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BNP membership list has been put online.

Not as scary as the amount of people who think that racism is a legitimate response to their social concerns. For fuck sake people, you think they "don't know any better"? How fucking patronising can you be, of course people know what the BNP are and what they stand for. You think teenagers don't understand racism? I knew racism was wrong when I was ateenager, and when I joined in with white, asian, black and jewish kids to stop c18 youths attacking us by uniting en masse and defending ourselves where necessary. Each and every person on this list has joined a party who seek to scapegoat ethnic minorities for the problems of society. That's the truth. Whether they beleive in using violence or the law (which becomes violence if anyone tries to resist), well, who knows that. But each person on that list is a cowardly ignorant shitehawk who will quite happily unleash the power of the state against us, our friends, our families, our communities. You want to defend their rights to work towards dragging our brothers and sisters out of their bed and ship them off to homes they've never known, then you're as bad as them. Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue. Stop hugging nazis, mollycoddling them as if they're some sort of child that can't make up it's own mind. they have eyes and brains and that's all you need to know that racial discrimination is a cunt's game. Fuck 'em.


what i meant was scary was that postacode thing...that:

a)there's BNPers in the most unlikely places. and theres lots of 'em

b) its also scary how quickly easy technology can be used to produce this kinda thing.
Not as scary as the amount of people who think that racism is a legitimate response to their social concerns. For fuck sake people, you think they "don't know any better"? How fucking patronising can you be, of course people know what the BNP are and what they stand for. You think teenagers don't understand racism? I knew racism was wrong when I was ateenager, and when I joined in with white, asian, black and jewish kids to stop c18 youths attacking us by uniting en masse and defending ourselves where necessary. Each and every person on this list has joined a party who seek to scapegoat ethnic minorities for the problems of society. That's the truth. Whether they beleive in using violence or the law (which becomes violence if anyone tries to resist), well, who knows that. But each person on that list is a cowardly ignorant shitehawk who will quite happily unleash the power of the state against us, our friends, our families, our communities. You want to defend their rights to work towards dragging our brothers and sisters out of their bed and ship them off to homes they've never known, then you're as bad as them. Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue. Stop hugging nazis, mollycoddling them as if they're some sort of child that can't make up it's own mind. they have eyes and brains and that's all you need to know that racial discrimination is a cunt's game. Fuck 'em.


what people would think if a list of the membership of the more extreme Islamic Fundamentalist groups in the UK was leaked, some of these deny the holocaust for example

I'd think it was a very good thing, a cunt is a cunt, no matter what side of the fence they're on.
Bring it on, always good to be able to identify these idiots. Personally I reckon that once you're working to institutionalise discrimination you're fair game. The fundies are a little different, as they're not seeking political power, they're just an isolated gang of nutters. But hell, let's have their names, and where we can find them. Perhaps if we give them the BNP's details, and the BNP their details, the rest of us can sit back and enjoy them killing each other.
That is some number, much more than than all the far left combined and quite unerving.

btw, surprised at you, KS, you gonna DO THE BEATING?

any chance of you coming back on the points put to you TL? An explanation of what you meant by 'abandoning principles'??

some of this is well out of date, I don't think Roy James is still a member, in fact i think he changed his views after many arguments/debates on local discussions sites

the list says he isn't renewing already, because of the treatment of another member, not because of any discussions on the sheffieldforum
Just out of interest has such a leak ever occurred in other countries? , eg France and the FN, and what was the response. I think you have to accept there will always be people with reprehensible views, how you deal with that is another question.,
Just out of interest has such a leak ever occurred in other countries? , eg France and the FN, and what was the response. I think you have to accept there will always be people with reprehensible views, how you deal with that is another question.,
What do you mean by 'have to accept'?
What do you mean by 'have to accept'?

What it says, that some people wil have disgusting beliefs, values, etc, and that the far left with its vision of the perfect 'new man after socialism' needs to acknowledge this. In fact how it would/does deal with that defines it as an ideology.
b) its also scary how quickly easy technology can be used to produce this kinda thing.

