across the net are creaming themselves about the list, (especially on indymedia, which is now a joke) the issues that have allowed the BNP to grow and which have largely been ignored by the left and civil society still fester and accumulate.

Just because the left has nothing to offer anymore doesn;t mean that racism is acceptable.
Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue.
Yep. I have to say, in this case, bollocks to consistency.

However much you refine the law, there will always be cases where people who agree with that law in principle feel that there is a greater principle at stake and take the unilateral decision to break the law.

It's called having a conscience.
No, but i wonder what people would think if a list of the membership of the more extreme Islamic Fundamentalist groups in the UK was leaked, some of these deny the holocaust for example, i hate double standards..
No, but i wonder what people would think if a list of the membership of the more extreme Islamic Fundamentalist groups in the UK was leaked, some of these deny the holocaust for example, i hate double standards..
I would think the same way.

I think we need some clarity here. This is not a list of BNP voters (who maybe, just maybe, are no worse than misguided idiots). This is a list of BNP members, who are, to a man or woman, utter cunts.
Yep. I have to say, in this case, bollocks to consistency.

However much you refine the law, there will always be cases where people who agree with that law in principle feel that there is a greater principle at stake and take the unilateral decision to break the law.

It's called having a conscience.


Perhaps there are elements of what someone could try and turn into 'hypocrisy'. It'd be a wanker's argument and i really don't care.
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