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BNP membership list has been put online.

The best part of all this is all the infighting it's caused with the fascists. Looks like Griffin's in serious shit :D
This is a hypocrisy bonus all round. Hypocrisy from the BNP for keeping overly detailed records on their members (which the DPO has said it will be investigating), hypocrisy of the BNP using the HRA to get distribution of the list shut down, and hypocrisy of anyone who's ever cried about privacy and the govt now crowing about how righteous this whole situation is.

It's a rollicking laugh, and no mistake.

Now, I hold that BNP members have their right to privacy same as anyone else, especially if this was indeed based around theft and released via an ex-member, however, I'm not going to shed any tears over the fuckers being exposed tho - perhaps political party membership should be publicly available knowledge?
Heh pretty much. You know someone just said to me that this will have a bigger impact on the them than 30 years of anti-fascist work...

What a joke. This is a huge own goal. First of all the membership figures are about 25% higher than any previous estimates. Secondly the breakdown displays the broad social make-up of the membership. Something the BNP have themselves been keen to emphasise, but many doubted. Thirdly, nothing will happen to the overwhelming majority of those listed, (apart from anonymous phone calls/o emails 'when the revolution comes, you will be the first...') which exposes the weaknesss of the opposition. Plus the BNP will get another welcome shot in the arm in terms of publicity. BNP members have for example been on Radio Five live all morning expanding on their reasons for joining BNP and why this makes them more determined and so on. Finally the whole affair locks the BNP into the position of 'radical alternative' in the public mind. That the whole stunt was engineered by Searchlight/M15 in order to try and stymie the potential flood of recruits from the near defunct UKIP demonstrates the desperate and short term nature of the 'anti-fascist
I'm not going to shed any tears over the fuckers being exposed tho - perhaps political party membership should be publicly available knowledge?

Even if one of them were to be subject to harassment/attack on them or perhaps more importantly, their family?
I wouldn't shed a tear over the issue, no - altho any anti-fash or anyone else who resorts to using the same tactics and methods as the BNP are equally scummy IMV.
In what way is it not McCarthyism in reverse?
Well, Mccarthyism was a devastating and vicious set of attacks by govt-backed institutions which had the power to remove people from mainstream society.

This is a list of addresses of a bunch of racists made public.

If it means a few racist policemen lose their lobs because of it, then so be it, the police will be better off as a result.
In what way is it not McCarthyism in reverse?
I've not noticed any investigations, panel enquiries or targetting of alleged sympathisers to date. I haven't noticed anyone being put in prison as a result of the furore to date. Has the UK government set up anything similar to HUAC yet? Not that I've noticed. Come on, you can do better than this.
I wouldn't shed a tear over the issue, no - altho any anti-fash or anyone else who resorts to using the same tactics and methods as the BNP are equally scummy IMV.

So if a 10 year old child were to get beaten up because his parents are a member of thr BNP you "wouldn't shed a tear?"
as someone who was 'identified and outed' on the opposite end of the spectrum and faced all the threats these people will recieve (alluded to by Darios), i feel pretty uncomfortable with this gadarene rush to name names without considering the consequences. Many people may lose jobs over this, homes will be attacked, children bullied in school, ok you say, but one day, it may be the left who are the victims of such leaks and 'identified' It is also incredible how many of those who bleat constantly about intrusion of privacy, personal dat, are so quick to abandon principles.

Thanks for speaking out TL.

So if a 10 year old child were to get beaten up because his parents are a member of thr BNP you "wouldn't shed a tear?"

Personally no, because I know 2 famlilies whose under-10s were harrassed by a couple of BNP members and they had no compunctions about violence being done to the kids in these two families. Live by the sword, die by the sword, however I wouldn't be praising those antifash who beat up on little kids or encouraged anyone to use BNP harrasment tactics either.
So Belboid, what's your plan for the "140/150" members in Sheffield?

Letter writing campaign? Phone calls? Lose them their jobs? House visits?
There may be some irony but it's not necessarily hypocritical. They are just using the tools available to them, surely. It's certainly no more hypocritical than anyone in favour of the Human Rights act supporting and aiding the leak of the information.

but they want it repealed! surely you can see that they are showing themselves up for the sadcase 2 faced twisted childish fucks that they are? :confused:
Personally no, because I know 2 famlilies whose under-10s were harrassed by a couple of BNP members and they had no compunctions about violence being done to the kids in these two families. Live by the sword, die by the sword, however I wouldn't be praising those antifash who beat up on little kids or encouraged anyone to use BNP harrasment tactics either.

And so it begins.........
Several things

Whoever leaked the uncensored list is unhinged- and psychotic. They know full well that while organised militant antifascist groups like Antifa would not go round beating up 14 year old fash at their home addresses, some less disciplined individuals would.

From the date of the list- tail end of 2007 its pretty clear who the leakers were- and they clearly are more interested in saving their own butts in the court case against them on 6th December than the personal security of their erstwhile comrades. The case was all about the return on membership lists they nicked last year, and now the lists are in the public domain, they can hand back the lists, and still access them on the sites they are now posted on.

One question. Will this help, or hinder, the BNPs support amoung the voting public. Will this stop BNP Votes like the 42% they polled in Boston last week?
Will this stop they getting into Europe, and winning county council seats in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Warwickshire next year? And where is the working class policial alternative to stop them?.
there are some complex issues surrounding this, some of the points raised in opposition to the distribution of the list do have some merit.

but, you know what?

Fuck 'em.

I've been trying to think about my response to the leak of the list and tbh this is the closet I can get.

On the one hand I think people should have the right to privacy and I could be persuaded that it shouldn't have been leaked but on the other hand that would be rather hypocritical as I am currently perusing the list and thinking "you fascist fuckers"
So Belboid, what's your plan for the "140/150" members in Sheffield?

That is some number, much more than than all the far left combined and quite unerving.

btw, surprised at you, KS, you gonna DO THE BEATING?
Nope, and if I saw it I'd step in and (try to) stop it, but if it was reported I wouldn't shed a tear. No it isn't consistent, but then everyone's allowed the occassional inconsistency, no?
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