Why scary? All it's doing is cross tabbing a database, happens all the time, every day. Hell I do it in my job when I'm correcting duplicate medical records and have to look up an address using house number & postcode.
i've read somewhere that it is not a full list and that there is another one (presumably not released) for people who qualify for concessions. Not sure if this is true however.
there are many people on there who (seemingly) qualify for concessions, so that probably aint true
Not as scary as the amount of people who think that racism is a legitimate response to their social concerns. For fuck sake people, you think they "don't know any better"? How fucking patronising can you be, of course people know what the BNP are and what they stand for. You think teenagers don't understand racism? I knew racism was wrong when I was ateenager, and when I joined in with white, asian, black and jewish kids to stop c18 youths attacking us by uniting en masse and defending ourselves where necessary. Each and every person on this list has joined a party who seek to scapegoat ethnic minorities for the problems of society. That's the truth. Whether they beleive in using violence or the law (which becomes violence if anyone tries to resist), well, who knows that. But each person on that list is a cowardly ignorant shitehawk who will quite happily unleash the power of the state against us, our friends, our families, our communities. You want to defend their rights to work towards dragging our brothers and sisters out of their bed and ship them off to homes they've never known, then you're as bad as them. Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue. Stop hugging nazis, mollycoddling them as if they're some sort of child that can't make up it's own mind. they have eyes and brains and that's all you need to know that racial discrimination is a cunt's game. Fuck 'em.

Good post

I would think the same way.

I think we need some clarity here. This is not a list of BNP voters (who maybe, just maybe, are no worse than misguided idiots). This is a list of BNP members, who are, to a man or woman, utter cunts.

Yrep - totally agree with you
Why scary? All it's doing is cross tabbing a database, happens all the time, every day. Hell I do it in my job when I'm correcting duplicate medical records and have to look up an address using house number & postcode.

is also scary....

(I don't mean that these things aren't useful...)
not as scary as the amount of people who think that racism is a legitimate response to their social concerns. For fuck sake people, you think they "don't know any better"? How fucking patronising can you be, of course people know what the bnp are and what they stand for. You think teenagers don't understand racism? I knew racism was wrong when i was ateenager, and when i joined in with white, asian, black and jewish kids to stop c18 youths attacking us by uniting en masse and defending ourselves where necessary. Each and every person on this list has joined a party who seek to scapegoat ethnic minorities for the problems of society. That's the truth. Whether they beleive in using violence or the law (which becomes violence if anyone tries to resist), well, who knows that. But each person on that list is a cowardly ignorant shitehawk who will quite happily unleash the power of the state against us, our friends, our families, our communities. You want to defend their rights to work towards dragging our brothers and sisters out of their bed and ship them off to homes they've never known, then you're as bad as them. Yeah, yeah, issues of consistency etc etc, but when these cunts are involved consistency is not the big issue. Stop hugging nazis, mollycoddling them as if they're some sort of child that can't make up it's own mind. They have eyes and brains and that's all you need to know that racial discrimination is a cunt's game. Fuck 'em.

*stands up and applauds*
well, thanks for that hyper-intelligent comment, most astute.

What do you want when the thread is dominated by Trots and anarchos who seem to genuinely believe they have arguments that are in any way relevant to ordinary working people, and posturing would-be street soldiers of the type that think the BPP (or whatever it's calling itself these days) is a bona fide fascist organisation and Redwatch a 'fascist hitlist'?
with your humungous brain and superior insight, one might hope for something more than 'you're all shit you are'
What do you want when the thread is dominated by Trots and anarchos who seem to genuinely believe they have arguments that are in any way relevant to ordinary working people, and posturing would-be street soldiers of the type that think the BPP (or whatever it's calling itself these days) is a bona fide fascist organisation and Redwatch a 'fascist hitlist'?

I'm neither a Trot nor an anarcho and I still think that's bollocks, and it's profoundly depressing to see how many stupid liberals there are here drawing some sort of a moral equivalence between Redwatch and this.

When those who appear on Redwatch are members of a violent, racist, anti-democratic organisation then there might be some merit in the argument, but they aren't and there isn't. What's been leaked is, as bluestreak points out, not just a list of armchair sympathisers but members and activists. Cunts, the lot of them.

Maybe there's something in the argument a few people have put forward that this list could have been better used to damage the BNP if it hadn't been leaked. I don't know, and the fact is that the leak has happened.

One of the news websites last night talked about a 'climate of fear' among BNP members. Good - I've no sympathy. A whole lot of people fear them and their rise to prominence, and with good reason. Some of them think they're going to lose their jobs. Again, why should I care? Fuck the lot of them.

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